0.5.0 • Published 6 years ago

@scriptleaf/treejs v0.5.0

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Last release
6 years ago



TreeJS aims to add state, dynamic element creation, and more in a vanilla JavaScript familiar syntax and semantics.

Getting Started

To install with NPM:

  npm i @scriptleaf/treejs

To use in your browser:

  import * as Tree, from '@scriptleaf/treejs'
  // or
  import Tree, {createElement, ...etc} from '@scriptleaf/treejs'

or more classically:

  <script src="https://scriptleaf.org/~tree.js"></script> // Latest
  <script src="https://scriptleaf.org/tree.v0.0.0.js"></script> // Particular version

Creating elements

createElement(tagName:string, attributes:object, parentElement:htmlNode)

Arguments will be detected by their type. Allowing you to use them in any order.

Returns: Created element's reference.

tagName: defaults to 'div'. The tagName of the element. Can also be included in attributes.

attributes: defaults to {}. Each key/value will be applied to the new element.

parentElement: defaults to document.body. The element to which this will be appended to.

  import {createElement} from '@scriptleaf/treejs'
  // <h1 id="1">Hello World!</h1> // Appends to body due to no parent Element being defined
  let h1 = createElement('h1', {innerText: 'Hello World!', id: 'sample1'})
  // <h1 id="1">Hello World!<h2><b>Hello World Again!</b></h2></h1>
  createElement({tagName: 'h2', innerHTML: '<b>Hello World Again!</b>'}, h1)
  // Default tag is a div, auto appended to body if parent undefined
  let div = createElement()

Note: You can fire a function after element creation by attaching a function to the key "afterKey" of the elements attributes.

  createElement({afterLoad: alertAfterCreation, innerText: 'You did it!'})

  function alertAfterCreation () {

createElements (elementObjects:array, parentElement:element)

Returns: Array of created elements.

Shorthand for createElement(). Hint: Use 'tagName' in object to give it a particular tagName.

  import {createElements, createElement} from '@scriptleaf/treejs'
    {tagName: 'h1', innerText: 'Hello World!'},
    {tagName: 'input', value: '', placeholder: 'click to enter value...'}
  let div = createElement() // Auto appends to body since no parent defined
    {id: 'd1'},{id: 'd2'}
  ], div) // appends two divs to div = <div><div id="d1"></div><div id="d2"></div></div>

Element methods

createChild (tagName:string, attributes:object)

Elements created with TreeJS also obtain new methods themselves, for instance to add child elements you can do the following:

<element>.createChild({tagName: 'h1', innerText: 'Hello World!'}) // <h1>Hello World!</h1>
<element>.createChild('input', {placeholder: 'click to enter value...'}) // <input placeholder="click to enter value...">
<element>.createChild({innerHTML: '<i>Hello World!</i>'}) // <div><i>Hello World!</i></div>

createChildren (elements:array)

Allows you to create several children.

  {tagName: 'h1', innerText: 'Hello World!'},
  {tagName: 'input', value: '', placeholder: 'Click to enter a value!'}

State Nodes

createNode (text:string, parentElement:htmlNode, id:string)

State nodes are textNodes with extended methods that can be bound to a state.

  import {createElement, createNode} from '@scriptleaf/treejs'
  let div = createElement()
  createNode('Some random text!', div, 'exampleNode')

to get the above text node you can use the tree object:

  import Tree from '@scriptleaf/treejs'
  tree.nodes.exampleNode.textContent = "Something new!"
  let exampleNodeId = 'exampleNode'
  tree.nodes[exampleNodeId].textContent = 'Something new again!'

You can also bind a state node to a state key: // State will be explained further later...

  import {createNode} from '@scriptleaf/treejs'
  let node = createNode() // Node will by default be appended to the body if no parentElement

Now anytime the state 'stateKey' is updated, this node will also change. Regular elements can also be bound to a state:

  import {createElement} from '@scriptleaf/treejs'
  createElement({state: 'stateKey'}) // Only innerText will apply the state
  createElement({stateHTML: 'stateKey'}) // Will apply the state value as html
  createElement().bindState('stateKey') // Only innerText will apply the state


setState (stateKey:string, stateValue:string)

Modify the global state.

  import {setState, createNode} from '@scriptleaf/treejs'
  setState('stateKey', 'Hello World!')
  let node = createNode().bindState('stateKey') // Will equal "Hello World!"
  setState('stateKey', 'Hello World 2!') // Node textContent will dynamically change to "Hello World 2!"

getState (stateKey:string)

Get a key's value from the global state.

  import {setState, getState} from '@scriptleaf/treejs'
  setState('stateKey', 'Hello World!')
  getState('stateKey') // returns "Hello World!"


The tree object contains all elements created by id, className, or state nodes.

  import Tree, {createElement, createNode} from '@scriptleaf/treejs'
  let elem1 = createElement({id: 'testElement1'})
  Tree.id['testElement1'] // Returns elem1
  Tree.id.testElement1 // Returns elem1
  let elem2 = createElement({className: 'test'})
  let elem3 = createElement({className: 'test'})
  Tree.class['test'] // Returns [elem2, elem3]
  Tree.class.test // Returns [elem2, elem3]
  let node = createNode('', false, 'sampleID')
  Tree.node['sampleID'] // returns node
  Tree.node.sampleID // returns node

Component Templates

ComponentTemplate (name:string, defaultAttributes:object)

Component Templates allow you to create reusable html components.

  import {ComponentTemplate} from '@scriptleaf/treejs'
  new ComponentTemplate('sample', {tagName: 'p'})
Use Template

To create a component with the new template, use:

  import {createElement} from '@scriptleaf/treejs'
  createElement({template: 'sample', id: 'sample1'})
  createElements([{template: 'sample', id: 'sample2'}, {template: 'sample', id: 'sample3'}])
  // or as an element method
  <element>.createChild({template: 'sample', id: 'sample1'})
  <element>.createChildren([{template: 'sample', id: 'sample2'}, {template: 'sample', id: 'sample3'}])

To add children to the template, you can do the following:

  import {ComponentTemplate} from '@scriptleaf/treejs'
  new ComponentTemplate('sample', {tagName: 'p'}).children = [
    {tagName: 'h1', innerText: 'Hello World!'},
    {innerText: 'Div element content'}
dynamic children values

You can allow dynamic values in the templates by attaching variables to the $ object on element creation. This value when changed will also change the children's values as well.

  import {ComponentTemplate, createElement} from '@scriptleaf/treejs'
  new ComponentTemplate('sample', {tagName: 'p'}).children = [
    {tagName: 'h1', innerText: '$header'},
    {innerText: '$content'}
  let div = createElement({template: 'sample', $:{header: 'Hello World!', content: 'This is a div with text!'}})
  // Methods to change child h1 components innerText
  div.$.header = 'Goodbye world!'
  div.$['header'] = 'Hello again world!'

6 years ago


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