2.3.1 • Published 2 years ago

@sharpsports/sharpsports-mobile-link v2.3.1

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2 years ago

SharpSports Mobile Link - A React Native, Typescript NPM package.

SharpSports Mobile Link is a customizable package built in React Native that provides authenticated access to the SharpSports BookLink Button and Refresh methods. It is intended to be used as the integration path for your React Native app.

Getting Started

1. Add sharpsports-mobile-link to your dependencies

$ npm i @sharpsports/sharpsports-mobile-link --save

2. Import SharpSports in your app

Import the SharpSports package into your app and initialize. Note: it is important to only initialize SharpSports once in your application.

import SharpSports from '@sharpsports/sharpsports-mobile-link';

const internalId = 'my-internal-id'
const publicKey = 'my-public-key-string'
const privateKey = 'my-private-key-string'
const sharpsports = new SharpSports(internalId,publicKey,privateKey)

Class Methods

1. LinkButton

The LinkButton method creates a customizable button which opens up the SharpSports BookLink UI in a web-view.

Style Arguments

The following arguments can be used to style the button as desired

buttonText: string;
paddingVertical: number;
paddingHorizontal: number;
backgroundColor: string;
buttonColor: string;
borderRadius: number;
fontFamily: string;
fontSize: number;
textAlign: 'center' | 'left' | 'right | justify'

Navigation Callback Arguments

There are several callback functions that can/must be provided as arguments to Link Button. presentWebView and dismissWebView are required and must be linked to your navigation stack. onLoading and onLoadingDismiss are optional, if you wish to use a custom loading/transition screen. There's also an optional onError callback, which you can use to inform your users that something went wrong.

presentWebView: (webView: JSX.Element) =>  void;
dismissWebView: () =>  void;
onLoading?: () =>  void;
onLoadingDismiss?: () =>  void;
onError?: () =>  void;

2. Refresh

The Refresh method allow you to make refresh requests to the SharpSports API.


By default the Refresh method will run a refresh on all accounts associated with the internalId that you provided when initializing the SharpSports object. Optionally you can pass a bettorId to refresh all accounts associated with that ID or a bettorAccountId to refresh just a specific account.

You can also optionally pass reverify: true as an argument to attach the reverify query parameter to the refresh request.

bettorId?: string;
bettorAccountId?: string;
reverify?: boolean;


Refresh by InternalID


corresponds to the API call

POST https://api.sharpsports.io/v1/bettors/<internalID>/refresh

Refresh by BettorID

sharpsports.Refresh({bettorId: <BTTR_ID>})

corresponds to the API call

POST https://api.sharpsports.io/v1/bettors/<BTTR_ID>/refresh

Refresh by BettorAccountID

sharpsports.Refresh({bettorAccountId: <BACT_ID>})

corresponds to the API call

POST https://api.sharpsports.io/v1/bettorAccounts/<BACT_ID>/refresh


sharpsports.Refresh({bettorAccountId: <BACT_ID>, reverify: true})

corresponds to the API call

POST https://api.sharpsports.io/v1/bettorAccounts/<BACT_ID>/refresh?reverify=true

Example Implementation


import  React  from  'react';
import { NavigationContainer, NavigationContainerRef, RouteProp } from  '@react-navigation/native';
import { createStackNavigator, StackNavigationProp } from  '@react-navigation/stack';

import  Main  from  './Main'; // The page containing the SharpSportsMobileLink
import  Details  from  './Details'; // A page accepting an arbitrary WebView

type  RootStackParamList = {
	Main: undefined;
	Details: { webView: JSX.Element },

type  MainScreenNavigationProp = StackNavigationProp<

type  DetailsScreenRouteProp = RouteProp<

export  type  Props = {
  navigation: MainScreenNavigationProp;
  route: DetailsScreenRouteProp;

const  StackNavigator = createStackNavigator<RootStackParamList>();

const  MainStack = () => {
return (
			options={{headerShown:  false}}
			options={{headerBackTitle:  "Close"}}

 export default function App() {
   return (
       <MainStack />


import  React  from  'react';
import { StyleSheet, SafeAreaView, Button, Alert, useNavigation } from  'react-native';
import { Props } from  './App';

import SharpSports from '@sharpsports/sharpsports-mobile-link';

//init sharpsports
const internalId = 'my-internal-id'
const publicKey = 'my-public-key-string'
const privateKey = 'my-private-key-string'
export const sharpsports = new SharpSports(internalId,publicKey,privateKey)

export  default  function  Main ({ navigation }: Props) {

	const  _onPresentWebView = (webView: JSX.Element) => {
		navigation.navigate('Details', {webView});
	const  _onDismissWebView = () => {
	const  _onLoading = () => {
		// Your loading method here
	const  _onLoadingDismiss = () => {
		// Your dismiss loading method here
	const  _onError = () => {
		// example error handling
		Alert.alert("SharpSports Error", "Could not load SharpSports BookLink")

	return (
		<SafeAreaView  style={styles.container}>
			//Example BookLink Button
				buttonText:  'Link SportsBook',
				paddingVertical:  12,
				paddingHorizontal:  25,
				backgroundColor:  "darkblue",
				buttonColor:  '#2ce384',
				borderRadius:  8,
				fontFamily:  'Helvetica',
				fontSize:  20,
				textAlign:  'center',
				presentWebView:  _onPresentWebView,
				dismissWebView:  _onDismissWebView,
				onLoading:  _onLoading,
				onLoadingDismiss:  _onLoadingDismiss,
				onError:  _onError
			//Example Refresh Button
				onPress={() =>  sharpsports.Refresh()}
				title="Refresh Bettor by InternalID"


import  React  from  'react';
import { SafeAreaView, StyleSheet } from  'react-native';
import { Props } from  './App';

export  default  function  Details ({ route }: Props) {=
	const { webView } = route.params;
	return (
		<SafeAreaView  style={styles.safeArea}>

const  styles = StyleSheet.create({
	safeArea: {
		flex:  1,
		justifyContent:  'center'