0.0.12 • Published 2 years ago

@roadsync/roadsync-js v0.0.12

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Last release
2 years ago

RoadSync JavaScript SDK

Awailable payment types

TagPayment type
roadsync-efs-formEFS Check
roadsync-credit-card-formCredit Card

Website Integration

You'll need a locationId and apiKey for configuration. Once you have those, and have loaded the appropriate polyfills for your target browsers (if they are required), it's simple to add the RoadSync payment form to your page. Replace the XXXXXXXXXX in the example below with your actual values for those fields.

Also, note the amount property. This is the value, in USD, for the transaction.

<script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@roadsync/roadsync-js@0.0.11/dist/roadsync.bundled.js"></script>
    <roadsync-comchek-form id="roadsyncComcheck" location-id="XXXXXXXXXX" api-key="XXXXXXXXXX" amount="12.34"></roadsync-comchek-form>

Each component has paymentSuccessful and paymentFailed events that you could use:

const paymentComponent = document.getElementById("roadsyncComcheck");

paymentComponent.addEventListener("paymentSuccessful", (event) => console.log(event))
paymentComponent.addEventListener("paymentFailed", (event) => console.log(event))

For using different environment, you could use environment property. This adds part of path to existing Roadsync URL. For testing purposes you could use dev value for that property.

Using in Frameworks


In your angular module, add CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA to schemas parameter, so Angular will know about web components:

import { CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, NgModule } from '@angular/core';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent],

In module that you want to use, simply import package and use tags as default HTML tags. Notice that you could use Angular event syntax to use callbacks in your component.

import '@roadsync/roadsync-js';
import { PaymentFailedEvent } from '@roadsync/roadsync-js/dist/models';

export class AppComponent {
  onPaymentEventFired(e: Event) {
    console.log((e as CustomEvent<PaymentFailedEvent>).detail.message);


React integration sligtly difficult because of events. React doc says that "Events emitted by a Web Component may not properly propagate through a React render tree". So for that we need to add event listeners manually.

import '@roadsync/roadsync-js';

function App() {
  const efsFormRef = useRef(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    // subscribe for event
    const efsForm = efsFormRef.current;

    efsForm.addEventListener("paymentFailed", paymentErrorCallback);
    efsForm.addEventListener("paymentSuccessful", paymentSuccessfulCallback);
    return () => {
      // unsubscribe for event
      efsForm.removeEventListener("paymentFailed", paymentErrorCallback);
      efsForm.removeEventListener("paymentSuccessful", paymentSuccessfulCallback);
  }, []);

  // Error callback
  function paymentErrorCallback(rawEvent) {

  // Success callback
  function paymentSuccessfulCallback(rawEvent) {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <h1>Hello world!</h1>

React with Typescript

For major part you could use example provided above as good reference. Unfortunately, Typescript in this scenario would not recognize custom web components. To give compiler understanding what he is dealing with, add this code before your component

import { RoadSyncEFSForm } from '@roadsync/roadsync-js';

type CustomElement<T> = Partial<T & DOMAttributes<T> & { children: any }> & ClassAttributes<HTMLElement>;

type RoadSyncEFSFormComponent = CustomElement<RoadSyncEFSForm>;

declare global {
  namespace JSX {
    interface IntrinsicElements {
      ['roadsync-efs-form']: RoadSyncEFSFormComponent;

This code will tell Typescript compiler that our components are inherited from default ones, and you could use any default React property, except for events.

We're working on proper React Typescript wrapper.


RoadSync.js uses modern web techologies, and might need polyfills depending on what browser support you target and how you plan on integrating it.

We use:

There's a good chance you'll want to include these polyfills for widest browser support:

  <!-- start polyfills -->
  <script src="https://unpkg.com/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs@2.6.0/webcomponents-loader.js"></script>
  <script src="https://unpkg.com/lit@2.2.0/polyfill-support.js"></script>

  <!-- start RoadSync.js -->
  <script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@roadsync/roadsync-js@0.0.11/dist/roadsync.js"></script>
    <roadsync-checkout location-id="XXXXXXXXXX" api-key="XXXXXXXXXX"></roadsync-checkout>

Using an iframe

In the near future, we'll also support an iframe integration.

Verifying the transaction status

IMPORTANT: Do not rely solely on the JavaScript events to verify transaction completion. You'll need to use your server to verify that the transaction is actually finished by contacting the RoadSync API directly before shipping a product or considering a transaction to be complete.