0.4.2-alpha.3 β€’ Published 3 years ago

@sincronia/types v0.4.2-alpha.3

Weekly downloads
Last release
3 years ago



Sincronia is a tool for managing ServiceNow code in a more modern way. It allows you to:

  1. Store scoped app code in GitHub in an editable way.πŸ™ (Looking at you studio source controlπŸ‘€)
  2. Run your code through build pipelines that enable you to write modern JavaScript and use modern development tools such as TypeScript, Babel, and Webpack. πŸŽ‰
  3. Take control of your development process in ServiceNow! πŸ’ͺ

Check out the tutorial videos!

Table of Contents



In order to use Sincronia, you will need:

  • Node.js version 12.0 or later
  • If you are on Windows you will also need :
    • Windows subsystem for Linux installed (Ubuntu should work fine)
    • Preferably updated to version 1903+ (Previous versions untested/not working)
    • (Optional) Preferably Windows Terminal installed for rendering the text from the tool


  1. Create a folder to store the scoped app code.
  2. In a terminal, run npm init inside the newly created folder and follow the instructions to set up your node module.
  3. Import the scoped app from source control into your instance.
  4. Install @sincronia/core
npm i -D @sincronia/core
  1. Initialize your Sincronia project
npx sinc init
  1. Configure your project!
  2. OPTIONAL BUT HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Once your project is configured the way you like, you can commit and push it to a git repository for superior tracking and version control! Make sure to create a .gitignore file and ignore node_modules and .env because you really don't want those files in your repository.
  3. Start dev mode and start working! Every time you save a file that is tracked by Sincronia, it will be built with your ruleset and the result will be placed in ServiceNow!
npx sinc dev

How does it work?

Sincronia takes a two-pronged approach to managing your ServiceNow scoped app. Architecture, creation of records, deletion of records, metadata and other ServiceNow objects besides your actual source code will be managed normally. Your source code itself will be managed inside of your Sincronia project.


Sincronia has a few basic commands to help you get the job done

refreshrRefreshes the sinc.manifest.json file and downloads all new files created in ServiceNow since the last refresh. Does not override existing file contents.npx sinc refresh
devdStarts development mode. Watches files for changes, then builds and pushes them to the corresponding record. Only works on files in the manifest file.npx sinc dev
initnoneWalks you through creating a basic Sincronia project. This is the recommended way to create a Sincronia project from scratch.npx sinc init
pushnoneBuilds and pushes all files in your local Sincronia project to the ServiceNow instance in your .env filenpx sinc push
download <scope>noneDownloads the specified scoped app, overwriting all local files in the way. Only use this if you know what you are doing!npx sinc download my_test_app


Development Workflow

Deployment Workflow

File Structure

When you download your source code using Sincronia, it creates a folder structure that goes as follows:


Records are shown as folders because there are times where there are multiple code files per record. This makes it very important that you never have records with the exact same display value in the same table! If you do, then you will notice issues building your files to the right record in ServiceNow.


This is the configuration file for Sincronia. Learn More


Keeps track of all ServiceNow files that are watched by Sincronia. Do not manually modify it


Stores login credentials and and the instance URL. Do not commit this to git

Asymmetric Source Code

When you download your source code using Sincronia, you are effectively 'taking control' of that code. Once the code is in your project, you no longer want to edit it directly in ServiceNow! This is why putting your code into source control is highly recommended. Anything else besides code, such as tables, configuration of script records, metadata, etc. must still be tracked in ServiceNow and passed along with your preferred method of moving ServiceNow architecture

Modern javascript development workflows are asymmetric, meaning that the source code you write is usually not the code that gets executed. It is built using various tools and compiled/transpiled into some more compatible or smaller javascript code that is run by browsers or node environments.

Sincronia takes advantage of this same principle by allowing you to leverage some of those same tools. This means that you will no longer be able to store your source code directly in ServiceNow, instead you will have a local version of your source code that gets built and the result of that build will be put into ServiceNow.


Let's say I want to develop using TypeScript. Once I have the right plugin configuration for my needs, this Typescript file:

// Example/script.ts
class Example {
  constructor(message: string) {
  sayHello() {
    gs.info("Hello, Sincronia!");


// ServiceNow `Example` script include.
"use strict";

function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
  if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
    throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");

function _defineProperties(target, props) {
  for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
    var descriptor = props[i];
    descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
    descriptor.configurable = true;
    if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;
    Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);

function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
  if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
  if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
  return Constructor;

var Example =
  (function() {
    function Example(message) {
      _classCallCheck(this, Example);


    _createClass(Example, [
        key: "sayHello",
        value: function sayHello() {
          gs.info("Hello, Sincronia!");

    return Example;

Power of Extensions

File extensions are typically only one short blurb (e.g. .js, .css, etc.). When you use Sincronia, you may find that you want to treat one .js file differently than another. That's where extensions can become more powerful! You could create an extension in your project such as .server.js and .client.js which you could combine with the rules configuration of Sincronia to have two different build pipelines. You could use Webpack for client scripts and Babel for server scripts! Pretty cool huh?

