4.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

@react-vertex/geometry-hooks v4.0.0

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3 years ago


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Documentation and Examples

React hooks for working with geometries in React Vertex. This package contains ports of the code from THREE.js that generates the indices, vertices, normals and uvs for various geometry types.

Install via npm:
npm install @react-vertex/geometry-hooks
import {



} from '@react-vertex/geometry-hooks'

boxGeometry(width?, height?, depth?, wCount?, hCount?, dCount?) => object

useBoxGeometry(width?, height?, depth?, wCount?, hCount?, dCount?) => object

useBoxElements(width?, height?, depth?, wCount?, hCount?, dCount?) => object

React hooks and a pure function for working with box geometries. boxGeometry is a regular pure function (not a hook) that returns the raw indices, vertices, normals and uvs. useBoxGeometry returns the same thing as boxGeometry but can be used as a hook to memoize the generation of the data. useBoxElements is a convenience hook that will create all the buffers and attributes needed to draw the geometry into the scene.


width (optional): A number for the width of the box (defaults to 1).

height (optional): A number for the height of the box (defaults to 1).

depth (optional): A number for the depth of the box (defaults to 1).

wCount (optional): Number of segments for the width (defaults to 1).

hCount (optional): Number of segments for the height (defaults to 1).

dCount (optional): Number of segments for the depth (defaults to 1).

Return Values:

boxGeometry => { indices, vertices, normals, uvs }

useBoxGeometry => { indices, vertices, normals, uvs }

useBoxElements => { index, count, attributes, drawElements }

Example Usage:
import React, { Fragment } from 'react'
import { useVector3 } from '@react-vertex/math-hooks'
import { useBoxElements } from '@react-vertex/geometry-hooks'

function Boxes() {
  const boxElements = useBoxElements(10, 10, 10)

  const p1 = useVector3(10, 0, 0)
  const p2 = useVector3(20, 0, 0)
  const p3 = useVector3(30, 0, 0)
  const p4 = useVector3(40, 0, 0)

  return (
      <geometry position={p1} {...boxElements} />
      <geometry position={p2} {...boxElements} />
      <geometry position={p3} {...boxElements} />
      <geometry position={p4} {...boxElements} />
import React, { Fragment, useMemo } from 'react'
import { useVector3 } from '@react-vertex/math-hooks'
import { useBoxGeometry } from '@react-vertex/geometry-hooks'
import { useWebGLContext, useStaticBuffer, useAttribute } from '@react-vertex/core'

// NOTE: This is exactly equivalent to the above example.
// More advanced users can see here how to access the attributes, buffers, etc.
// All the geometries work in exactly the same way.

function Boxes() {
  const geometry = useBoxGeometry(10, 10, 10)

  // this is what "useBoxElements" does internally...
  const gl = useWebGLContext()

  const positionBuffer = useStaticBuffer(gl, geometry.vertices, false, 'F32')
  const position = useAttribute(gl, 3, positionBuffer)

  const normalBuffer = useStaticBuffer(gl, geometry.normals, false, 'F32')
  const normal = useAttribute(gl, 3, normalBuffer)

  const uvBuffer = useStaticBuffer(gl, geometry.uvs, false, 'F32')
  const uv = useAttribute(gl, 2, uvBuffer)

  const indexBuffer = useStaticBuffer(gl, geometry.indices, true, 'U16')

  const boxElements = useMemo(
    () => ({
      index: indexBuffer,
      attributes: { position, normal, uv },
      drawElements: { mode: 'TRIANGLES', count: geometry.indices.length },
    [indexBuffer, geometry.indices.length, position, normal, uv],

  const p1 = useVector3(10, 0, 0)
  const p2 = useVector3(20, 0, 0)
  const p3 = useVector3(30, 0, 0)
  const p4 = useVector3(40, 0, 0)

  return (
      <geometry position={p1} {...boxElements} />
      <geometry position={p2} {...boxElements} />
      <geometry position={p3} {...boxElements} />
      <geometry position={p4} {...boxElements} />

circleGeometry(radius?, segments?, thetaStart?, thetaLength?) => object

useCircleGeometry(radius?, segments?, thetaStart?, thetaLength?) => object

useCircleElements(radius?, segments?, thetaStart?, thetaLength?) => object

React hooks and a pure function for working with circle geometries. circleGeometry is a regular pure function (not a hook) that returns the raw indices, vertices, normals and uvs. useCircleGeometry returns the same thing as circleGeometry but can be used as a hook to memoize the generation of the data. useCircleElements is a convenience hook that will create all the buffers and attributes needed to draw the geometry into the scene.


radius (optional): A number for the radius of the circle (defaults to 1).

segments (optional): Number of segments (defaults to 8).

thetaStart (optional): Start angle for first segment (defaults to 0).

thetaLength (optional): Angle amount to be generated (defaults to Math.PI * 2).

