0.1.0 • Published 5 years ago

@react-forms/validations v0.1.0

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5 years ago

React Forms

npm version


To install:

yarn add @react-forms/core
# or
npm install --save @react-forms/core


There's a lot of other form libraries out there. Most of them are bloated, unintutive, and overcomplicated. Some of them are even built around violating core design principles of the frameworks they work with (looking at you redux-form!). Forms used to be easy, and react-forms seeks to bring things back. React forms has:

  • 🚀 Zero dependencies in the core
  • 🤤 Dead simple API
  • ⚡️ Lightning fast execution
  • 🔧 Maximum extensibility

react-forms was built with good form design in mind, and will help you build better, more consistent forms in a fraction of the time.


Component documentation and interactive examples can be found here.


  • @react-forms/validations: some simple field validations to get you started

A Simple Form

Creating a form with react-forms is dead simple:

import React from "react";
import { Form, Field } from "@react-froms/core";
import { isRequired, isEmail } from "@react-forms/validations";

class MyCoolForm extends React.Component {
  onSubmit(event, shouldSubmit, errors, values) {
    if (shouldSubmit) {
      alert("Looks good to me!");

  render() {
        "first-name": {
          validations: [isRequired]
        "last-name": {
          validations: [isRequired]
        email: {
          validations: [isRequired, isEmail]
      formProps={{ action: "/", method: "post" }}
      <Field.Input name="first-name" label="First Name" />
      <Field.Input name="last-name" label="Last Name" />
      <Field.Input name="email" label="Email" />
      <Field.Submit text="Submit" />

Custom Fields

For convenience, react-forms provides a built-in Field component that is easily stylized and suitable for most use cases. However, there may be scenarios where it just doesn't cut it. Luckily, creating a custom field is easy! react-forms leverages React's new context API, so all you need to do is have your custom field subscribe to it. A helper has been provided for convenience:

import * as React from "react";
import { withForm } from "@react-forms/core";

class MyCoolField extends React.Component {
  render() {
    const { errors, inputProps } = this.props;
    return <input {...inputProps} />;

export default withForm(MyCoolField);

See, easy! its very important to note that in the above example, the input element is given all attributes of this.props.inputProps. These props contain things like on change handlers and such that react-forms needs on its fields to function properly. Overriding attributes from inputProps is easy too though:

import * as React from "react";
import { withForm } from "@react-forms/core";

class MyCoolField extends React.Component {
  _myCoolOnChangeMethod = value => {
    const { onChange } = this.props.inputProps;
    console.log("Look at me doing extra stuff 😎");

  render() {
    const { inputProps, errors } = this.props;
    return <input {...inputProps} onChange={this._myCoolOnChangeMethod} />;



react-forms is meant to handle your forms' logic, not their styling. However, react-forms maintains logical css class names so you can quickly style things using your favorite tools. The general structure of react-forms Field components are as follows:

<div class="Field [Field--invalid]">
  <label className="Field__Label"></label>
  <input className="Field__Input" />
  <ul className="Field__ErrorList">
    <li className="Field__ErrorList__Error"></li>

react-forms also passes down css classnames, so you can CSS-in-JS libraries like styled-components to extend them. Here's an example of applying some quick styling:

const MyCustomField = styled(Field)`
  // give the input a red border when invalid
  .Field--invalid .Field__Input {
    border: 1px solid red;

Developing Locally

If you'd like to build and develop this project locally, just pull down the repo, build the libraries, and run the sandbox:

# Build everything
yarn build

# Watch packages being developed
yarn core:dev

# Start the sandbpx
yarn sandbox:dev