1.1.5 • Published 1 year ago

@repay/babel-preset v1.1.5

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Last release
1 year ago


Babel preset used by @repaygithub


Install via the command line using yarn or npm

@babel/core, @babel/runtime, and core-js are peer dependencies, which means you must install them yourself.

yarn add --dev @repay/babel-preset @babel/core @babel/runtime core-js
# OR
npm install --save-dev @repay/babel-preset @babel/core @babel/runtime core-js

Add the preset to your .babelrc or equivalent

  "presets": ["@repay/babel-preset"]

EcmaScript Features Supported

  • All Proposals that have reached stage-4 and are implemented by @babel/preset-env
  • Class Properties (does not include private fields)

    class Accordian extends Component {
      state = { isOpen: this.props.openOnMount || false };
      // using assignment like below,
      // `this` references the class instance always
      toggleOpen = () =>
        this.setState(s => {
          isOpen: !s.isOpen;
  • Object rest spread (e.g. let obj = {...props})


There are two options you can pass to control polyfills:

  • coreJsPolyfill (default: false): When this option is true, the useBuiltIns: 'usage' option will be passed into @babel/preset-env to automatically add in only the necessary CoreJS polyfills needed.
  • regeneratorPolyfill (default: false): When this option is true, the regenerator: true option will be passed into the @babel/plugin-transform-runtime plugin.