5.0.1 • Published 3 months ago

@reportportal/testcafe-reporter-agent-js-testcafe v5.0.1

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Last release
3 months ago


Agent to integrate TestCafe with ReportPortal.


Install the agent in your project:

npm install --save-dev testcafe-reporter-agent-js-testcafe@npm:@reportportal/testcafe-reporter-agent-js-testcafe

Note: This package is namespaced. Therefore the following command can be used to install the reporter in a way that TestCafe can detect it. (Related issue in TestCafé repository)


1. Create rp.json file with reportportal configuration:

    "token": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "endpoint": "https://your.reportportal.server/api/v1",
    "project": "YourReportPortalProjectName",
    "launch": "YourLauncherName",
    "attributes": [
            "key": "YourKey",
            "value": "YourValue"
            "value": "YourValue"
    "description": "Your launch description",
    "rerun": true,
    "rerunOf": "launchUuid of already existed launch",
    "mode": "DEFAULT",
    "skippedIssue": true,
    "debug": false
tokenUser's Report Portal token from which you want to send requests. It can be found on the profile page of this user.
endpointURL of your server. For example 'https://server:8080/api/v1'.
launchName of launch at creation.
projectThe name of the project in which the launches will be created.
rerunDefault: false. Enable rerun
rerunOfUUID of launch you want to rerun. If not specified, report portal will update the latest launch with the same name
modeLaunch mode. Allowable values DEFAULT (by default) or DEBUG.
skippedIssueDefault: true. ReportPortal provides feature to mark skipped tests as not 'To Investigate' items on WS side. Parameter could be equal boolean values: TRUE - skipped tests considered as issues and will be marked as 'To Investigate' on Report Portal. FALSE - skipped tests will not be marked as 'To Investigate' on application.
debugThis flag allows seeing the logs of the client-javascript. Useful for debugging.

2.1 Create .testcaferc.json TestCafe configuration file and add agent-js-testcafe to the reporter property

  "browsers": "chrome",
  "src": "./tests/**/*.js",
  "screenshots": {
    "path": "./screenshots/"
  "reporter": [
      "name": "list"
      "name": "agent-js-testcafe"
  "takeScreenshotsOnFails": true

Run tests via testcafe command.

2.2 As an alternative if you are using API you can create testcafe.js file and use the reporter with provided config manually:

const createTestCafe = require('testcafe');
const { createReporter } = require('testcafe-reporter-agent-js-testcafe/build/createReporter');
const rpConfig = require('./rp.json');

async function start() {
  const testcafe = await createTestCafe('localhost');
  const runner = testcafe.createRunner();

  await runner.reporter(createReporter(rpConfig)).run(); // or just set 'agent-js-testcafe'

  await testcafe.close();


Run tests via node testcafe.js.

Note: TestCafe options from .testcaferc.json can be overwritten programmatically in testcafe.js


This reporter provides Reporting API to use it directly in tests to send some additional data to the report.

There are two ways to add additional data to the tests.

Using TestCafe meta method:

1. For fixture:

fixture`Getting Started`.page`http://devexpress.github.io/testcafe/example`
    description: 'Suite description',
    attributes: [{ key: 'page', value: 'testCafeExample' }, { value: 'sample' }],

2. For test:

test('My first test', async (page) => {
  await page
    .typeText('#developer-name', 'John Smith')
    .eql('Thank you, John Smith!');
  description: 'Test form behavior',
  attributes: [{ key: 'test', value: 'form' }],

Only attributes and description properties supported.

Using ReportingApi:

To start using the ReportingApi in tests, just import it from '@reportportal/agent-js-testcafe':

const { ReportingApi } = require('testcafe-reporter-agent-js-testcafe/build/reportingApi');

Reporting API methods

The API provide methods for attaching data (logs, attributes, testCaseId, status).


Add attributes(tags) to the current test. Should be called inside of corresponding test or fixture. ReportingApi.addAttributes(attributes: Array<Attribute>); required: attributes Example:

test('should have the correct attributes', async (t) => {
      key: 'testKey',
      value: 'testValue',
      value: 'testValueTwo',
  await t.expect(true).eql(true);

Set test case id to the current test. Should be called inside of corresponding test or fixture. ReportingApi.setTestCaseId(id: string); required: id If testCaseId not specified, it will be generated automatically. Example:

test('should have the correct testCaseId', async (t) => {
  await t.expect(true).eql(true);

