0.6.1 • Published 3 years ago

@sewing-kit/plugin-package-build v0.6.1

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Last release
3 years ago


Exposes a build step for generating package output, in commonjs, esmodules, and esnext formats. This is the build configuration used to build sewing-kit-next itself and provides a solid base for creating JS-only packages.


$ yarn add @sewing-kit/plugin-package-build --dev


Add packageBuild to your sewing-kit plugins.

import {createPackage, Runtime} from '@sewing-kit/core';
import {babel} from '@sewing-kit/plugin-babel';
import {packageBuild} from '@sewing-kit/plugin-package-build';
export default createPackage((pkg) => {
  pkg.entry({root: './src/index'});
  pkg.entry({root: './src/second-entry', name: 'second-entry'});
      // Required. A browserslist string that shall be targeted when your runtime includes `Runtime.Browser`
      browserTargets: 'defaults',
      // Required. A browserslist string that shall be targeted when your runtime includes `Runtime.Node`
      nodeTargets: 'node 12.20',
      // Optional. Defaults to true. Defines if commonjs outputs should be generated.
      commonjs: true,
      // Optional. Defaults to true. Defines if esmodules outputs should be generated.
      esmodules: true,
      // Optional. Defaults to true. Defines if esnext outputs should be generated.
      esnext: true,
      // Optional. Defaults to true. Defines if entrypoints should be written at
      // the root of the repository. You can disable this if you have a single
      // entrypoint or if your package uses the `exports` key in package.json
      rootEntrypoints: true,


The browserTargets and nodeTargets options are browserslist strings that control the level of transpilation that is required based on the runtime you configure.

  • pkg.runtime(Runtime.Node) for a node-only package, transpilation shall use nodeTargets.
  • pkg.runtime(Runtime.Browser) for a browser-only, package transpilation shall use browserTargets.
  • pkg.runtimes(Runtimes.Node, Runtime.Browser) for an isomorphic package that runs on node and in the browser, transpilation shall combine nodeTargets and browserTargets.

Using browserTargets: 'defaults', and nodeTargets: 'maintained node versions' are moving targets that depend data in the caniuse-lite package. You can see what environments these values correspond to by running e.g. npx browserslist 'defaults'. If you find these values unclear or are concerned that changes to them may be non-obvious, you can use explicit version numbers instead.


By default, entrypoint files are written to the root of your package that correspond the package's entrys defined in its config file. This is to support packages with multiple entrypoints in a world where package.json's exports support is not pervasive as Webpack 4, TypeScript and Jest support is currently absent at time of writing (September 2020).

Single entrypoint

When creating a package with a single entrypoint, you can set rootEntrypoints: true to not write any root entrypoints, and point fields in your package.json to the contents of the build folder.

Given a sewing-kit.config.js file that contains:

export default createPackage((pkg) => {
  pkg.entry({root: './src/index'});
    browserTargets: 'defaults',
    nodeTargets: 'node 12.20',
    rootEntrypoints: false,

In the package.json add the following main (for commonjs output), module (for esmodules output), esnext (for esnext output) and types(for TypeScript types) keys. You can omit a given key if you are not generating a particular output type.

  "main": "build/cjs/index.js" /* commonjs output */,
  "module": "build/esm/index.mjs" /* esmodules output */,
  "esnext": "build/esnext/index.esnext" /* esnext output */,
  "types": "build/ts/index.d.ts" /* typescript output - this path depends upon your tsconfig.json */

Multiple entrypoints

If you have multiple entrypoints then you should leave rootEntrypoints: true to generate entrypoints at the root. This is a slightly flawed approach as only commonjs content for the additional entrypoints is supported, but is the best that we can do give current support.

Given a sewing-kit.config.js file that contains:

export default createPackage((pkg) => {
  pkg.entry({root: './src/index'});
  pkg.entry({root: './src/second-entry', name: 'second-entry'});
    browserTargets: 'defaults',
    nodeTargets: 'node 12.20',
    rootEntrypoints: true,

Then this shall write sets of outputs for each entrypoint at the root of your package:

  • index.js that reexports content from build/cjs/index.js
  • index.mjs that reexports content from build/esm/index.mjs
  • index.esnext that reexports content from build/esnext/index.esnext
  • second-entry.js that reexports content from build/cjs/second-entry.js
  • second-entry.mjs that reexports content from build/esm/second-entry.mjs
  • second-entry.esnext that reexports content from build/esnext/second-entry.esnext

In the package.json add the following main (for commonjs output), module (for esmodules output), esnext (for esnext output) and types(for TypeScript types) keys. You can omit a given key if you are not generating a particular output type. If you specify a files array, remember to add these root entrypoints to it.

  "main": "index.js" /* commonjs output */,
  "module": "index.mjs" /* esmodules output */,
  "esnext": "index.esnext" /* esnext output */,
  "types": "build/ts/index.d.ts" /* typescript output - this path depends upon your tsconfig.json */,
  "typesVersions": {
    "*": {
      /* typescript types for the second-entry entrypoint */
      "second-entry": ["./build/ts/second-entry.d.ts"]

If a consuming app imports your-package/second-entry then it shall load second-entry.js from the root of your package.