0.0.12 • Published 1 year ago

@redocly/christi v0.0.12

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1 year ago

API Test Runner

The key benefits of christi:

  • Declarative integration testing of HTTP API endpoints.
  • Reuses OpenAPI definitions to generate tests and automate assertions based on schemas.
  • Lightweight and fast enough to run from CICD with each commit.

You MUST have a working API server running in order to run the tests.


Step 1: Install christi

npm i @redocly/christi --registry

Step 2: Generate a test config file

christi auto-generate-config <your-OAS-definition-file>

Step 3: Run the tests

christi test-file.yaml

Step 4: Edit the test config file

Create your own flows (chained requests) for testing.


Run tests

christi <your-test-file> [-f | --flow] [-v | --verbose]

Run API tests based on the test-file config.


-f, --flowArray\<String>Flow names to run. Example: christi test-file.yaml --flow first-flow second-flow
-v, --verbosebooleanVerbose mode. Example: christi test-file.yaml --verbose
--har-outputstringPath for the har file for saving logs. Example christi test-file.yaml --har-output='logs.har'

Run the tests by running the following command: christi <your-test-file>.

Auto generate tests based on OpenAPI

christi auto-generate-config <your-OAS-definition-file> [-o | --output-file] [--extended]

Auto generate the test-config file based on the OpenAPI definition file. If examples are provided in the OpenAPI definition, they are used as input data for test requests. In case schema is provided, config generates with fake data based on the definition schema. By default, data for requests come from the definition in run-time. To materialize tests with the data, use the --extended option.

:::info Tip

Use --extended option only to learn how christi uses data from a definition. In most cases it is better to use the data from the definition in run-time.



-o, --output-filestringPath to the OAS definition file. If file name not provided default name is used - auto-generate.test.yaml. Example: christi auto-generate-config OAS-file.yaml -o=example.tests.yaml
--extendedbooleanBy default, data for requests come from the definition in runtime. This option generates a test config file with data populated from the definition. Example: christi auto-generate-config OAS-file.yaml -o=example.tests.yaml --extended.


christi [--version] [--help]

Prints the version or help information.

Configuration file

The configuration file is a YAML file with the following fixed fields.

flowsMap[string, [TestCase]]REQUIRED. Define sequence of API requests and expected responses.
before[TestCase]List of calls that run before the flows begin and before constructing defaults.
definitionstringPath to your OAS definition.
inheritstringDefinition data reuse strategy. Possible values: auto, none. Default value: auto.
serverUrlstringBase path for all the requests with relative path.
defaultsDefaultsDefault parameters used for every request.

TestCase object

pathstringREQUIRED. The path to the API is appended to the server.
methodstringREQUIRED. HTTP method. Possible values: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTION, (TODO add more).
namestringUnique name assigned to the test useful for output and request chaining.
requestBodyobjectJSON (YAML) object.
parameters[Parameter]List of parameters and values.
expectExpectExpectations of the response.
assertAssertionCustom assertion. See the assertion description for more details.
inheritstringDefinition data reuse strategy. Possible values: auto, none. Default value: auto.
content-typestringRequest body content type. It is different from the Content-Type header. Use it only if your server doesn't accept this header.

Flows example

This example contains the flows object:

    - path: https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1
      method: get
        status: 200
            id: 1

Each flow is isolated and consists of steps declared as an array. It MUST contain the path and method properties. You can also specify a name to able to reference its response in the next steps.

Chaining requests example

You can also create a chain of requests and reference each response (see How to reference response):

    - name: createItem
      path: /items
      method: post
        title: foo
        status: 201
    - path: /items/{id}
      method: get
        - name: id
          in: path
          value: ${responses.createItem.body.id}
        status: 200
          type: object
              type: number
              type: string

The status and schema fields could be omitted and inferred from the OAS definition.

Expect object

statusinteger | integerHTTP status code of the response (or list of possible status codes).
schemaobjectJSON schema. If an OpenAPI definition is provided, the appropriate schema is determined automatically (and if this value is set it overrides that).
bodyBodyCompare expectations about the response body.
mimeTypestringExpected mime type of the response.

Body object

equalanyCompares response body to be strict equal to passed values
matchesstringCompares response body to match passed string.
matchesObjectobjectCompares properties in the response body to those in the defined object.

Parameters object

namestringREQUIRED. Parameter name.
instringREQUIRED. Parameter location. Possible values: query, header, path, cookie.
valueanyREQUIRED. Parameter value.

Defaults object

parameters[Parameter]Default parameters to include in every request.

Authorization example

    - in: header
      name: Authorization
      value: Bearer ${secrets.TOKEN}

The runner gets secrets from the env variables:

TOKEN=<your-token> christi <your-test-file>

Before example

before configures API requests that run before all of the flows and before constructing Defaults and has the same structure as a flow.

  - path: /signin
    name: signIn
    method: post
    inherit: none
      email: some-email@mail.com
      password: ****
      status: 200

Inheritance works the same as for flows. The only difference is that you can refer to this block from other flows:

    - name: createItem
      path: /items
      method: post
        - in: header
          name: Authorization
          value: Bearer ${ beforeResponses.signIn.body.token }
        title: foo

Or you can refer from defaults object:

    - in: header
      name: Authorization
      value: Bearer ${beforeResponses.signIn.body.token}

How to reference responses

Responses are scoped to their flow. In order to extract any data (status, body, etc.) from other responses these responses must be declared prior to that request and must have a name field provided. Example: ${responses.<yourRequestName>.body} OR ${responses.<yourRequestName>.status}

There might be only one reference ${...} per value (for example, you cannot concatenate multiple values into a single value). If it is embedded in a string (for example, Bearer ${responses.signIn.body.token}) it is treated as a string.

See Context for more data available.

Definition reuse strategies

If you provided an OAS definition, you can reuse it in the flow.

You can define the strategy using inherit keyword in each step of the flow. By default it is inherit: auto which means that the runner will try to figure out parameters (only required ones), requestBody, expect.status, and expect.schema from the definition if it exists. If you want to redefine any of these fields you can do it explicitly.

You can opt-out any data from the definition by using inherit: none on each test step. It is also possible to define the default inherit strategy on the top level for the whole test file.

Priority order

The runner first applies the data from the definition (least priority) if provided, then defaults, and then the flows (highest priority).


Context is accessible by using ${ <fieldsFromContext> } notation.

secretsMapstring, stringSecrets passed as environment variables.
definitionMapstring, anyJSON representation of the linked OAS definition.
responsesMapstring, anyResponses from requests of the specific flow. NOTE: responses are scoped to their flows (you cannot access response from different flow). responses fill in as it goes through the requests. See How to reference responses for details.
requestsMapstring, anyRequests data of the specific flow. NOTE: requests are scoped to their flows (you cannot access response from different flow).
beforeResponsesMapstring, anyAccess responses from TestCase items that run before as part of the setup process.
beforeRequestsMapstring, anyAccess requests of TestCase items that run before as part of the setup process.
fakerFaker ObjectFaker to generate random data. See Faker Object for more details.
storageStorageKey-value storage object.

Key-Value Store

You can use key-value storage in the Context to store and retrieve data between requests. Example

    - path: /items
      method: post
      assert: |
        (expect, response, ctx) => {
          ctx.storage.setItem('created-item-id', response.body.id)
    - path: /items/{id}
      method: get
        - in: path
          name: id
          value: ${storage.data.created-item-id}
        status: 200
            id: ${storage.data.created-item-id}


If you have an OAS definition, you may provide path to the file:

definition: ./path/to/definition.yaml

and then reference in a flow or in the defaults section, e. g.: ${definition.paths.items/{id}.responses.201.content.application/json.schema}.

Faker Object

Data TypeTypeUsage exampleOutput example
stringFakeString${ faker.string.fullName() }Camille Mohr
numberFakeNumber${ faker.number.integer({ min: 10, max: 20 }) }12
addressFakeAddress${ faker.address.city() }Lake Raoulfort
dateFakeDate${ faker.date.past() }Sat Oct 20 2018 04:19:38 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)


    - name: addFeedback
      path: /feedback
      method: post
        contentId: ${ faker.string.uuid() }
        rating: '${ faker.number.integer({ min: 1, max: 5 }) }'
        suggestion: A suggestion.
        sentiment: true
        reason: one
MethodParametersUsage example
userName-${ faker.string.userName() }
firstName-${ faker.string.firstName() }
lastName-${ faker.string.lastName() }
fullName-${ faker.string.fullName() }
email{ provider? : string }${ faker.string.email({ provider: 'gmail' }) }
uuid-${ faker.string.uuid() }
string{ length?: number }${ faker.string.string({ length: 5 }) }
MethodParametersUsage example
integer{ min?: number; max?: number }${ faker.number.integer({ max: 30 }) }
float{ min?: number; max?: number; precision?: number }${ faker.number.float({ precision: 0.001 }) }
MethodParametersUsage example
city-${ faker.address.city() }
country-${ faker.address.country() }
zipCode-${ faker.address.zipCode() }
street-${ faker.address.street() }

Note: is there a way to format the date?

MethodParametersUsage example
past-${ faker.date.past() }
future-${ faker.date.future() }


You can write your custom assertions by providing string as a valid JavaScript function as in the following example.

assert: |
  (expect, response) => {

Or use a reference to a .js file as in the following example.

  $ref: ./custom-assertion.js

Assertion function accepts the following arguments.

expectExpect function. (Caveat: currently it supports function expressions only, e.g. () => {} or (function a () {}). Function declaration must be wrapped by grouping operator () in order vm.Script to parse it properly).
responseResponse of the request under testing.