1.0.0-alpha.1 • Published 5 months ago

@rob.hameetman/semantic-release-config v1.0.0-alpha.1

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Last release
5 months ago

📦 @rob.hameetman/semantic-release-config

§1: Overview

§2: Getting Started

Follow these steps to get the project up and running on your local machine:

1. Prerequisites

  • Node v20+
  • NPM v9+

2. Installation

git clone git@github.com:RobHameetman/semantic-release-config
cd semantic-release-config
npm run setup

3. Editor Configuration

For VSCode, save the following as editor.code-workspace in the project root directory:

  "folders": [
      "path": "."
  "settings": {
    "editor.rulers": [
    "eslint.nodeEnv": "development",
    "files.autoSave": "onFocusChange",
    "yaml.format.enable": true,
    "yaml.format.singleQuote": true,

§3: Development

NPM Commands

  • npm run build: Create a production build artifact.
  • npm run format: Perform static analysis and auto-fix errors.
  • npm run reset: Perform a full node_modules/ reset.
  • npm test: Execute the Jest test suite.

Environment Variables

General Options

RELEASE_PLUGIN_PRESETChange the preset used for plugins. Defaults to conventionalcommits.^1
RELEASE_PUBLISH_FROM_DISTSet to true if your build pipeline copies package.json into your dist folder.
RELEASE_DEBUGEnable debug mode in semantic-release.
RELEASE_REPOSITORY_URLSet the repo URL used by semantic-release. Defaults to your settings in package.json.
RELEASE_DRY_RUNPerform a dry run of the release.
RELEASE_LOCALLYRun semantic-release outside of your CI/CD pipeline.

Release Rules

RELEASE_SKIP_README_UPDATESSet to true to skip patch increments for README updates if they don't appear in your private registry.
RELEASE_DEPRECATE_AS_MINOR_VERSIONIf true the deprecate: ... commit type will increment a minor version instead of a patch version.
RELEASE_VERSION_AS_TYPEAllows you to use a specific version as a commit type (e.g. 1.2.1(release): ...).

Custom Commands | Variable | Description | |--------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | RELEASE_EXEC_ANALYZE_COMMITS_CMD | A custom shell command to execute during the analyze commits step. | | RELEASE_EXEC_GENERATE_NOTES_CMD | A custom shell command to execute during the generate notes step. | | RELEASE_EXEC_ADD_CHANNEL_CMD | A custom shell command to execute during the add channel step. | | RELEASE_EXEC_VERIFY_ARTIFACTS_CMD | A custom shell command to execute during the verify release step. | | RELEASE_EXEC_CWD | The path to use as current working directory when executing the shell commands.^2 | | RELEASE_EXEC_FAIL_CMD | A custom shell command to execute during the fail step. | | RELEASE_EXEC_PREPARE_CMD | A custom shell command to execute during the prepare step. | | RELEASE_EXEC_PUBLISH_CMD | A custom shell command to execute during the publish step. | | RELEASE_EXEC_SHELL | The shell to use to run the command. If true, runs file inside of a shell.^3 | | RELEASE_EXEC_SUCCESS_CMD | A custom shell command to execute during the success step. | | RELEASE_EXEC_VERIFY_CONDITIONS_CMD | A custom shell command to execute during the verify condition step. |


RELEASE_CANARY_BRANCHCanaryThe name of your pre-release branch.
RELEASE_CANARY_CHANNELCanaryThe name of the channel your pre-releases are tagged by.
RELEASE_BRANCHESModularUsed as the base URL for fetching data from the backend. Add more env variables below.
RELEASE_MAIN_IS_LATESTModularUsed as the base URL for fetching data from the backend. Add more env variables below.

^1: Release rules for the angular preset are already included. ^2: This path is relative to the path from which semantic-release is running. For example if semantic-release runs from /my-project and execCwd is set to buildScripts then the shell command will be executed from /my-project/buildScripts. ^3: Uses /bin/sh on UNIX and cmd.exe on Windows. A different shell can be specified as a string. The shell should understand the -c switch on UNIX or /d /s /c on Windows.

§4: Testing

This project uses the following tiers of testing:

  • Unit & Integration Tests: Use npm run test to run all tests.

These commands accept additional inputs following a -- modifier as in the common use-case examples below:

  • npm run test -- --watch: Watch for changes and re-run all tests.
  • npm run test -- src/path/to/test.spec.ts: Run tests in a specific test file.

§5: Publishing

Creating and merging PRs will create new package versions that you can monitor by vising the Actions tab in Github.


  • alpha: Used for manual testing in other packages
  • beta: Used for UAT and testing by external consumers
  • next: Everything that will be included in the next major version release


This project uses SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.

An beta pre-release version will be published whenever you create a PR and incremented as you update your changes. Once the PR is merged, a release version is created automatically. This is handled with semantic-release.

Major versions should have a corresponding release in Github. Click here to create a new release once your version meets acceptance criteria.

§6: Contact

For inquiries and additional information, please reach out to:

Rob Hameetman
Front End Architect | Chicago, IL

§7: License

Distributed under the MIT License.
See the LICENSE file for details.