0.1.1 • Published 1 year ago

@ryanmorr/blunder v0.1.1

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A modern client-side JavaScript error handler


Download the CJS, ESM, UMD versions or install via NPM:

npm install @ryanmorr/blunder


Blunder offers the ability to enhance, dispatch, capture, and report JavaScript errors in the browser:

import { monitor, subscribe, dispatch, report } from '@ryanmorr/blunder';

// Listen for global runtime errors

// Subscribe to be notified when an error is dispatched
subscribe((error) => {
    // Send the error to the server
    report('/path/to/error/logger', error).then((response) => {
        // Error was successfully logged to the server

// Manually dispatch an error
dispatch('An error occurred!');


Exception(message?, detail?)

Exception is a subclass of the Error class for creating errors with enhanced capabilities, including metadata, custom details, a formatted stacktrace, and easy serialization to JSON:

import { Exception } from '@ryanmorr/blunder';

// Create an exception with an error message and an object of custom details
const ex = new Exception('error', {
    sourceModule: 'foo',
    sourceFunction: foo

// Standard properties

// Metadata
ex.meta.datetime; // The date and time as a string
ex.meta.timestamp; // The time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch
ex.meta.userAgent; // The user agent string
ex.meta.url; // The URL of the current page that generated the exception
ex.meta.referrer; // The URL of the page that linked to the current page
ex.meta.cookie; // The unformatted cookie string or "disabled" if cookies are disabled
ex.meta.language; // The default language of the user's browser
ex.meta.readyState; // The loading state of the current page (loading/interactive/complete)
ex.meta.viewportWidth; // The viewport width of the browser window in pixels
ex.meta.viewportHeight; // The viewport height of the browser window in pixels
ex.meta.orientation; // The orientation (landscape/portrait) of the user's device
ex.meta.connection; // The type of the user's connection (slow-2g/2g/3g/4g)
ex.meta.memory; // MB of the memory heap used
ex.meta.memoryPercent; // Percent of the allocated memory heap used

// Custom details
ex.detail.sourceModule; //=> "foo"
ex.detail.sourceFunction; //=> foo

// Formatted stacktrace
ex.stacktrace.forEach(({functionName, fileName, lineNumber, columnNumber}) => {
    console.log(`${functionName} in ${fileName}:${lineNumber}:${columnNumber}`);

// Includes a `toJSON` method for serialization
const json = JSON.stringify(ex);

Extend Exception to create your own custom error subclasses:

class CustomException extends Exception {}

Exception also has a static from method that can be used to convert a value into an Exception instance:

// Supports error messages as strings
const ex = Exception.from('error');

// Supports normal error instances (will copy message and stack properties)
const error = new Error();
const ex = Exception.from(error);

// Supports creating instances of subclasses
const ex = CustomException.from('error');
ex instanceof CustomException; //=> true

dispatch(error, detail?)

Manually dispatch an Exception to the error subscribers and return the Exception instance:

import { dispatch } from '@ryanmorr/blunder';

// Supports strings
const ex = dispatch('error');

// Supports normal error instances
dispatch(new Error());

// Supports custom details as an optional second argument
dispatch('error', {foo: 1, bar: 2});


Subscribe a callback function to be invoked with an Exception instance when an error is dispatched, it returns an unsubscribe function:

import { subscribe } from '@ryanmorr/blunder';

const unsubscribe = subscribe((ex) => {
    // An error was dispatched


Enable global error monitoring by listening for the error, unhandledrejection, and rejectionhandled events. To customize which events to listen for, provide an object with the event name as the key and a boolean as the value to indicate inclusion of the event. It returns a function to disable monitoring:

import { monitor } from '@ryanmorr/blunder';

// Listen for all error events by default
const stop = monitor();

// Optionally specify which events to listen for
    error: true,
    unhandledrejection: true,
    rejectionhandled: false

report(url, data)

Send errors to the server and return a promise that is fulfilled with the JSON response from the server and rejected with an Exception instance:

import { report } from '@ryanmorr/blunder';

const ex = new Exception();

// Send an error to the server
report('/path/to/error/logger', ex).then((response) => {
    // Error successfully logged to server


Generate a formatted stacktrace:

import { stacktrace } from '@ryanmorr/blunder';

// Get a stacktrace from the invocation point
const trace = stacktrace();

// Get a stacktrace from an error instance
const trace = stacktrace(error);

// Get a stacktrace from a stack string
const trace = stacktrace(error.stack);


A simple wrapper for a try/catch block that returns a promise. The promise is fulfilled with the return value of the function argument if it executed without throwing an error. The promise is rejected with an Exception instance when an error is thrown which is automatically dispatched to the error subscribers:

import { attempt } from '@ryanmorr/blunder';

attempt(() => {
    // Try something and return a value
}).then((val) => {
    // Execution was successful
}).catch((ex) => {
    // Execution failed


This project is dedicated to the public domain as described by the Unlicense.