@repzio/vue-components v2.1.0
npm install @repzio/vue-components
Put these lines of code in
or whatever the entry file is for your Vue appimport RepZioVueComponents from '@repzio/vue-components'; import '@repzio/vue-components/dist/repzio.css';
Vue.use(RepZioVueComponents, { colors: { primary: '#1d9e75', secondary: '#0588ff', danger: '#9e1d58', textPrimary: '#1c2234', textSecondary: '#434343' } })
### Declare (TypeScript)
> Put this line of code in `global.d.ts` or another declaration file
declare module '@repzio/vue-components'
### Use
> Components are registered on the global Vue instance, so you don't need to import a component every time you want to use it
<repzio-button @click="$emit('cancel')" type="success" button-content="Submit" :disabled="false">
# Documentation
# Button
Commonly used button.
## Basic Usage
<repzio-button @click="onClick($event)" type="primary" button-content="Primary" margin="0 10px" :disabled="false">
### Attributes
| Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| buttonContent | Text to display for button | string | none | yes |
| disabled | Enable or disable the button | boolean | false | no |
| margin | Add margin to the button using CSS shorthand i.e. 5px 10px | string | 0 | no |
| type | default, primary, secondary, danger, cancel | string | default | no |
| width | specify a width for the button, i.e. 250px | string | 100px | no |
### Events
| Name | Description | Payload |
| --- | --- | --- |
| click | Fires every time an enabled button is clicked | Event |
# Checkbox
A group of options for multiple choices.
## Basic Usage
<repzio-checkbox :initial-value="false" @change="handleChange($event)" label="My Checkbox">
### Attributes
| Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| label | Text displayed next to the checkbox | string | none | yes |
| initialValue | Reactive property that handles checked/unchecked | boolean | false | no |
| disabled | Allow or prevent the checkbox from being toggled | boolean | false | no |
### Events
| Name | Description | Payload |
| --- | --- | --- |
| change | Fires every time the checked value changes | boolean |
# Datepicker
Use Datepicker for date input.
## Basic Usage
<repzio-datepicker :disabled="loading" :hide-icon="false" :initial-value="initialStartDate" :placeholder="Start Date" @clear="handleClear" @selected="handleDateSelected($event)">
### Attributes
| Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| disabled | Prevent the user from interacting with datepicker | boolean | false | no |
| hideIcon | Hide the calendar icon to the left of the datepicker | boolean | false | no |
| initialValue | Saved value for datepicker | string | none | no |
| placeholder | Placeholder for datepicker | string | Pick a Date | no |
### Events
| Name | Description | Payload |
| --- | --- | --- |
| clear | Indicates that the user wants to clear their current date selection | none |
| selected | Fires every time a date is selected | Date |
<summary>Datepicker Range</summary>
# Datepicker Range
Use Datepicker range two select two dates. End date must be after start date.
## Basic Usage
<repzio-datepicker-range width="350px" :initial-start-date="startDate" :initial-end-date="endDate" :placeholder-start-date="START DATE" :placeholder-end-date="END DATE" @dateRangeSelected="handleDateRangeSelected($event)">
### Attributes
| Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| width | Specify a width for the datepicker range | string | none | no |
| initialStartDate | Initial value for start date | string | none | no |
| initialEndDate | Initial value for end date | string | none | no |
| placeholderStartDate | Placeholder for start date | string | none | no |
| placeholderEndDate | Placeholder for end date | string | none | no |
### Events
| Name | Description | Payload |
| --- | --- | --- |
| dateRangeSelected | Fires every time a valid date range is selected | { startDate, endDate } |
# Dropdown
When there are plenty of options, use a drop-down menu to display and select desired ones.
## Basic Usage
<repzio-dropdown :enable-search="true" @change="onDropdownChange($event)" :placeholder="placeholder || 'Select a Sales Rep'" icon-color-open="#1d9e75" :saved-option="savedOption" :options="computedOptions">
### Attributes
| Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| options | Array of { key, value, label } to display as options for the user | Array<{key, value, label}> | none | yes |
| savedOption | {key, value, label} matching one of the options. Displayed to user as selected option | Object{key, value, label} | none | no |
| alternateIcon | Use this icon instead of the standard drop arrow | string | drop-arrow | no |
| alternateIconHeight | Specify a height for the dropdown icon | string | 8 | no |
| alternateIconWidth | Specify a height for the dropdown icon | string | 15 | no |
| iconColorOpen | Specify a color for the icon when dropdown is open | string | primary | no |
| placeholder | Placeholder for dropdown when nothinig is selected | string | Select | no |
| override | Display this string as the selected value | string | none | no |
| width | Specifiy a width for the dropdown | string | 100% | no |
| loading | Indicates whether to show a loader instead of the dropdown | boolean | false | no |
| enableSearch | When dropdown is open, user can search through the options | boolean | false | no |
| searchPlaceholder | Placeholder for search input field | string | Search | no |
| simple | Display options without a placeholder and disable search | boolean | false | no |
### Events
| Name | Description | Payload |
| --- | --- | --- |
| change | Fires every time a new dropdown value is selected | { key, value, label } |
<summary>File Input</summary>
# File Input
When you need your user to select a file use this component.
## Basic Usage
<repzio-file-input @fileChosen="handleFileChosen($event)">
### Attributes
No attributes.
### Events
| Name | Description | Payload |
| --- | --- | --- |
| fileChosen | Fires every time a file is chosen | File |
# Header
Optionally display a title, subtitle, back button, close button, and additional actions.
## Basic Usage
<repzio-header @back="handleClickBack" :navigation="true" :loading="loading" margin-top="0" :title="true">
<p slot="navigation">Back to All Users</p>
<repzio-loader slot="title" v-if="loading"></repzio-loader>
<span v-else slot="title" class="book">Create New User</span>
<p slot="subtitle" class="book">Use this form to create a new user in the system.</p>
<div slot="actions">
button-content="CREATE USER"
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
marginTop | Specify a top margin | string | 81px | no |
navigation | Display a back arrow top left | boolean | false | no |
close | Display a close icon top right | boolean | false | no |
trash | Display a trash icon top right | boolean | false | no |
Display a print icon top right | boolean | false | no | |
title | Display this string as the title bottom left | string | none | no |
actionWidth | Specify a width for the actions bottom right | string | auto | no |
loading | Show a loader instead of the title and actions | boolean | false | no |
Name | Description | Payload |
back | Fires when user presses the back arrow | none |
delete | Fires when user presses the trash icon | none |
close | Fires when user presses the close icon | none |
Input data using mouse or keyboard.
Basic Usage
@input="handleBasicInput($event, 'email')"
placeholder="Email Address">
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
value | Value of the input | string | none | yes |
autofocus | Specify whether to focus the input when mounted | boolean | false | no |
placeholder | Placeholder for the input | string | none | no |
name | Name attribute used for auto complete attributes (email, password, address, etc.) | string | none | no |
type | Type of input (text, email, password, number) | string | text | no |
iconName | Specify an icon to display next to the input | string | edit | no |
loading | Show loader in the error message slot | boolean | false | no |
rules | Vee Validate rules (confirmed, required, numeric, alpha_num, email) | string | none | no |
disabled | Prevent the user from interacting with the input | boolean | false | no |
Name | Description | Payload |
input | Fires when input value changes | string |
focus | Fires when input is focused | Event |
Show animation while loading data.
Basic Usage
<repzio-loader v-if="loading" :size="20"></repzio-loader>
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
size | Specify a height and width for the loader | string | 35px | no |
No events.
Informs users while preserving the current page state.
Basic Usage
<repzio-modal @close="handleClose" type="danger">
<div class="modal-header-inner" slot="header">
<svgicon icon="exclam" height="34" color="#FFF"></svgicon>
<div class="text-wrapper">
<span class="medium">Wait!</span>
<div class="modal-body-inner" slot="body">
<div class="body-item-wrapper">
<span>You are trying to add a user that already exists.</span>
<div class="modal-footer-inner" slot="footer">
<div class="buttons">
<div class="button-wrapper">
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
type | Success or danger (changes the background color of the modal header) | string | success | no |
Name | Description | Payload |
close | Fires when user clicks outside of the modal | none |
Display multiple data with similar format.
Basic Usage
width="calc(100% - 70px)"
:sort-direction="sortDirection === 'asc' ? 0 : 1"
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
columns | Array containing the details for the column layout. See example below | Array | none | yes |
data | Array of data for the table to loop through and display | Array | none | yes |
keyProp | Unique property on the data object used as the key for each row | string | none | yes |
layoutName | Specify a unique string to save in localStorage when user customizes table column layout | string | none | yes |
borderRow | specify a row index to highlight i.e. the last row that a user clicked on | number | none | no |
hoverBorder | Specify whether or not to highlight the rows as a user hovers over them | boolean | false | no |
loading | Display a loader instead of the table rows | boolean | false | no |
width | Specify a width for the table | string | none | no |
enableSort | Indicates whether the user can sort the table by clicking on hthe table headers | boolean | false | no |
sortOn | If sorting is enabled, this is what the table should be sorted on initially | string | none | no |
sortDirection | Specify a starting sort direction | string | asc | no |
excludedColumns | Exclude these columns from the "Add Column" dropdown | Array | none | no |
enableAddColumn | Indicates whether or not to show the "Add Column" widget | boolean | false | no |
enableFiltering | Indicates whether or not to give users the ability to filter columns | boolean | false | no |
baseFilterString | Specify a filter to apply on top of any additional filters added by the user | string | none | no |
hideEmptyResults | Indicates whether or not to show the "No results" message when data array is empty | boolean | false | no |
concatColumns | Specify additional columns to add, on top of additional columns added by user | Array | none | no |
Name | Description | Payload |
cellClicked | Fires every time a user clicks a cell in the table | {row, column, index} |
updateFilterString | Fires when user adds a filter to the table | string |
changeSort | Fires when user clicks outside of the modal | column property |
Example Column Layout
columnLayout: any[] = [
prop: 'name',
label: 'Name',
type: 'text',
sort: false
prop: 'description',
label: 'Description',
type: 'text'
prop: 'price',
label: 'Price',
type: 'price',
sort: false
prop: 'inStock',
label: 'In Stock',
type: 'boolean',
sort: true
prop: 'provider',
linkProp: 'url',
label: 'Link',
type: 'link'
Display total records and pagination.
Basic Usage
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
totalRecords | Number to display next to subject at the bottom left | number | 0 | yes |
subject | Specify which kind of record you are displaying. i.e. users, invoices, etc. | string | none | yes |
totalPages | Specify the total number of pages | number | none | yes |
currentPageNumber | Specify the page number that user is currently on | number | none | yes |
loading | Display the loader in place of pagination | boolean | false | no |
Name | Description | Payload |
handlePage | Fires when user selects a new page, passing the page number clicked | number |
Single selection among two options.
Basic Usage
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
value | Set the value to true or false (on or off) when first mounted | boolean | false | no |
Name | Description | Payload |
toggle | Fires every time toggle value changes | boolean |
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