0.2.20 • Published 5 years ago
@reddotpay/rdp-sso v0.2.20
SSO package for RDP products
npm install @reddotpay/rdp-sso
To be used with Vue 2.x and Vue-Router 3.x
Environment variables (build/buildenv.sh)
PARENT_DIR=$( pwd -P )
if [ "$1" == "prod" ]; then
in connect-src CSP
Create a few files below to use
Page to perform SSO token verification/exchange
export default {
name: 'auth',
mounted() {
const vue = this;
Page for callback URL from SSO after logging in
export default {
name: 'login',
mounted() {
const vue = this;
// omit vue.$router to use window.location for redirection
vue.$sso.doLogin(vue.$route, vue.$router);
Modify Router.js and add entry to routes
import Login from './views/login.vue'; // path to login.vue
import Auth from './views/auth.vue'; // path to auth.vue
routes: [
{ // callback URL from SSO after logging in
path: '/login',
component: Login,
name: 'login',
{ // URL to perform SSO token verification/exchange
path: '/auth',
component: Auth,
name: 'auth',
import Vue from 'vue';
import SSO from '@reddotpay/rdp-sso';
Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, '$sso', { value: SSO });
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
// this line of code is to handle the hashed url properly, since we are not using history mode
if (window.location.pathname.length >= 2) {
window.location = `${window.location.origin}/#${window.location.pathname}${window.location.search}`;
// the entry point for SSO
// SSO will redirect to optionalDefaultPath after login (/some-path)
SSO.init(to, from, router, optionalDefaultPath);
To logout
const vue = this;
// supply a callback function to doLogout for redirect
vue.$sso.doLogout(function() {
// vue.$router.push({ name: 'home' });
// vue.$router.push({ path: '/' });
To get user's data
export default {
mounted() {
const vue = this;
const userDataObj = vue.$sso.getSSOData();
sample userDataObj
"rdp_username": "test@test.com", // email address of the user when signing up
"rdp_firstname": "test", // first name of the user when
"rdp_lastname": "test", // last name of the user
"rdp_company": "test", // companyID used to log in
"rdp_companyName": "test", // company name entered when user signs up
"rdp_groupID": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // company UUID (used for MAM)
"rdp_role": "merchant-admin"|"merchant-staff" // role of user
"rdp_uuid": "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // UUID of user (used for permissions etc)
"rdp_auth": "auth", // sso variables
"rdp_merchantID": "{ Staging: [merchantID1, merchantID2, ...] | '*',
Production: [merchantID1, merchantID2, ...] | '*'
}", "// array of MerchantID | or '*' ('*' represents all MerchantID) that this user has permission
"iat": xxxxxxxx, // sso variables
"iss": "xxxxx" // sso variables
To retrieve user data
const vue = this;
const userID = vue.$sso.getUserID(); // user unique identifier within the system
const userName = vue.$sso.getUserName(); // user email
const userFirstName = vue.$sso.getUserFirstName(); // user first name
const userLastName = vue.$sso.getUserLastName(); // user last name
const companyID = vue.$sso.getCompanyID(); // company ID used to log in to SSO
const companyName = vue.$sso.getCompanyName(); // company name entered by user when signing up
const companyGroupID = vue.$sso.getCompanyGroupID(); // company group ID tied to MAM and other services
const merchantID = vue.$sso.getMerchantID(); // Object of Staging & Production array of merchantIDs or *
const stagingMerchantID = vue.$sso.getMerchantIDStaging(); // array of staging merchantIDs
const productionMerchantID = vue.$sso.getMerchantIDProd(); // array of production merchantIDs
const userRole = vue.$sso.getUserRole(); // role of user
To get userToken
export default {
mounted() {
const vue = this;
const userDataObj = vue.$sso.getSSOToken();
To read permissions
export default {
mounted() {
const vue = this;
const permissionsObj = vue.$sso.getPermissions();