1.0.1 • Published 5 years ago

@ridder/request v1.0.1

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5 years ago

Request service

  1. Description
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Methods
  5. Git repository
  6. Run tests
  7. Build
  8. Publish to npm
  9. Version

1. Description

RequestService is an extension of the HttpClient service which is implementing the error handling method on top of get() and post() methods

2. Installation

Install the module into your application and save it as a dev dependency in your package.json file

npm install @ridder/request --save-dev

3. Usage

In order to use the RequestService you have to: 1. Include the RequestModule in the app's imports list:

  import { RequestModule } from '@ridder/request';
  imports: [
  1. inject the RequestService via dependency injection into your services/components and use it:
     import { RequestService } from '@ridder/request';
     export class AppComponent implements OnInit{
       constructor(private request: RequestService) {
       ngOnInit() {
           console.log('Response:', response);

4. Methods

get(url: string, errorParams?: ResponseError, httpOptions: any = {}): Observable

Performs an http get request.

url - url to be requested.
errorParams - optional default error parameters and data which should be returned back in case of an error.
Structure of the object:

  serviceName?: string;
  operation?: string;
  result?: T;

where T is the type of the data which should be returned back.
httpOptions - optional additional http options (headers etc.) used with the request.

Method returns an Observable<T> which contains the response data coming from the server, where T is the type of the data which should be returned back.

post<D, R>(url: string, data: D, errorParams?: ResponseError, httpOptions: any = {}): Observable

Performs an http get request.

url - url to be requested.
data - data to be send to the server via post request. D is the type of data to be sent.
errorParams - optional default error parameters and data which should be returned back in case of an error.
Structure of the object:

  serviceName?: string;
  operation?: string;
  result?: R;

where R is the type of the data which should be returned back.
httpOptions - optional additional http options (headers etc.) used with the request.

Method returns an Observable<R> which contains the response data coming from the server, where R is the type of the data which should be returned back.

private handleError(serviceName = '', operation = '', result = {} as T)

Handle the error and throws and error observable with the expected result.

serviceName - optional name of the service to be logged within the error message.
operation - optional operation to be logged within the error message.
result - optional expected result which should be returned back as an error observable.

Method returns an error Observable<T> which contains the result of type T.

5. Git repository


6. Run tests

To run the unit tests, use this command:

ng test --code-coverage --project=request

Current test coverage is 100%!

7. Build

To build the final package run this command:

ng build request

The build process will generate the packed sources into the dist folder.

8. Publish to npm

To publish the new version to npm, go into the dist folder:

cd ./dist/request

and publish it to npm:

npm publish --access public

9. Version
