0.0.7 • Published 2 years ago

@saltyaom/trek-router v0.0.7

Weekly downloads
Last release
2 years ago


Fork of Trek Router with some additional feature, and TypeScript support.

Trek Router

A fast HTTP router, inspired by Echo's Router.


See benchmarks, use GitHub API Routes and Discourse API Routes.


$ sysctl machdep.cpu.brand_string
machdep.cpu.brand_string: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz
$ sysctl hw.memsize
hw.memsize: 34359738368
$ yarn run bench
yarn run v0.22.0
$ node benchmarks

GitHub API, 203 routes:
trek-router x 12,652 ops/sec ±0.86% (91 runs sampled)
memoryUsage: { rss: 69746688,
  heapTotal: 46108672,
  heapUsed: 31815272,
  external: 9284 }
path-to-regexp x 973 ops/sec ±0.21% (95 runs sampled)
memoryUsage: { rss: 87674880,
  heapTotal: 63422464,
  heapUsed: 52531280,
  external: 9284 }
route-recognizer x 795 ops/sec ±1.18% (95 runs sampled)
memoryUsage: { rss: 102465536,
  heapTotal: 77578240,
  heapUsed: 44904632,
  external: 9284 }
route-trie x 2,515 ops/sec ±1.64% (94 runs sampled)
memoryUsage: { rss: 100438016,
  heapTotal: 75481088,
  heapUsed: 31334832,
  external: 9284 }
routington x 1,896 ops/sec ±0.84% (95 runs sampled)
memoryUsage: { rss: 100835328,
  heapTotal: 75993088,
  heapUsed: 24018936,
  external: 9284 }
wayfarer x 2,327 ops/sec ±0.80% (97 runs sampled)
memoryUsage: { rss: 101703680,
  heapTotal: 77041664,
  heapUsed: 20170432,
  external: 9284 }
Fastest is trek-router

Discourse API, 359 routes:
trek-router x 8,665 ops/sec ±0.33% (97 runs sampled)
memoryUsage: { rss: 101941248,
  heapTotal: 77041664,
  heapUsed: 37168328,
  external: 9284 }
path-to-regexp x 115 ops/sec ±0.43% (83 runs sampled)
memoryUsage: { rss: 106766336,
  heapTotal: 81772544,
  heapUsed: 33245496,
  external: 9284 }
route-recognizer x 534 ops/sec ±0.12% (95 runs sampled)
memoryUsage: { rss: 107204608,
  heapTotal: 81772544,
  heapUsed: 43184720,
  external: 9284 }
route-trie x 2,183 ops/sec ±0.49% (96 runs sampled)
memoryUsage: { rss: 106786816,
  heapTotal: 81248256,
  heapUsed: 34731560,
  external: 9284 }
routington x 1,487 ops/sec ±0.53% (95 runs sampled)
memoryUsage: { rss: 107184128,
  heapTotal: 81772544,
  heapUsed: 22843088,
  external: 9284 }
wayfarer x 1,966 ops/sec ±0.37% (96 runs sampled)
memoryUsage: { rss: 107184128,
  heapTotal: 81772544,
  heapUsed: 54756160,
  external: 9284 }
Fastest is trek-router
✨  Done in 65.04s.


import http from 'http';
import finalhandler from 'finalhandler';
import Router from 'trek-router';

let router = new Router()

// static route
router.add('GET', '/folders/files/bolt.gif', () => {});
// param route
router.add('GET', '/users/:id', () => {});
// match-any route
router.add('GET', '/books/*', () => {});

let result = router.find('GET', '/users/233')
// => [handler, params]
// => [()=>{}, [{name: id, value: 233}]]

let params = {}
if (result[0]) {
  result[1].forEach(param => params[param.name] = param.value)
  // => { id: 233 }

// Not Found
let result = router.find('GET', '/photos/233')
// => [handler, params]
// => [undefined, []]

let server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
  let result = router.find(req.method, req.url);
  if (result) {
    req.params = result[1];
    return result[0](req, res);
  finalhandler(req, res);



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