Return Values:

circleGeometry => { indices, vertices, normals, uvs }

useCircleGeometry => { indices, vertices, normals, uvs }

useCircleElements => { index, count, attributes, drawElements }

Example Usage:

(see the examples for box geometry)

cylinderGeometry(radiusTop?, radiusBottom?, height?, radialSegments?, heightSegments?, openEnded?, thetaStart?, thetaLength?) => object

useCylinderGeometry(radiusTop?, radiusBottom?, height?, radialSegments?, heightSegments?, openEnded?, thetaStart?, thetaLength?) => object

useCylinderElements(radiusTop?, radiusBottom?, height?, radialSegments?, heightSegments?, openEnded?, thetaStart?, thetaLength?) => object

React hooks and a pure function for working with cylinder geometries. cylinderGeometry is a regular pure function (not a hook) that returns the raw indices, vertices, normals and uvs. useCylinderGeometry returns the same thing as cylinderGeometry but can be used as a hook to memoize the generation of the data. useCylinderElements is a convenience hook that will create all the buffers and attributes needed to draw the geometry into the scene.


radiusTop (optional): A number for the top radius of the cylinder (defaults to 1).

radiusBottom (optional): A number for the bottom radius of the cylinder (defaults to 1).

height (optional): A number for the height of the cylinder (defaults to 1).

radialSegments (optional): Number of radial segments (defaults to 8).

heightSegments (optional): Number of height segments (defaults to 1).

openEnded (optional): Boolean for not including caps on ends (defaults to false).

thetaStart (optional): Start angle for first segment (defaults to 0).

thetaLength (optional): Angle amount to be generated (defaults to Math.PI * 2).

Return Values:

cylinderGeometry => { indices, vertices, normals, uvs }

useCylinderGeometry => { indices, vertices, normals, uvs }

useCylinderElements => { index, count, attributes, drawElements }

Example Usage:

(see the examples for box geometry)

planeGeometry(width?, height?, widthSegments?, heightSegments?) => object

usePlaneGeometry(width?, height?, widthSegments?, heightSegments?) => object

usePlaneElements(width?, height?, widthSegments?, heightSegments?) => object

React hooks and a pure function for working with plane geometries. planeGeometry is a regular pure function (not a hook) that returns the raw indices, vertices, normals and uvs. usePlaneGeometry returns the same thing as planeGeometry but can be used as a hook to memoize the generation of the data. usePlaneElements is a convenience hook that will create all the buffers and attributes needed to draw the geometry into the scene.


width (optional): A number for the width of the plane (defaults to 1).

height (optional): A number for the height of the plane (defaults to 1).

widthSegments (optional): Number of width segments (defaults to 1).

heightSegments (optional): Number of height segments (defaults to 1).

Return Values:

planeGeometry => { indices, vertices, normals, uvs }

usePlaneGeometry => { indices, vertices, normals, uvs }

usePlaneElements => { index, count, attributes, drawElements }

Example Usage:

(see the examples for box geometry)

sphereGeometry(radius?, widthSegments?, heightSegments?, phiStart?, phiLength?, thetaStart?, thetaLength?) => object

useSphereGeometry(radius?, widthSegments?, heightSegments?, phiStart?, phiLength?, thetaStart?, thetaLength?) => object

useSphereElements(radius?, widthSegments?, heightSegments?, phiStart?, phiLength?, thetaStart?, thetaLength?) => object

React hooks and a pure function for working with sphere geometries. sphereGeometry is a regular pure function (not a hook) that returns the raw indices, vertices, normals and uvs. useSphereGeometry returns the same thing as sphereGeometry but can be used as a hook to memoize the generation of the data. useSphereElements is a convenience hook that will create all the buffers and attributes needed to draw the geometry into the scene.


radius (optional): A number for the radius of the sphere (defaults to 1).

widthSegments (optional): Number of width segments (defaults to 8).

heightSegments (optional): Number of height segments (defaults to 6).

phiStart (optional): Horizontal start angle for first segment (defaults to 0).

phiLength (optional): Horizontal angle amount to be generated (defaults to Math.PI * 2).

thetaStart (optional): Vertical start angle for first segment (defaults to 0).

thetaLength (optional): Vertical angle amount to be generated (defaults to Math.PI).

Return Values:

sphereGeometry => { indices, vertices, normals, uvs }

useSphereGeometry => { indices, vertices, normals, uvs }

useSphereElements => { index, count, attributes, drawElements }

Example Usage:

(see the examples for box geometry)

torusGeometry(radius?, tube?, radialSegments?, tubularSegments?, arc?) => object

useTorusGeometry(radius?, tube?, radialSegments?, tubularSegments?, arc?) => object

useTorusElements(radius?, tube?, radialSegments?, tubularSegments?, arc?) => object

React hooks and a pure function for working with torus geometries. torusGeometry is a regular pure function (not a hook) that returns the raw indices, vertices, normals and uvs. useTorusGeometry returns the same thing as torusGeometry but can be used as a hook to memoize the generation of the data. useTorusElements is a convenience hook that will create all the buffers and attributes needed to draw the geometry into the scene.


radius (optional): A number for the radius of the torus (defaults to 1).

tube (optional): A number for the radius of the tube of the torus (defaults to 0.4).

radialSegments (optional): Number of radial segments (defaults to 8).

tubularSegments (optional): Number of tubular segments (defaults to 6).

arc (optional): Angular amount to be generated (defaults to Math.PI * 2).

Return Values:

torusGeometry => { indices, vertices, normals, uvs }

useTorusGeometry => { indices, vertices, normals, uvs }

useTorusElements => { index, count, attributes, drawElements }

Example Usage:

(see the examples for box geometry)


3 years ago


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5 years ago