4.1.6 • Published 4 years ago

@rucken/schematics v4.1.6

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Last release
4 years ago


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A schematics collections for generate source files for Angular7+ and NestJS application based on Rucken template


npm install -g @angular-devkit/schematics-cli
npm install -g @rucken/schematics


# create workspace
schematics @rucken/schematics:workspace custom-workspace --author EndyKaufman --email admin@site15.ru
# move to created workspace
cd custom-workspace
# create frontend application in workspace
schematics @rucken/schematics:rucken-app custom-app --api=/api --author EndyKaufman --email admin@site15.ru
# install dependencies
npm i
# start dev server for frontend application
ng serve custom-app

Available generators

  • Rucken app - Frontend application generator on Angular7+ with Bootstrap3, based on the Rucken template
  • Rucken app ionic - Mobile frontend generator application on Angular7+ with Ionic4, based on the Rucken template
  • Rucken app nestjs - REST generator backend applications on NestJS with TypeORM, based on the Rucken template
  • Rucken entity - Model generator for frontend application, based on the Rucken template
  • Rucken entity ionic - The generator of the main components for editing data on the model and for a mobile frontend application on Angular7+ with Ionic4, based on the Rucken template
  • Rucken entity ionic to app - Binding components for editing an entity to a mobile frontend application on Angular7+ with Ionic4, based on the Rucken template
  • Rucken entity nestjs - The generator of the entity, the DTO, the service and the controller, for editing the entity data for the backend of the application on NestJS with TypeORM, based on the Rucken template
  • Rucken entity web - The generator of the main components for editing data on the model and for the frontend application on Angular7+ with Bootstrap3, based on the Rucken template
  • Rucken entity web to app - Binding of components for editing an entity to a frontend application on Angular7+ with Bootstrap3, based on the Rucken template
  • Rucken lib - Frontend library generator, based on the Rucken template
  • Rucken lib nestjs - Backend library generator on NestJS, based on the Rucken template
  • Rucken lib nestjs to app - Linking the library to the backend application on NestJS, based on the Rucken template
  • Rucken lib to app - Linking the library to the frontend application on Angular7+, based on the Rucken template
  • Workspace - Workspace generator, based on the Rucken template

Rucken app

Frontend application generator on Angular7+ with Bootstrap3, based on the Rucken template


schematics @rucken/schematics:rucken-app custom-app --api=/api --author EndyKaufman --email admin@site15.ru


name{string}The name of the application.{"$source":"argv","index":0}
org{string}The name of organization.none
api{string}The backend api address (/api, http://host.com/api, https://api.host.com).none
author{string}Author name.none
email{string}Author email name.none


@angular/coreNPM versionNPM version
@nguniversal/express-engineNPM versionNPM version
@ngx-meta/coreNPM versionNPM version
@ngx-translate/coreNPM versionNPM version
@rucken/coreNPM versionNPM version
@rucken/webNPM versionNPM version
bind-observableNPM versionNPM version
ngx-bind-ioNPM versionNPM version
ngx-bootstrapNPM versionNPM version
ngx-cookie-serviceNPM versionNPM version
ngx-dynamic-form-builderNPM versionNPM version
ngx-permissionsNPM versionNPM version
ngx-repositoryNPM versionNPM version

Dev dependencies

@angular-devkit/build-angularNPM versionNPM version
@angular/cliNPM versionNPM version
@angular/compiler-cliNPM versionNPM version
@compodoc/compodocNPM versionNPM version
@rucken/cliNPM versionNPM version
dominoNPM versionNPM version
ts-nodeNPM versionNPM version
tslibNPM versionNPM version
typescriptNPM versionNPM version
webpack-cliNPM versionNPM version

See code: src/schematics/rucken-app/index.ts

Rucken app ionic

Mobile frontend generator application on Angular7+ with Ionic4, based on the Rucken template


schematics @rucken/schematics:rucken-app-ionic custom-app-ionic --api=/api --author EndyKaufman --email admin@site15.ru


name{string}The name of the application.{"$source":"argv","index":0}
org{string}The name of organization.none
api{string}The backend api address (/api, http://host.com/api, https://api.host.com).none
author{string}Author name.none
email{string}Author email name.none


@angular/coreNPM versionNPM version
@capacitor/androidNPM versionNPM version
@capacitor/coreNPM versionNPM version
@ionic-native/coreNPM versionNPM version
@ionic-native/httpNPM versionNPM version
@ionic-native/splash-screenNPM versionNPM version
@ionic-native/status-barNPM versionNPM version
@ionic/angularNPM versionNPM version
@ionic/storageNPM versionNPM version
@nguniversal/express-engineNPM versionNPM version
@ngx-meta/coreNPM versionNPM version
@rucken/coreNPM versionNPM version
@rucken/ionicNPM versionNPM version
bind-observableNPM versionNPM version
cordova-androidNPM versionNPM version
cordova-plugin-advanced-httpNPM versionNPM version
cordova-plugin-deviceNPM versionNPM version
cordova-plugin-fileNPM versionNPM version
cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboardNPM versionNPM version
cordova-plugin-ionic-webviewNPM versionNPM version
cordova-plugin-splashscreenNPM versionNPM version
cordova-plugin-statusbarNPM versionNPM version
cordova-plugin-whitelistNPM versionNPM version
cordova-sqlite-storageNPM versionNPM version
core-jsNPM versionNPM version
ngx-bind-ioNPM versionNPM version
ngx-cookie-serviceNPM versionNPM version
ngx-dynamic-form-builderNPM versionNPM version
ngx-remote-configNPM versionNPM version
ngx-repositoryNPM versionNPM version
rxjsNPM versionNPM version

Dev dependencies

@angular-devkit/build-angularNPM versionNPM version
@angular-devkit/coreNPM versionNPM version
@angular/compilerNPM versionNPM version
@capacitor/cliNPM versionNPM version
@ionic/ng-toolkitNPM versionNPM version
@ionic/schematics-angularNPM versionNPM version
@nrwl/buildersNPM versionNPM version
@rucken/cliNPM versionNPM version
ng-packagrNPM versionNPM version
ts-nodeNPM versionNPM version
tslibNPM versionNPM version
typescriptNPM versionNPM version

See code: src/schematics/rucken-app-ionic/index.ts

Rucken app nestjs

REST generator backend applications on NestJS with TypeORM, based on the Rucken template


schematics @rucken/schematics:rucken-app-nestjs custom-app-nestjs --author EndyKaufman --email admin@site15.ru


name{string}The name of the application.{"$source":"argv","index":0}
org{string}The name of organization.none
author{string}Author name.none
email{string}Author email name.none


@angular/coreNPM versionNPM version
@angular-devkit/architectNPM versionNPM version
@angular-devkit/coreNPM versionNPM version
@nestjs/commonNPM versionNPM version
@nestjs/coreNPM versionNPM version
@nestjs/passportNPM versionNPM version
@nestjs/swaggerNPM versionNPM version
@nestjs/typeormNPM versionNPM version
@nrwl/nxNPM versionNPM version
@rucken/auth-nestjsNPM versionNPM version
@rucken/core-nestjsNPM versionNPM version
@types/passport-facebook-tokenNPM versionNPM version
@types/passport-localNPM versionNPM version
class-transformerNPM versionNPM version
class-validatorNPM versionNPM version
connection-stringNPM versionNPM version
fastify-formbodyNPM versionNPM version
jsonwebtokenNPM versionNPM version
node-django-hashersNPM versionNPM version
passportNPM versionNPM version
passport-facebook-tokenNPM versionNPM version
passport-google-plus-tokenNPM versionNPM version
passport-http-bearerNPM versionNPM version
passport-jwtNPM versionNPM version
passport-localNPM versionNPM version
pgNPM versionNPM version
rxjsNPM versionNPM version
sqlite3NPM versionNPM version
ts-nodeNPM versionNPM version
tsconfig-pathsNPM versionNPM version
typeormNPM versionNPM version
typescriptNPM versionNPM version
cross-envNPM versionNPM version

Dev dependencies

@angular-devkit/build-angularNPM versionNPM version
@angular/cliNPM versionNPM version
@angular/compilerNPM versionNPM version
@nestjs/schematicsNPM versionNPM version
@nestjs/testingNPM versionNPM version
@nrwl/buildersNPM versionNPM version
@nrwl/schematicsNPM versionNPM version
@rucken/cliNPM versionNPM version
nodemonNPM versionNPM version
pm2NPM versionNPM version
webpackNPM versionNPM version
webpack-cliNPM versionNPM version
webpack-node-externalsNPM versionNPM version

See code: src/schematics/rucken-app-nestjs/index.ts

Rucken entity

Model generator for frontend application, based on the Rucken template


schematics @rucken/schematics:rucken-entity custom-entity --org custom-org --lib custom-lib


name{string}The name of the entity.{"$source":"argv","index":0}
lib{string}The name of the library.none
org{string}The name of organization.none

See code: src/schematics/rucken-entity/index.ts

Rucken entity ionic

The generator of the main components for editing data on the model and for a mobile frontend application on Angular7+ with Ionic4, based on the Rucken template


schematics @rucken/schematics:rucken-entity-ionic custom-entity --org custom-org --lib custom-lib-ionic --entitiesLib custom-lib


name{string}The name of the entity.{"$source":"argv","index":0}
lib{string}The name of the library.none
entitiesLib{string}The name of the library with entities.none
org{string}The name of organization.none

