0.12.0 β€’ Published 3 years ago

@serverlessui/construct v0.12.0

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Last release
3 years ago
  • Bring your own UI It doesn't matter if it's React, Vue, Svelte or JQuery. If it compiles down to static files, then it is supported.

  • Serverless Functions Your functions become endpoints, automatically. Serverless UI deploys each function in your /functions directory as a Node.js lambda behind a CDN and API Gateway for an optimal blend of performance and scalability.

  • Deploy Previews Automatically deploy each iteration of your application with a separate URL to continuously integrate and test with confidence.

  • Custom Domains Quickly configure a custom domain to take advantage of production deploys!

  • TypeScript Support Write your serverless functions in JavaScript or TypeScript. Either way, they'll be bundled down extremely quickly and deployed as Node.js 14 lambdas.

  • Own your code Skip the 3rd Party services β€” get all of the benefits and security of a hosted AWS application, without going through a middleman. Deploy to a new AWS account, or an existing account and get up and running in five minutes!

What’s In This Document

πŸš€ Get Up and Running in 5 Minutes

You can get a new Serverless UI site deployed to you AWS account in just a few steps:

  1. AWS Prerequisites

    In order to deploy to AWS, you'll have to configure your machine with local credentials. You'll find the best instructions here.

  2. Install the AWS CDK.

    npm install -g aws-cdk
  3. Install the Serverless UI Command-Line Interface

    npm install -g @serverlessui/cli
  4. Bootstrap your AWS Environment

    Next, specify your account and region to bootstrap the CDK environment for quicker subsequent deployments

    cdk bootstrap aws://ACCOUNT-NUMBER-1/REGION-1
  5. Deploy your static website

    Finally, tell the Serverless UI where to find your website's static files

    sui deploy --dir="./dist"

πŸ“– CLI Reference

  1. deploy
  2. configure-domain


sui deploy


--dirThe directory of your website's static files"./dist"
--functionsThe directory of the functions to deploy as endpoints"./functions"
--prodCustom Domains only: false will deploy a previewfalse

Note: The --dir directory should be only static files. You may need to run a build step prior to deploying


  • Deploy a preview of static website in a ./build directory with no functions
sui deploy --dir="./build"
❯ Website Url: https://xxxxx.cloudfront.net
  • Deploy a preview of static website with serverless functions
sui deploy --dir="./build" --functions="./lambdas"
❯ Website Url: https://xxxxx.cloudfront.net
❯ API Url: https://xxxxx.cloudfront.net/api/my-function-name
❯ API Url: https://xxxxx.cloudfront.net/api/my-other-function-name
  • Production deploy

    Note: A custom domain must be configured for production deploys. See configure-domain

sui deploy --prod --dir="./build" --functions="./lambdas"
❯ Website Url: https://www.my-domain.com
❯ API Url: https://www.my-domain.com/api/my-function-name
❯ API Url: https://www.my-domain.com/api/my-other-function-name


This step only needs to be completed once, but it may take anywhere from 20 minutes - 48 hours to fully propogate

sui configure-domain [--domain]


--domainYour custom domainNone

Additional Steps

A minute or two after running this command, the deploy will "hang" while trying to validate the domain prior to creating the wildcard certificate.

  1. Navigate to Route53

    Find your Hosted Zone and take note of the Zone Id and Name Servers

  2. Update the Nameservers on your Domain Registrar's website (eg. Namecheap)

  3. Wait

    The DNS resolution can be as quick as 10 minutes or take up to 48 hours. After some time, the Serverless UI command may timeout, but running it again should pick up where it left off.

  4. Navigate to Certificate Manager

    After the configure-domain command has completed successfully, navigate to Certificate Manager and take note of the Certificate Arn (eg. "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:ACCOUNT_ID:certificate/xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx")

  5. Create a Serverless UI config file

    Place the config file in the root of your project


    module.exports = {
      domain: "serverlessui.app",
      zoneId: "Z10011111YYYYGGGRRR",

Continuous Integration

Since Serverless UI is a command-line tool available via npm, it will work in almost any CI environment.


GitHub Actions

Note: Checkout the action in this repo for a live example https://github.com/JakePartusch/serverlessui/actions

name: Serverless UI Build & Deploy Preview

on: [pull_request]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Use Node.js
        uses: actions/setup-node@v1
          node-version: "12.x"
      - run: npm ci
      - run: npm run build
      - run: npm install -g @serverlessui/cli
      - run: npm install -g aws-cdk
      - name: Configure AWS Credentials
        uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1
          aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
          aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
          aws-region: us-east-1
      - run: sui deploy --dir=./build
      - name: Add PR Comment
        uses: actions/github-script@v3
          github-token: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
          script: |
            const manifest = require(`${process.env.GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/cdk.out/manifest.json`);
            const stackName = Object.keys(manifest.artifacts).find((key) =>
            const template = require(`${process.env.GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/cdk.out/${stackName}.template.json`);
            const baseUrlKey = Object.keys(template.Outputs).find((key) =>
              issue_number: context.issue.number,
              owner: context.repo.owner,
              repo: context.repo.repo,
              body: `βœ… Your deploy preview is ready: ${template.Outputs[baseUrlKey].Value}`,

πŸ‘©β€πŸ”¬ Advanced Use Cases

For existing serverless projects or those that may have additional CloudFormation and/or CDK infrastructure, Serverless UI provides CDK constructs for each of the cli actions:

import { ServerlessUI, DomainCertificate } from '@serverlessui/construct;


Serverless UI

For a full-featured example, check out: https://github.com/JakePartusch/serverlessui-advanced-example

const { functions } = new ServerlessUI(this, "ServerlessUI", {
  buildId: "advanced-example",
  uiSources: [Source.asset(`${__dirname}/../build`)],
  apiEntries: [`${__dirname}/../functions/graphql.ts`],
  apiEnvironment: {
    TABLE_NAME: table.tableName,
  domain: {
    domainName: "serverlessui.app",
    hostedZone: HostedZone.fromHostedZoneAttributes(this, "HostedZone", {
      hostedZoneId: "Z1XXXXXXXXXXXXX",
      zoneName: "serverlessui.app",
    certificate: Certificate.fromCertificateArn(


  • Q. How is this different than Netlify or Vercel?
    • Serverless UI allows you to enjoy the benefits of pre-configured infrastructure without going through a middleman. This allows for fewer accounts, tighter security and seamless integration with a wealth of AWS services. Additionally, you receive these benefits "at cost" since this is deployed directly to your AWS account.


Licensed under the MIT License.