1.0.3 • Published 5 years ago

@sigfox/redux-helpers v1.0.3

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5 years ago


Helpers to easily build redux actions, reducers for @sigfox/redux-api-middleware.


npm install @sigfox/redux-helpers

Usage - reduxApiFactory

  • type (String) (mandatory): This is the type that will be used to generate the actionCreator & reducer types:

    • request: {type}
    • success: {type}_SUCCESS
    • failure: {type}_FAILURE
  • request (Function) (mandatory): API call function, it will be used to build the actionCreator.

  • resetAtRequest (Boolean) (default: true): Do you want the reducer's state to be reset when the request actionCreator is dispatched ?

  • transform (Function) (default: (data) => data): Function transforming action.payload before it is assigned to the reducer field: data.

  • defaultValue (any) (default: null): Default value of the reducer field: data.

  • dataToRedux (Boolean) (default: true): Do you want action.payload to be assigned to the reducer field: data ?

  • resetOnActions (Array[String]) (default: []): List of actions types that will reset the reducer's state.

  • reduceOnActions (Object) (default: {}): Object containing custom types that you want to reduce on. (see example below)

  • reject (Boolean) (default: false): Do you want an error to be thrown in the case of an error ?

import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { reduxApiFactory } from '@sigfox/redux-helpers';

const FETCH_FOO = '@@foo/FETCH_FOO';
const UPDATE_FOO = '@@foo/UPDATE_FOO';

const { actionCreator: getFooAction, reducer: fooReducer } = reduxApiFactory({
  type: FETCH_FOO,
  request: (client, params) => client.get('/foo', params)

const { actionCreator: updateFooAction, reducer: updateFooReducer } = reduxApiFactory({
  type: UPDATE_FOO,
  request: (client, params) => client.put('/foo', params),
  dataToRedux: false,
  reduceOnActions: {
    FOOBAR: (state, action) => ({
      loading: false,
      error: action.error

const reducer = combineReducers({
  foo: fooReducer,
  updateFoo: updateFooReducer

Usage - getSuccessType & getFailureType

import { getSuccessType, getFailureType } from '@sigfox/redux-helpers';

const type = 'FETCH_FOOBAR';

const successType = getSuccessType(type); // FETCH_FOOBAR_SUCCESS
const failureType = getFailureType(type); // FETCH_FOOBAR_FAILURE

Usage - mergeReducers

import { mergeReducers } from '@sigfox/redux-helpers';

const todosReducer = (state = { todos: [] }, action) => {
  if (action.type === 'FETCH_TODOS_SUCCESS') {
    return {
      todos: action.data
  return state

const stuffReducer = (state = { stuff: [] }, action) => {
  if (action.type === 'FETCH_STUFF_SUCCESS') {
    return {
      stuff: action.data
  return state

const mergedReducers = mergeReducers(todosReducer, stuffReducer);


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This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.