2.1.3 • Published 15 days ago

@shipt/osmosis v2.1.3

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15 days ago


Osmosis utilizes React context and allows you to create your own custom hooks to provide a lightweight and modularized solution for global state management for any React or React Native project.



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To use Osmosis you have to first import the setupStore function

import { setupStore } from '@shipt/osmosis';

The setupStore function takes in an argument that is just a custom hook. The custom hook will return a single object that represents a slice of state and any functions needed to operate on that state.

setupStore returns one variable with 2 properties: Context and Provider

let store = setupStore(useStateStore);
  • store - a ref to the store object returned from the supplied custom hook
  • store.Context - a React context variable that gives you access to the state and functions of your store
  • store.Provider - a higher-order component used to provide the store to the app

To connect the state throughout your app you have to import the StoreProvider function which is simply a utility for combining several wrapperFunction's into a single higher order component.

import { StoreProvider } from '@shipt/osmosis';

StoreProvider takes two arguments, the first is an array of the wrapperFunction's returned from setupStore and the second is the root component for your app. It then returns the root component fully wrapped within your state store context.

In the wrapper function array order matters, so the stores which belong higher in the store module hierarchy should be listed first.

let WrappedRoot = StoreProvider([wrapperFunction1, wrapperFunction2], RootComponent);


import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { setupStore } from '@shipt/osmosis';

const useCounterStore = () => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  const increment = () => {
    setCount(count + 1);

  const decrement = () => {
    setCount(count - 1);

  return {
    state: {

let CounterStore = setupStore(useCounterStore);

export default CounterStore;
import React from 'react';
import { CounterStore } from './counter.store';

export default () => {
  const {
    state: { count },
  } = CounterStore.useStore();

  return (
      <button onClick={increment}>+</button>
      <button onClick={decrement}>-</button>
//index.js Root Component
import { StoreProvider } from '@shipt/osmosis';
import { CounterStore } from './counter.store';
import Counter from './counter';

export default StoreProvider([CounterStore.Provider], Counter);

State Persistence with usePersistedState

In order to simplify working with state that needs to be persisted, this library includes a useful utility hook called usePersistedState. The persistence for this hook must be configured, and the user can set this up to store key/value pairs with any persistence layer required by using a simple configuration step on app launch.


To configure the persistence layer for usePersistedState, simply perform something similar to the following when the app first loads:

import { configureUsePersistedState } from '@shipt/osmosis';

async function getItem(key) {
  let value = // perform async actions to return the value for the key provided
  return value;

async function setItem(key, value) {
  // perform async actions to store the value in storage based on the provided key

configureUsePersistedState({ getItem, setItem });


usePersistedState is similar to using React's useState, with only a few minor modifications. The hook can be used by performing the following:

import { usePersistedState } from '@shipt/osmosis';

const [stateValue, setStateValue, isHydrated] = usePersistedState(initialValue, persistenceKey);

Where the hook params are:

  • initialValue: the initial value to use for this state, just like from useState. This only initializes the state value at run time. If present, the initial value will be overridden by any persisted state that is rehydrated when mounted.

  • persistenceKey: the key to be passed to the configured setItem function to store the value in the persistence layer.

And the return params are:

  • stateValue: the value as stored in state, just like from useState.

  • setStateValue: the function to update the value in state. This is almost identical to the function returned from useState. The only difference is that in addition to setting the current value in state, it also asynchronously calls the configured setItem function to allow the user to store the latest state value in the persistence layer desired, using the persistenceKey supplied.

  • isHydrated: a boolean value determining if the persisted value has been loaded into state. Since reading and writing values to the persistence layer are done async, it is often required to delay performing certain actions after the persisted state has been rehydrated into state during the current app session, such as refreshing a user's persisted but expired auth token.

Custom Transformers

When saving certain data types that are not serializable, it may be necessary to tie into the getter/setter implementation of usePersistedState to transform the data type into something that can be serialized for persistence. usePersistedState takes a third optional parameter, which is an object containing two functions: getItem and setItem. These functions will be called as part of the persistence and hydration logic and will be passed the corresponding value that needs transformation.

In the example below, a Map type needs to be persisted and therefore needs to be transformed to and from a JS object for serialization:

const [stateValue, setStateValue, isHydrated] = usePersistedState(new Map(), 'mapValue', {
  setItem: value => Object.fromEntries(value),        //called when the state value is being persisted. value is the Map
  getItem: value => new Map(Object.entries(value))    //called with the state value is being hydrated from the persistence layer. value is the JS Object

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