@schukai/component-notify v2.5.1
Notify Components
Notify is a lightweight, robust and easy-to-use web component with modest ambitions.
The component easily integrates with your existing websites without taking over everything.
One design goal of our web components is to reach the shining sun with as little javascript as possible.
Monster was built with ES6 modules and uses import
and export.
For some functions, you need additional polyfills.
To check out docs and examples, visit monsterjs.org/en/doc/component-notify/.
npm install @schukai/component-notify
, yarn install @schukai/component-notify
or pnpm install @schukai/component-notify
A simple example of the use of functionality from Monster. We create a small file index.mjs
The m
in .mjs
stands for module. In the example we want to make substitutions in a string.
const notify = document.createElement('monster-notify');
notify.push("this is a message");
To integrate this function into a website it is recommended to use a bundler like esbuild.
esbuild index.mjs --outfile dist.js
We can now integrate that into our website.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src="dist.js"></script>
We do try to work around some browser bugs, but on the whole we don't use polyfills and feature detection.
However, many functions can be mapped via polyfill.io and thus the compatibility can be increased.
<script id="polyfill" src="https://polyfill.io/v3/polyfill.min.js?features=Array.from,Array.isArray,Array.prototype.entries,Array.prototype.fill,Array.prototype.forEach,Array.prototype.indexOf,Array.prototype.keys,Array.prototype.lastIndexOf,Array.prototype.map,Array.prototype.reduce,Array.prototype.sort,ArrayBuffer,atob,DataView,document,DocumentFragment,Element,Event,globalThis,HTMLDocument,HTMLTemplateElement,JSON,Map,Number.isInteger,Object.assign,Object.defineProperty,Object.entries,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,Object.getPrototypeOf,Object.keys,Promise,Reflect,Reflect.defineProperty,Reflect.get,Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,Reflect.setPrototypeOf,Set,String.prototype.endsWith,String.prototype.matchAll,String.prototype.startsWith,String.prototype.trim,Symbol,Symbol.iterator,WeakMap,WeakSet"
For questions and commercial support, please contact schukai GmbH. The issue list of this repo is exclusively for bug reports and feature requests.
Please make sure to read the Issue Reporting Checklist before opening an issue. Issues not conforming to the guidelines may be closed immediately.
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