0.0.8 • Published 3 years ago
@relive/graphhopper-api-client v0.0.8
A wrapper around the Graphhopper API.
The code is generated from the GraphHopper OpenAPI spec with npm run generate
Besides this we also support a couple of APIs not in the OpenAPI spec: src/experimentalAPI.ts.
npm install @relive/graphhopper-api-client
import * as graphhopper from "@relive/graphhopper-api-client";
import { VehicleProfileId } from '@relive/graphhopper-api-client/build/generated/graphhopper-api/model';
// Endpoint of graphhopper-web
const GRAPHHOPPER_BASE_URI = "http://localhost:8989";
// Execute a routing request
const routingAPI = new graphhopper.RoutingAPIApi(undefined, GRAPHHOPPER_BASE_URI);
const routes = await routingAPI.getRoute({
point: [
[52.379189, 4.899431], // Amsterdam
[51.9225, 4.47917] // Rotterdam
].map(c => c.join()),
vehicle: VehicleProfileId.Bike,
elevation: false