As long as the main filename stays the same, you can add as many extensions as you want.


script.js becomes script.servicenow.js or script.ts or script.what.ever.you.want.js


Sincronia aims to be as configurable as possible. To do that, it creates a special javascript file in your project directory called sinc.config.js. It's contents will look something like this:

module.exports = {
  // Directory where your source files will be kept and will be watched by Sincronia
  // during development.
  sourceDirectory: "src",
  // This is where you will configure your plugins. You match based on plugins.
  // Order your rules by MOST SPECIFIC extension first! The first match is the
  // only one that gets executed.
  rules: [],
  // === INCLUDES/EXCLUDES apply on top of the default config! See more below ===
  // Tables/fields to exclude (AKA not download or track) from Sincronia
  excludes: {},
  // Tables/fields to explicitly include in your Sincronia project.
  // Can override excludes if necessary.
  includes: {}

If you find that your config is getting too large, you can use typical nodejs techniques for splitting it into smaller modules and loading them into the sinc.config.js.

There are WAY too many files in here! 😱


I'm not seeing all my code files! 😑

When you first set up your project, you may notice you may have more files than you want to manage or some files are missing. This can be easily resolved by tweaking your includes and excludes section of your sinc.config.js. Sincronia attempts to establish sane defaults for these values here.

If you think there is something wrong with the default setup, feel free to submit a pull request! πŸ™πŸ‘

The excludes and includes sections in your sinc.config.js act as additions to that default setting. You can override parts of it or turn parts of it off.

Once you have updated your includes and excludes, run npx sinc refresh to load the new files and update the manifest. You will have to manually delete any newly excluded tables/fields.

// sinc.config.js
module.exports = {
  excludes: {
    // Turns off the default exclusion of the `sys_scope_privilege` table
    sys_scope_privilege: false,
    // Excludes everything from the `my_cool_table` table
    my_cool_table: true,
    // Excludes the `cool_script` field specifically from the `new_cool_table` table.
    // Other valid fields will be included.
    new_cool_table: {
      cool_script: true
  includes: {
    // Turns off the default inclusion of the `content_css` table
    content_css: false,
    // Explicitly includes the `sys_report` table. Overrides any excludes on the
    // same table.
    sys_report: true,
    // Explicitly pulls in the `neat_script_field` as a `js` file in spite of whatever
    // type of field it might be in ServiceNow. Useful for text fields that
    // represent code.
    special_code_table: {
      neat_script_field: {
        type: "js"

Plugin Configuration

Plugins are where the true πŸ’ͺ POWER πŸ’ͺ of Sincronia comes from! The rules section is used to configure plugins. When configuring plugins, Make sure to always put your rules in the order you want them matched! The first rule that gets matched will be the only one that runs!

// sinc.config.js
module.exports = {
  rules: [
      // The match argument is a regular expression that will match on your desired files
      // The order matters, so put your most specific rules first!
      // If there is a file that ends in `.secret.ts` it will match here and
      match: /\.secret\.ts$/,
      plugins: []
      // If there are just generic TypeScript files that have no other extension, they will
      // match on this rule instead.
      match: /\.ts$/,
      // List of plugins to run on the matched files. Each plugin will run in order.
      // sure they are in the right order!
      plugins: [
          // The name of the plugin, it is the same as the name of the NPM package of
          // the plugin.
          name: "@sincronia/typescript-plugin",
          // Options to pass to the plugin. This will be defined by the plugin itself.
          // In this case, we are telling the typescript plugin to only type check and
          // not transpile.
          options: {
            transpile: false


How do I Delete Something?

Deleting something in Sincronia is relatively simple. Just follow these steps:

  1. Turn off dev mode if you are currently running Sincronia
  2. Delete the record in ServiceNow
  3. Run npx sinc refresh
  4. Remove the files from your project

Why is this not automatic? Deleting files can be a dangerous game and it should be a deliberate action!

How do I Add New Scripts?

  1. Turn off dev mode if you are currently running Sincronia
  2. Create the record in ServiceNow
  3. Run npx sinc refresh and the files will get created automatically πŸ‘


For an example project, we uploaded the server side code for Sincronia! Feel free to contribute to that code if you'd like πŸ™

Plugin List

@sincronia/babel-pluginRuns Babel on .js/.ts files
@sincronia/prettier-pluginPrettifies your output files using Prettier
@sincronia/sass-pluginRuns the Sass compiler on your files
@sincronia/typescript-pluginType checks and compiles TypeScript files
@sincronia/webpack-pluginCreates Webpack bundles with your files
@sincronia/eslint-pluginRuns ESLint on your files on build

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