1.1.0 • Published 1 year ago

@schwabyio/xrunner v1.1.0

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Table of Contents

xRunner - CLI Runner For Postman


xRunner is a command line interface (CLI) app that extends Newman to enable your organization to run Postman tests with speed and at scale. These are the xRunner specific features:

  • Direct support for xtest
  • Run tests locally or as part of Continuous Integration (CI) testing
  • Configuration support using a settings.json file with command line override capability
  • Run Postman tests in parallel with a simple configurable limitConcurrency setting
  • Group tests for projects however you like using project-level test suites.json definition files
  • Test results in html format that are intuitive and easy to understand
  • Summary results sent to your chosen Slack channel


Demo Primary Commands


Demo Reporting


Installation Steps

  1. Prerequisite: Install Node.js (skip step if you already have)
  2. Clone xRunner project in the location of your choice (i.e. [YOUR-GIT-BASE-PATH]):
git clone git@github.com:schwabyio/xrunner.git
  1. Install dependencies:
cd xrunner
npm install
  1. Create the following settings.json file (NOTE: this file is not stored in Git):
  1. Edit the settings.json with the configurations for your testing needs. All configurations are documented here. NOTE: comments are allowed. Below is an example:
    "limitConcurrency": 10,
    "autoOpenTestResultHtml": true,
    //"sendSummaryResultsToSlack": true,
    "slackChannel": "C04XXXXXXXX",
    "slackHardAlertOnFailure": true,
    "projectName": "xtest",
    "environmentType": "dev1",
    "xRunnerProjectPath": "[YOUR-GIT-BASE-PATH]/xtest/tests/postman",
    "suiteId": "regression"


$ ./xRunner.js 
                                                         xRunner Ver. 1.0.0

   USAGE:  $ ./xRunner.js <program-command> [--settingsKey settingsValue]

          <program-command> - Required. Valid program-command values are:

                                          g[et]  - GET a list of Postman collections within the given suiteId.
                                          a[ll]  - Run ALL Postman collections within the given suiteId.
                               <collectionList>  - Run one or more Postman collections within the given suiteId by providing a
                                                   csv list of COLLECTION NAMEs.

    --settingsKey settingsValue - Optional. Any number of settings overrides.



All available configurations with documentation and defaults can be viewed here: https://github.com/schwabyio/xrunner/lib/config.js

Configuration Order of Precedence (lowest to highest): 1. Default value 2. Local settings.json override 3. Environment variables override 4. Command line argument override