0.1.0 • Published 1 month ago

@requestnetwork/create-request-form v0.1.0

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1 month ago

Request Network Create Request Form Component 📚


This package offers a Web Component for integrating the Request Network's Create Request Form into web applications. It is built using Svelte but compiled to a Web Component, making it usable in any web environment, regardless of the framework


To install the component, use npm:

npm install @requestnetwork/create-request-form

This command adds the create request form component to your project, allowing for easy integration into any web application.


As a Web Component

Import the component into your JavaScript or TypeScript file:

import '@requestnetwork/create-request-form'

Then, you can use the component directly in your HTML:

<create-request-form config={config} requestNetwork={requestNetworkInstance} signer={walletAccount} />

In Svelte Projects

After installing, import and use the component directly in your Svelte files:

    import CreateRequestForm from '@requestnetwork/create-request-form';

<CreateRequestForm />

In React Projects

To use in a React application, ensure the component is included in your project:

import '@requestnetwork/create-request-form'

Then use it like any other React component:

export default function App() {
    return <create-request-form></create-request-form>;

In Vanilla JavaScript

For use in projects without a build process, include the component via script tag, either locally or from a CDN:

<script src="./node_modules/@requestnetwork/create-request-form/dist/index.js" defer></script>
<!-- or from a CDN -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@requestnetwork/create-request-form" defer></script>


Additional Information

For more detailed information on using the Request Network and custom configurations, refer to the official Request Network documentation.