1.0.4 • Published 3 years ago

@robowhale/phaser3-ninepatch-types-fix v1.0.4

Weekly downloads
Last release
3 years ago

General info

(Better) typescript definitions for the https://github.com/koreezgames/phaser3-ninepatch-plugin

The original plugin comes with the definitions, but they have some issues:

  • GameObjectFactory and GameObjectCreatore are not properly patched
  • some properties of the NinePatch marked as private and I need them to be public for my 9-patch editor


Install the package

npm install @robowhale/phaser3-ninepatch-types-fix

Then add index.d.ts file to the files section of tsconfig.json

"files": [

Typescript compiler warnings

Typescript will throw some warnings because these types conflicts with the original types. To suppress them add "skipLibCheck": true to your tsconfig.json