1.3.0 • Published 6 years ago
@schibstedspain/sui-rating-icons v1.3.0
$ npm install @schibstedspain/sui-rating-icons --save
The sui-rating-icons is made to work with any icon that we provide. The profile rating will handle with the icon and our specifications and will build a rating menu to show up to our user their rating information
The ProfileRating accepts the following properties:
- rating: The rating of our user, if our user have 6/10 stars we should pass 6 you can pass it with decimals too. 6.5, 7, 7.5...
- maxValue: The max value that our rating have. For example if it have 10 max star we should put 10.
- icon: Our Icon to be used as a rating
- iconSize: Our icon size, this one is important to make width calcs on the mask
- spacingBetweenOPTIONAL: A margin will be added to our we set this to a number(px),
- fillColorOPTIONAL: The color used for the FILLED mask. If you don't provide any color, it will fallback to our component scss variable $fill-profile-rating-filled
- emptyColorOPTIONAL: The color used for the EMPTY mask. If you don't provide any color, it will fallback to our component scss variable $fill-profile-rating-empty
import ProfileRating from '@schibstedspain/sui-rating-icons'
return (<ProfileRating
icon={() => <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="28" height="28" viewBox="0 0 8 8">
<path d="M2 0c-.55 0-1.04.23-1.41.59-.36.36-.59.85-.59 1.41 0 .55.23 1.04.59 1.41l3.41 3.41 3.41-3.41c.36-.36.59-.85.59-1.41 0-.55-.23-1.04-.59-1.41-.36-.36-.85-.59-1.41-.59-.55 0-1.04.23-1.41.59-.36.36-.59.85-.59 1.41 0-.55-.23-1.04-.59-1.41-.36-.36-.85-.59-1.41-.59z"
transform="translate(0 1)" />
Find full description and more examples in the demo page.