0.1.38 • Published 3 years ago

@react-app-cli/core v0.1.38

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Last release
3 years ago

React App Cli (@react-app-cli/core)


To increase your productivity in React projects and stop copying-pasting files or folders each time you want to create a new component.

You can run it using npx:

  npx @react-app-cli/core create component --name Button --type common

or add into your project:

  yarn add --dev @react-app-cli/core
  yarn react-app-cli create component --name Button --type common

(npx is a package runner tool that comes with npm 5.2+)

Config File

When you run react-app-cli within your project and wanna use custom settings create a ".react-cli.json" config file.

Example of the .react-cli.json config file:

  "baseUrl": "./src",
  "ignoreTypes": false,
  "layers": {
    "dataAccess": "data-access",
    "domain": "domain",
    "dto": "dto",
    "entity": "domain/<name>/entity",
    "presenter": "presentation/presenter",
    "repository": "domain/<name>/repository",
    "service": "domain/<name>/service",
    "ui": "presentation/ui"
  "naming": {
    "component": ".component",
    "styles": ".styles",
    "typings": ".typings"
  "styles": "styled",
  "typescript": true
  • baseUrl - application entry point;
  • naming - files pre-extension;
  • layer - application layers;
  • ignoreTypes - unchangeable;
  • styles - styles types generating:
    • Variants: css | less | scss | styled;
  • typescript - using ts in project.

React App Commands

Option legends:

  • <option name> - required;
  • [option name] - optional.

Create Component Command

To create a component at the ui layer of your application, you should use:

react-app-cli create component --name <name> --type [type] [--ignoreTypes]

cmpt is the shorthand for the component


  • --name, -n - component name (will converted to kebab-case for file naming);
  • --type, -t - component types:
    • Variants - common, modules, pages. Also you can use custom type as path to component like route/user/components will be created in <ui layer>/route/user/components;
    • Default - <ui layer>/components;
  • --ignoreTypes, -it - ignore typings files.


React App Cli is Open Source software licensed as MIT.