0.0.3 • Published 4 years ago

@shinbaek/tool-case v0.0.3

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Last release
4 years ago


This package has functions which are often used between projects.


npm install @shinbaek/tool-case


yarn add @shinbaek/tool-case

tool list

- tarray

  • isArray(array)

    Return true if array is instance of Array.

  • isEmpty(array)

    Return true if array is array with length 0.

  • isUseful(array)

    Return true if array is not empty array.

  • mapLargeArr(largeArr, mapper, chunkSize = 1000)

    Return an array mapped with mapper. The largeArr array is mapped with (largeArr / chunkSize) + 1 times. For each mapping time, the mapper is called in the event queue.

    If largeArr is not an array, return null

- taudio

  • audioBufferSlice(info)

    The following is the example of usage.

      url: 'http://audiourl.com/12343512321331.wav', // the url of audio file
      // arrayBuffer, // the arrayBuffer. If set this value, audioBufferSlice do not use url
      begin: 1000, // the time of begin. (using millisecond)
      end: 5000, // the time of end. (using millisecond)
      // responseCallback, // If it is a function and url has value, this function just use the response value of url as an argument of responseCallbak and call responseCallbak.
      callback: audioSource => {
        // After slicing the audio file, callback is called with AudioSourceResult instance.
        audioSource.start(); // if want to start
        audioSource.start(1, 2); // if want to play from 1s to 2s for audioSource
        audioSource.pause(); // pause the player
        audioSource.stop(); // stop the player
        audioSource.on('playing', e => {
          // event called when every 10 milliseconds
          // if you want to change the time interval use
          // audioSource.setPlayingTimerInterval(time interval with millisecond)
          e.currentTime; // the context current time
          e.playingTime; // the player time
        audioSource.on('pause', e => {
          // event called when the player is paused
          // e is value of AudioScheduledSourceNode ended evnet (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioScheduledSourceNode/ended_event)
        audioSource.on('end', e => {
          // event called when the player end
          // e is value of AudioScheduledSourceNode ended evnet (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioScheduledSourceNode/ended_event)

- tdate

  • isDate(date)

    Return true if date is Date type.

  • getLastDayOfMonth(year, month)

    Return the last day of year/month. For example,

    getLastDayOfMonth(2020, 3); // return 31
  • getNumOfWeeksOfMonth(year, month)

    Return the number of weeks of year/month. For example,

    getNumOfWeeksOfMonth(2020, 1); // return 5
  • getDatesOfMonth(year, month, onlyThisMonth)

    Return the array of dates of year/month. The return data structure of it is

      year, // year of this date,
      month, // month of this month. start from 1
      date, // date
      day, // day of the date
      week, // week of the date
    }, ...]

    This function returns the dates consisting calendar page. For example, if 2020/03 is passed to getDatesOfMonth, the result contains dates 2020/04/01, 2020/04/02, 2020/04/03, 2020/04/04. If onlyThisMonth is true, the result do not contains those dates.

    The example of usage is

    getDatesOfMonth(2020, 1);
    // return 
    // [{year: 2019, month: 12, date: 29, day: 0, week: 1}, ..., {year: 2020, month: 2, date: 1, day: 6, week: 5}]

getDatesOfMonth(2020, 1, true);

// return // {year: 2020, month: 1, date: 1, day: 3, week: 1}, ..., {year: 2020, month: 1, date: 31, day: 5, week: 5}

## - tobject

* *isObject(obj)*

Return true if the *obj* is the type of Object.

* *keysOf(obj)*

Return key list of the *obj*. If the *obj* is not an Object type, return empty array.

* *filter(obj, predicate)*

Return an object filtered with *predicate*. The *predicate* callback function is called with *predicate(key, obj)*.

* *map(obj, mapper)*

Return an object mapped with *mapper*. The *mapper* callback function is called with *mapper(obj[key], key, obj)*.

* *extract(obj, keyList, exact)*

Return an object with key-value pair where the key is in keyList. If *exact* is *false(default)*, the extracted keys contain the keys of *keyList*. If *exact* is *true*, the extracted keys are equal to the *keyList*. The usage is

const obj = {
  marginTop: 10,
  margin: 20,
  paddingLeft: 30,
  padding: 50,
  foo: 200,
const keyList = ['margin', 'padding'];

extract(obj, keyList);

// return 
// {
//   marginTop: 10,
//   margin: 20,
//   paddingLeft: 30,
//   padding: 50,
// }

extract(obj, keyList, true);

// return 
// {
//   margin: 20,
//   padding: 50,
// }
  • remove(obj, keyList, exact)

    Return an object with key-value pair where the key is not in keyList. The work of exact is same with extract. The usage is

    const obj = {
      marginTop: 10,
      margin: 20,
      paddingLeft: 30,
      padding: 50,
      foo: 200,
    const keyList = ['margin', 'padding'];
    remove(obj, keyList);
    // return 
    // { foo: 200 }
    remove(testObj, testKeyArr, true);
    // return
    // {
    //   marginTop: 10,
    //   paddingLeft: 30,
    //   foo: 200,
    // }
  • cloneObject(obj)

    Return the deep copyed object of obj.

  • isEmptyObject(obj)

    Return true if the obj if the empty object, i.e. obj === {}.

- tother

  • wait(timeout)

    Return the Promise after timeout milliseconds. The Promise resolve undefined.


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago