0.1.1 • Published 3 years ago

@rndm/render-plugin-url-parse v0.1.1

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3 years ago

RNDM Render Plugin: URL Parse


This plugin provides the URL parsing and composition functionality for the RNDM Render package.

This plugin is a RNDM wrapper for the wonderful url-parse library.


If you have not already done so, then please ensure you have installed the RNDM Render and RNDM Plugin: Core package.

From NPM

npm install --save @rndm/render-plugin-url-parse

Post Installation

In order to allow this plugin to work, it must first be included in your project. You can do this inside your main index file:

import '@rndm/render-plugin-core';
import '@rndm/render-plugin-url-parse';


The URL Parse Plugin transforms the URL Parser class into serialisable functions.


The parse method takes a URL input and provides an object back giving a break down of the components of the URL. These are:

protocol: The protocol scheme of the URL (e.g. http:).

slashes: A boolean which indicates whether the protocol is followed by two forward slashes (//).

auth: Authentication information portion (e.g. username:password).

username: Username of basic authentication.

password: Password of basic authentication.

host: Host name with port number.

hostname: Host name without port number.

port: Optional port number.

pathname: URL path.

query: Parsed object containing query string, unless parsing is set to false.

hash: The "fragment" portion of the URL including the pound-sign (#).

href: The full URL.

origin: The origin of the URL.

Any of these can also be accessed via helper methods provided by this framework:


    "type": "react-native.TouchableOpacity",
    "props": {
        "onPress": {
            "isFunc": true,
            "type": "url-parse.host",
            "args": [
        "children": {
            "type": "react-native.Text",
            "props": {
                "children": "Touch Me"


Using the same components as above, you can also set parts of a URL or compose a full URL.

If this method has a URL passed into it then the output will be the original URL mutated with the new compoents. If not, then it will be a new URL comprised solely of the components you have added:

    "type": "react-native.TouchableOpacity",
    "props": {
        "onPress": {
            "isFunc": true,
            "type": "url-parse.set",
            "args": [
                    "protocol": "https",
                    "path": "playground"
        "children": {
            "type": "react-native.Text",
            "props": {
                "children": "Touch Me"

Check out the Playground page to see how these features work.


3 years ago


5 years ago