1.0.0 • Published 6 months ago

@shons/next-configify v1.0.0

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6 months ago


next-configify is just a small extension to the existing @itgorillaz/configify project with following 2 features which I needed in my own project.

  1. environment profile (dev, prod, stage, test) based configuration files loading
  2. register configuration properties as environment variables e.g. app.my.property --> APP_MY_PROPERTY

how to? 'environment profile' and 'configuration properties to env vars'

Overwrite Default Options

You can add module otions by providing an object as argumento to the forRootAsync() method:

   * then environment name to load environemnt specific file.
   *  e.g. if envProfile: 'prod';  ```applicaition-prod.yml or application-prod.json or .prod.env``` files will be loaded in addition to default files
  envProfile?: string
   * If config file is json or yaml(yml) then key will be sparatd by this separator stirng.
   * The default value is dot (.)
   * eg. 
   * ```
   * //application.json
   * {"app": { "ssl": { "enabled": true,}} }
   *  ```
   * and  the separator is set to "_", then key will be registered  as ```app_ssl_enabled=true```
   * this behavior is same with yaml files as well
  nestedConfigPropertySeparator?: string;
   * If config file is yaml(yml) then key will be in uppercase.
   * The default value is false;
   * ```
   * //application.json
   * {"app": { "ssl": { "enabled": true,}} }
   *  ```
   * and  the separator is set to "_", then key will be registered as ```APP_SSL_ENABLED=true```
   * this behavior is same with yaml files as well
  uppercaseConfigProperty?: boolean;

for rest of the Readme please go @it-gorillaz/configify


This code is licensed under the MIT License.

All files located in the node_modules and external directories are externally maintained libraries used by this software which have their own licenses; we recommend you read them, as their terms may differ from the terms in the MIT License.


6 months ago