Send logs to report portal for the current test. Should be called inside of corresponding test or fixture. ReportingApi.log(level: LOG_LEVELS, message: string, file?: Attachment); required: level, message where level can be one of the following: TRACE, DEBUG, WARN, INFO, ERROR, FATAL Example:

test('should contain logs with attachments', async (page) => {
  const fileName = 'test.jpg';
  const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, './attachments', fileName));
  const attachment = {
    name: fileName,
    type: 'image/jpg',
    content: fileContent.toString('base64'),
  ReportingApi.log('INFO', 'info log with attachment', attachment);

  await page.expect(true).eql(true);
info, debug, warn, error, trace, fatal

Send logs with corresponding level to report portal for the current test or for provided by name. Should be called inside of corresponding test or fixture. ReportingApi.info(message: string, file?: Attachment); ReportingApi.debug(message: string, file?: Attachment); ReportingApi.warn(message: string, file?: Attachment); ReportingApi.error(message: string, file?: Attachment); ReportingApi.trace(message: string, file?: Attachment); ReportingApi.fatal(message: string, file?: Attachment); required: message Example:

test('should contain logs with attachments', async (page) => {
    ReportingApi.info('Log message');
    ReportingApi.debug('Log message');
    ReportingApi.warn('Log message');
    ReportingApi.error('Log message');
    ReportingApi.trace('Log message');
    ReportingApi.fatal('Log message');
    await page.expect(true).eql(true);

Send logs to report portal for the current launch. Should be called inside of the any test or fixture. ReportingApi.launchLog(level: LOG_LEVELS, message: string, file?: Attachment); required: level, message where level can be one of the following: TRACE, DEBUG, WARN, INFO, ERROR, FATAL Example:

test('should contain logs with attachments', async (page) => {
  const fileName = 'test.jpg';
  const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, './attachments', fileName));
  const attachment = {
    name: fileName,
    type: 'image/jpg',
    content: fileContent.toString('base64'),
  ReportingApi.launchLog('INFO', 'info log with attachment', attachment);

  await page.expect(true).eql(true);
launchInfo, launchDebug, launchWarn, launchError, launchTrace, launchFatal

Send logs with corresponding level to report portal for the current launch. Should be called inside of the any test or fixture. ReportingApi.launchInfo(message: string, file?: Attachment); ReportingApi.launchDebug(message: string, file?: Attachment); ReportingApi.launchWarn(message: string, file?: Attachment); ReportingApi.launchError(message: string, file?: Attachment); ReportingApi.launchTrace(message: string, file?: Attachment); ReportingApi.launchFatal(message: string, file?: Attachment); required: message Example:

test('should contain logs with attachments', async (page) => {
    ReportingApi.launchInfo('Log message');
    ReportingApi.launchDebug('Log message');
    ReportingApi.launchWarn('Log message');
    ReportingApi.launchError('Log message');
    ReportingApi.launchTrace('Log message');
    ReportingApi.launchFatal('Log message');
    await page.expect(true).eql(true);

Assign corresponding status to the current test item. ReportingApi.setStatus(status: string); required: status where status must be one of the following: passed, failed, stopped, skipped, interrupted, cancelled, info, warn Example:

test('should have status FAILED', async (page) => {
    await page.expect(true).eql(true);
setStatusFailed, setStatusPassed, setStatusSkipped, setStatusStopped, setStatusInterrupted, setStatusCancelled, setStatusInfo, setStatusWarn

Assign corresponding status to the current test item. ReportingApi.setStatusFailed(); ReportingApi.setStatusPassed(); ReportingApi.setStatusSkipped(); ReportingApi.setStatusStopped(); ReportingApi.setStatusInterrupted(); ReportingApi.setStatusCancelled(); ReportingApi.setStatusInfo(); ReportingApi.setStatusWarn(); Example:

test('should call ReportingApi to set statuses', async (page) => {

Assign corresponding status to the current launch. ReportingApi.setLaunchStatus(status: string); required: status where status must be one of the following: passed, failed, stopped, skipped, interrupted, cancelled, info, warn Example:

test('launch should have status FAILED', async (page) => {
    await page.expect(true).eql(true);
setLaunchStatusFailed, setLaunchStatusPassed, setLaunchStatusSkipped, setLaunchStatusStopped, setLaunchStatusInterrupted, setLaunchStatusCancelled, setLaunchStatusInfo, setLaunchStatusWarn

Assign corresponding status to the current test item. ReportingApi.setLaunchStatusFailed(); ReportingApi.setLaunchStatusPassed(); ReportingApi.setLaunchStatusSkipped(); ReportingApi.setLaunchStatusStopped(); ReportingApi.setLaunchStatusInterrupted(); ReportingApi.setLaunchStatusCancelled(); ReportingApi.setLaunchStatusInfo(); ReportingApi.setLaunchStatusWarn(); Example:

test('should call ReportingApi to set launch statuses', async (page) => {

Integration with Sauce Labs

To integrate with Sauce Labs just add attributes for the test case:

 "key": "SLID",
 "value": "# of the job in Sauce Labs"
}, {
 "key": "SLDC",
 "value": "EU (your job region in Sauce Labs)"