@sfirew/minecraft-motd-parser v1.1.3
Minecraft Server MOTD Parser
This package support CommonJS, ES Module, and tree shaking
Can convert minecraft server MOTD data to text, json, html, and clean codes.
Support 1.16 custom hex color, and auto check motd data type.
Don't have other dependencies.
choose your favorite package manager
# npm
$ npm install @sfirew/minecraft-motd-parser
# yarn
$ yarn add @sfirew/minecraft-motd-parser
# pnpm
$ pnpm add @sfirew/minecraft-motd-parser
const { autoToHTML } = require('@sfirew/minecraft-motd-parser');
ES6 Modules
import { autoToHTML } from '@sfirew/minecraft-motd-parser'
Simple use example
import { autoToHTML as motdParser } from '@sfirew/minecraft-motd-parser'
// or
import motdParser from '@sfirew/minecraft-motd-parser'
// motdParser.autoToHTML('motdString...');
const hypixelMotdString = "§aHypixel Network §7§c1.8/1.9/1.10/1.11/1.12 §e§lNEW PTL GAME:§b§l THE BRIDGE";
/* result
<span style="color:#55FF55;">Hypixel Network </span><span style="color:#FF5555;">1.8/1.9/1.10/1.11/1.12 </span><span style="color:#FFFF55;font-weight: bold;">NEW PTL GAME:</span><span style="color:#55FFFF;font-weight: bold;"> THE BRIDGE</span>
Some good custom motd hex color servers
The parser does not have the Minecraft font by default.
Minecraft font example
No Minecraft font
You can try server status view in my created service https://mcsv.top/server/mc.hypixel.net
Example and main formatter
Some examples here, you can use TypeScript or JavaScript.
autoToHTML(string | object)
auto check MOTD data type then return same html result.
import motdParser from '@sfirew/minecraft-motd-parser'
let jsonExample = {
"extra": [
"bold": true,
"color": "gold",
"text": "Viper "
"color": "gray",
"text": "┃ "
"color": "yellow",
"text": "Summer Sale"
"color": "white",
"text": " at "
"color": "gold",
"text": "store.vipermc.net\n"
"color": "gray",
"text": "► "
"color": "yellow",
"text": "EOTW "
"color": "white",
"text": "on "
"color": "gold",
"text": "Infernal"
"color": "white",
"text": " is this Thursday at "
"color": "yellow",
"text": "5PM ET"
"color": "white",
"text": "."
"text": ""
let autoJsonResult = motdParser.autoToHTML(jsonExample);
/* auto JSON Result, callback HTML:
<span style="color: #FFAA00;font-weight: bold;">Viper </span><span style="color: #AAAAAA;">┃ </span><span style="color: #FFFF55;">Summer Sale</span><span style="color: #FFFFFF;"> at </span><span style="color: #FFAA00;">store.vipermc.net<br/></span><span style="color: #AAAAAA;">► </span><span style="color: #FFFF55;">EOTW </span><span style="color: #FFFFFF;">on </span><span style="color: #FFAA00;">Infernal</span><span style="color: #FFFFFF;"> is this Thursday at </span><span style="color: #FFFF55;">5PM ET</span><span style="color: #FFFFFF;">.</span>
let textExample = "§aHypixel Network §7§c1.8/1.9/1.10/1.11/1.12 §e§lNEW PTL GAME:§b§l THE BRIDGE";
let autoTextResult = motdParser.autoToHTML(textExample);
/* auto Text Result, callback HTML:
<span style="color: #55FF55;">Hypixel Network <span style="color: #AAAAAA;"><span style="color: #FF5555;">1.8/1.9/1.10/1.11/1.12 <span style="color: #FFFF55;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">NEW PTL GAME:<span style="color: acqua;"><span style="font-weight: bold;"> THE BRIDGE</span></span></span></span></span></span></span>
clean codes formatter
clean motd text color codes.
import motdParser from '@sfirew/minecraft-motd-parser'
import { cleanCodes } from '@sfirew/minecraft-motd-parser'
const motdText = "§aHypixel Network §7§c1.8/1.9/1.10/1.11/1.12 §e§lNEW PTL GAME:§b§l THE BRIDGE";
const result = cleanCodes(motdText);
/* result, callback Text:
* Hypixel Network 1.8/1.9/1.10/1.11/1.12 NEW PTL GAME: THE BRIDGE
autoCleanToText(string | object)
auto check MOTD data type then return same cleaned text.
import motdParser from '@sfirew/minecraft-motd-parser'
import { autoCleanToText } from '@sfirew/minecraft-motd-parser'
const motdText = "§aHypixel Network §7§c1.8/1.9/1.10/1.11/1.12 §e§lNEW PTL GAME:§b§l THE BRIDGE";
const result = autoCleanToText(motdText);
/* result, callback Text:
* Hypixel Network 1.8/1.9/1.10/1.11/1.12 NEW PTL GAME: THE BRIDGE
origin formatter
convert motd text to html.
let motdText = "§aHypixel Network §7§c1.8/1.9/1.10/1.11/1.12 §e§lNEW PTL GAME:§b§l THE BRIDGE";
let result = motdParser.textToHTML(motdText);
/* result, callback HTML:
* <span style="color: #55FF55;">Hypixel Network <span style="color: #AAAAAA;"><span style="color: #FF5555;">1.8/1.9/1.10/1.11/1.12 <span style="color: #FFFF55;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">NEW PTL GAME:<span style="color: acqua;"><span style="font-weight: bold;"> THE BRIDGE</span></span></span></span></span></span></span>
convert motd json to html.
let motdText = "§aHypixel Network §7§c1.8/1.9/1.10/1.11/1.12 §e§lNEW PTL GAME:§b§l THE BRIDGE";
let result = motdParser.textToJSON(motdText);
/* result, callback JSON:
text: '',
extra: [
{ text: '', extra: [] },
{ text: 'Hypixel Network ', extra: [], color: '#55FF55' },
{ text: '', extra: [], color: '#AAAAAA' },
{ text: '1.8/1.9/1.10/1.11/1.12 ', extra: [], color: '#FF5555' },
{ text: '', extra: [], color: '#FFFF55' },
{ text: 'NEW PTL GAME:', extra: [], bold: true, color: '#FFFF55' },
{ text: '', extra: [], bold: true, color: '#55FFFF' },
{ text: ' THE BRIDGE', extra: [], bold: true, color: '#55FFFF' }
convert text to motd json.
let mcfalloutJson = {
"extra": [
"color": "gray",
"text": " "
"color": "gold",
"text": "廢土伺服器 "
"color": "white",
"text": "mcFallout.net"
"color": "dark_gray",
"text": " - "
"color": "gray",
"text": "版本 1.17.1 "
"color": "gold",
"text": "洞穴"
"color": "light_purple",
"text": "與"
"color": "aqua",
"text": "山崖\n"
"color": "gray",
"text": " "
"color": "dark_gray",
"text": "享受工廠、農場、建築與紅石"
"text": ""
let result = motdParser.JSONToHTML(mcfalloutJson);
/* result, callback HTML:
<span style="color: #AAAAAA;"> </span><span style="color: #FFAA00;">廢土伺服器 </span><span style="color: #FFFFFF;">mcFallout.net</span><span style="color: #555555;"> - </span><span style="color: #AAAAAA;">版本 1.17.1 </span><span style="color: #FFAA00;">洞穴</span><span style="color: #FF55FF;">與</span><span style="color: #55FFFF;">山崖<br/></span><span style="color: #AAAAAA;"> </span><span style="color: #555555;">享受工廠、農場、建築與紅石</span>
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