1.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

@sharethrough/nestjs-snowflake v1.0.2

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4 years ago


Snowflake module for Nest, essentially a wrapper for snowflake promise.


Import the module like so

import { Module }         from '@nestjs/common'
import { SnowflakeModule, SnowflakeOptions } from '@sharethrough/nestjs-snowflake';

  imports: [
    SnowflakeModule.forRoot(options: SnowflakeOptions)

where options is an object which satisfies the SnowflakeOptions interface

interface SnowflakeOptions {
  // name for your connection in nest. Set to 'default' if omitted
  name?: string;
  // snowflake driver settings
  // see: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/nodejs-driver-use.html#required-connection-options
  account: string;
  username: string;
  password: string;
  database: string;
  schema: string;
  warehouse: string;
  role: string;

You can then inject the SnowflakeService with the provided decorator

@InjectSnowflake(connectionName) private readonly snowflake: SnowflakeService

where connectionName is the name you used in your options.

Sending queries

Much as in snowflake-promise, a query is in the format

    sqlText: string;
    binds?: any[];
    streamResult?: boolean;
    fetchAsString?: FetchAsStringTypes[];

You can execute queries via

const response = await this.snowflake.execute({ sqlText: 'SELECT col1 FROM table1' });

Response will be in the format

interface SnowflakeResponse {
  // query metadata: useful debug info
  metadata: QueryMetadata;

  // results returned by Snowflake
  results: object[];

The query metadata contains

interface QueryMetadata {
  // the number of rows returned
  rows: number;

  // the snowflake query ID
  statementId: string;

4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago