1.0.0-beta.27 • Published 4 months ago

@scion/workbench-client v1.0.0-beta.27

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4 months ago

SCION Workbench Client

SCION Workbench Client provides core API for a web app to interact with SCION Workbench and other microfrontends. It is a pure TypeScript library based on the framework-agnostic SCION Microfrontend Platform library and can be used with any web stack.

Microfrontends can seamlessly interact with the SCION Workbench using the SCION Workbench Client or communicate with other microfrontends using the SCION Microfrontend Platform. Any web application can be integrated as a workbench view. Likewise, a workbench view can embed other microfrontends, and so on.

The sources for this package are in the SCION Workbench repo on GitHub. Please file issues and pull requests against that repo.

License: EPL-2.0