2.0.0 • Published 3 months ago

@risadams/time-since v2.0.0

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3 months ago


This project provides an enhanced JavaScript utility function timeSince that calculates the time elapsed since a given date, with support for various time units and human-readable formats in different locales. The timeSince function is useful for applications that need to display time differences in a flexible and customizable manner.


  • Calculates time elapsed in various units such as years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.
  • Supports customizable output formats (e.g., relative, milliseconds, days, etc.).
  • Utilizes Intl.RelativeTimeFormat to provide human-readable relative time in different locales.
  • Handles both string and Date object inputs.


npm install @risadams/time-since


The timeSince function can be used to calculate the elapsed time from a given date and return the result in different formats. Below are some examples of how to use the function.

Example 1: Basic Usage

const timeSince = require('@risadams/time-since');

const elapsedTime = timeSince('2020-01-01');
// Output: { years: 4, months: 3, days: ..., hours: ..., minutes: ..., seconds: ..., milliseconds: ... }

Example 2: Custom Format

const elapsedDays = timeSince('2020-01-01', { format: 'days' });
// Output: 1461 (assuming the current year is 2024)

Example 3: Relative Time in Different Locales

const relativeTimeFr = timeSince('2020-01-01', { format: 'relative', locale: 'fr' });
// Output: "il y a 4 ans"

Running Tests

The project includes unit tests written using the Jest framework. These tests cover all major functionalities of the timeSince function, including various input formats and customizable options.

To run the tests:

npm test

The test suite includes:

  • Handling of both string and Date object inputs.
  • Validation of different time units (e.g., milliseconds, seconds, minutes, etc.).
  • Testing of relative time outputs in different locales.


If you think this could be better, please open an issue!

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