See code: src/schematics/rucken-entity-ionic/index.ts

Rucken entity ionic to app

Binding components for editing an entity to a mobile frontend application on Angular7+ with Ionic4, based on the Rucken template


schematics @rucken/schematics:rucken-entity-ionic-to-app custom-entity --lib custom-lib-ionic --org custom-org --app custom-app-ionic --entitiesLib custom-lib


name{string}The name of the entity.{"$source":"argv","index":0}
lib{string}The name of the library.none
entitiesLib{string}The name of the library with entities.none
org{string}The name of organization.none
app{string}The name of application.none

See code: src/schematics/rucken-entity-ionic-to-app/index.ts

Rucken entity nestjs

The generator of the entity, the DTO, the service and the controller, for editing the entity data for the backend of the application on NestJS with TypeORM, based on the Rucken template


schematics @rucken/schematics:rucken-entity-nestjs custom-entity --org custom-org --lib custom-lib-nestjs --timestamp 1553957529598


name{string}The name of the entity.{"$source":"argv","index":0}
lib{string}The name of the library.none
org{string}The name of organization.none
timestamp{number}Timestamp used in migrations.none

See code: src/schematics/rucken-entity-nestjs/index.ts

Rucken entity web

The generator of the main components for editing data on the model and for the frontend application on Angular7+ with Bootstrap3, based on the Rucken template


schematics @rucken/schematics:rucken-entity-web custom-entity --org custom-org --lib custom-lib-web --entitiesLib custom-lib


name{string}The name of the entity.{"$source":"argv","index":0}
lib{string}The name of the library.none
entitiesLib{string}The name of the library with entities.none
org{string}The name of organization.none

See code: src/schematics/rucken-entity-web/index.ts

Rucken entity web to app

Binding of components for editing an entity to a frontend application on Angular7+ with Bootstrap3, based on the Rucken template


schematics @rucken/schematics:rucken-entity-web-to-app custom-entity --lib custom-lib-web --org custom-org --app custom-app --entitiesLib custom-lib


name{string}The name of the entity.{"$source":"argv","index":0}
lib{string}The name of the library.none
entitiesLib{string}The name of the library with entities.none
org{string}The name of organization.none
app{string}The name of application.none

See code: src/schematics/rucken-entity-web-to-app/index.ts

Rucken lib

Frontend library generator, based on the Rucken template


schematics @rucken/schematics:rucken-lib custom-lib-web --org custom-org --author EndyKaufman --email admin@site15.ru


name{string}The name of the library.{"$source":"argv","index":0}
org{string}The name of organization.none
author{string}Author name.none
email{string}Author email name.none

See code: src/schematics/rucken-lib/index.ts

Rucken lib nestjs

Backend library generator on NestJS, based on the Rucken template


schematics @rucken/schematics:rucken-lib-nestjs custom-lib-nestjs --org custom-org --author EndyKaufman --email admin@site15.ru


name{string}The name of the library.{"$source":"argv","index":0}
org{string}The name of organization.none
author{string}Author name.none
email{string}Author email name.none

See code: src/schematics/rucken-lib-nestjs/index.ts

Rucken lib nestjs to app

Linking the library to the backend application on NestJS, based on the Rucken template


schematics @rucken/schematics:rucken-lib-nestjs-to-app custom-lib-nestjs --org custom-org --app custom-app-nestjs


name{string}The name of the library.{"$source":"argv","index":0}
org{string}The name of organization.none
app{string}The name of application.none

See code: src/schematics/rucken-lib-nestjs-to-app/index.ts

Rucken lib to app

Linking the library to the frontend application on Angular7+, based on the Rucken template


schematics @rucken/schematics:rucken-lib-to-app custom-lib --org custom-org --app custom-app
schematics @rucken/schematics:rucken-lib-to-app custom-lib-web --org custom-org --app custom-app
schematics @rucken/schematics:rucken-lib-to-app custom-lib --org custom-org --app custom-app-ionic
schematics @rucken/schematics:rucken-lib-to-app custom-lib-ionic --org custom-org --app custom-app-ionic


name{string}The name of the library.{"$source":"argv","index":0}
org{string}The name of organization.none
app{string}The name of application.none

See code: src/schematics/rucken-lib-to-app/index.ts


Workspace generator, based on the Rucken template


schematics @rucken/schematics:workspace custom-workspace --author EndyKaufman --email admin@site15.ru


name{string}The name of the workspace.{"$source":"argv","index":0}
author{string}Author name.none
email{string}Author email name.none

See code: src/schematics/workspace/index.ts
