0.1.5 • Published 3 years ago

@rexlabs-spicerhaart/list v0.1.5

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3 years ago

List - Vivid Component

List provides a component to display arrays of information with a consistent UI.

Most design decisions will be made by the implementation for flexibility of use-cases.


Install dependencies

$ yarn

Available Commands

$ yarn start              # starts storybook, for visually testing list
$ yarn test               # runs all units tests
$ yarn test:watch         # runs unit tests when files change
$ yarn build              # bundles the package for production



const propTypes = {
  // The component to be rendered as the header of the list. Rendered once as the first item
  Header: types.element,
  // Function returning the component which will be rendered for each item in the list
  renderItem: types.func.isRequired,
  // Array containing all the information to render in renderItem. At least an empty array is required
  items: types.array,
  // The component to be rendered if the items array is empty (there is no information to display)
  EmptyState: types.oneOfType([types.element, types.func]),
  // The component which handles fetching subsequent data from the server.
  // Will most likely require props for handling loading state and onClick handlers etc.
  LoadMore: types.oneOfType([types.element, types.func]),

  // Indicates the initial loading state of data from the server
  isLoading: types.boolean.isRequired,
  // Array of errors returned when loading fails
  loadErrors: types.array.isRequired,
  // The Component to be displayed when loading data
  LoadingView: types.func.isRequired,
  // The Component to be displayed when loading fails
  ErrorView: types.func.isRequired,

  // Function used in the render loop which gets the property used for the Key from the data object
  getKey: types.func,

  // Specify if you want the Header component to display when the list is empty
  alwaysRenderHeader: types.bool

const defaultProps = {
  items: [],
  getKey: (_, index) => index,
  isLoading: false,
  isFetching: false,
  endReached: false,
  autoLoadMore: false,
  alwaysRenderHeader: false


const RenderComponent = props => {
  return (
        display: 'flex',
        justifyContent: 'space-between'

  renderItem={item => <RenderComponent data={item} />}
  LoadingView={() => <div>Loading...</div>}
  ErrorView={() => <div>Has Errors</div>}


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