@rolancia/toilet v0.0.3
toilet is a nodejs websocket server library which provides an easy process. only JSON type is allowed the features are simple - Server, Client and Room
npm i —save @rolancia/toilet
Example ( Chat )
you can see the all of features while this example.
import { Server, Client, Room } from '@rolancia/toilet';
const server = new Server({port: 8888});
const chatRoom = new Room('chat-room');
server.onServerStart(() => {
server.onConnected((client: Client) => {
server.onReceive((client: Client, jsonMessage: object) => {
chatRoom.sendAll(jsonMessage, client);
server.onError((client: Client, error: Error) => {
server.onClose((client: Client, reason?: string) => {
chatRoom.sendAll({closeMsg: client.id + ' has been outed'});
var toilet = require('@rolancia/toilet');
var server = new toilet.Server({ port: 8888 });
var chatRoom = new toilet.Room('chat-room');
server.onServerStart(function () {
server.onConnected(function (client) {
server.onReceive(function (client, jsonMessage) {
chatRoom.sendAll(jsonMessage, client);
server.onError(function (client, error) {
server.onClose(function (client, reason) {
chatRoom.sendAll({ closeMsg: client.id + ' has been outed' });
this library is based on ‘ws’. so it shares ‘WebSocket’ type. please refer to that on npm-ws about ‘WebSocket’ type.
Class: Server
constructor (options)
- options \<WebSocket.ServerOptions>
serverOptions \<WebSocket.ServerOptions>
returns server options you input at start.
clients \<Client[]>
returns connected client list.
start ()
starts server.
stop ()
closes server.
kick ()
- client \<Client> kicks a connected client.
clear ()
kicks all connected clients.
onServerStart (callback)
- callback \<Function>
called when server started.
onConnected (callback)
- callback \<Function> * client \<Client>
called when a client is connected.
onReceive (callback)
- callback \<Function>
client \<Client>
jsonMessage \<object>
called when the server receive a message. only JSON type data is allowed. so it will not call in case of parsing exception but calls ‘onError’.
onClose (callback)
- callback \<Function> client \<Client> reason \<string> | \<undefined>
called when the client is disconnected.
onError (callback)
- callback \<Function> client \<Client> error \<Error>
called when error occurred in client side.
Class: Client
constructor (ws , id)
- ws \<WebSocket>
- id \<string> ‘id’ is set to UUIDv4 by default.
id \<string>
returns unique id. by default UUIDv4.
ip \<string> returns client’ ip address.
session \<object>
returns session object. the session can be used to store custom data you need.
send (jsonMessage) : \<boolean>
- jsonMessage \<object> sends message to this client. only JSON type data is allowed. if not, server will not send the message to other clients.
close ()
closes this client. ( its web socket also )
onClose (callback)
called when this client is closing.
Class: Room
construntor (id)
- id \<string> ‘id’ should be unique room name. this id is not used in this library by default.
id \<string>
returns id of this room.
enter (client)
- client \<Client> adds the client to this room.
kick (client) : \<boolean>
- client \<Client> kicks the client.
kickAll ()
kicks all clients joined this room.
sendAll (jsonMessage , ignore) : \<boolean[]>
- jsonMessage \<object>
- ignore : \<Client[]> | \<undefined> sends message to all joined this room excepting the ignored clients. only JSON type data is allowed.
Welcome your feedback
Thank you for reading!