1.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

@samwen/firestore-pagination v1.0.1

Weekly downloads
Last release
4 years ago


how to install

npm install @samwen/firestore-pagination --save

how to use

  1. You will need generate private key under service accounts and save it as serviceAccount.json in the project root folder.
  2. You can use the import-json.js to import books.json into your firestore database.

    node import-json.js books.json

  3. Copy/paste config file as config.js.

  4. demo.js

  5. There are 3 examples under examples folders: demo.js, interactive.js and get-batch.js.

---------------------- batch no: 1 ----------------------
### page no 1
    id,	isbn,	title
1:	00368,	1617291692,	The Well-Grounded Rubyist, Second Edition
2:	00352,	1617291455,	Ember.js in Action
3:	00349,	1617291412,	The Joy of Clojure, Second Edition
4:	00289,	1617290629,	CoffeeScript in Action
5:	00387,	1617292133,	Learn SQL Server Administration in a Month of Lunches
### page no 2
    id,	isbn,	title
1:	00186,	1935182994,	EJB 3 in Action, Second Edition
2:	00350,	1617291420,	iOS 7 in Action
3:	00358,	1617291560,	Practical Data Science with R
4:	00324,	1617291021,	Solr in Action
5:	00305,	1617290904,	Play for Java
### page no 3
    id,	isbn,	title
1:	00336,	1617291218,	The Mikado Method
2:	00323,	1617291056,	Kanban in Action
3:	00302,	1617290823,	Mule in Action, Second Edition
4:	00341,	1617291307,	Gradle in Action
5:	00291,	1617290491,	HTML5 in Action
### page no 4
    id,	isbn,	title
1:	00272,	1617290327,	Ext JS in Action, Second Edition
2:	00365,	1617291374,	Windows Phone 8 in Action
3:	00317,	1617290971,	Learn Windows IIS in a Month of Lunches
4:	00301,	1617290394,	Linked Data
5:	00306,	1617290920,	Hello World! Second Edition

batch_key: 2x7xAh2OteQAorX33uvpYBeGdIZ-2wlXBxTHH4BCypr3FkFASqHbMibqnO
start_page_no: 1 has_prev: false has_next: true
metrics: {"read_docs":1,"write_docs":1,"delete_docs":0,"runtime":372}

for current batch: 	node demo.js 2x7xAh2OteQAorX33uvpYBeGdIZ-2wlXBxTHH4BCypr3FkFASqHbMibqnO
for next batch: 	node demo.js 2x7xAh2OteQAorX33uvpYBeGdIZ-2wlXBxTHH4BCypr3FkFASqHbMibqnO NEXT
batch_key: 9SVCj9yVtNQz9XhHyAvmBLe96jA-2wlXBxTHOTwmCC5ZKspLzfl06Nkbo8
start_page_no: 1 has_prev: false has_next: true
metrics: {"read_docs":1,"write_docs":1,"delete_docs":0,"runtime":382}

*** preview result: {"total":78,"cached_count":78}
metrics: {"read_docs":1,"write_docs":1,"delete_docs":0,"runtime":338}

Q Quit
C Redo current pages (default)
P Show previous pages
N Show next pages
batch_key: 9SVCj9yVtNQz9XhHyAvmBLe96jA-2r7nSAPOpSKJWv8EpruMm9jAmJekWghiMSF8gs
start_page_no: 5 has_prev: true has_next: true
metrics: {"read_docs":1,"write_docs":1,"delete_docs":0,"runtime":511}

config file