1.0.0 • Published 2 months ago

@sirenapp/react-native-inbox v1.0.0

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2 months ago

Siren React Native Inbox


The @sirenapp/react-native-inbox sdk is a comprehensive and customizable React Native UI kit for displaying and managing notifications. This documentation provides comprehensive information on how to install, configure, and use the sdk effectively.

1. Installation

You can install the react sdk from npm

npm @sirenapp/react-native-inbox

or from yarn

yarn @sirenapp/react-native-inbox

2. Configuration

2.1 Initialization

Initialize the sdk with user token and recipient id. Wrap the provider around your App's root.

import { SirenProvider } from '@sirenapp/react-native-inbox';

const config = {
  userToken: 'your_user_token',
  recipientId: 'your_recipient_id',

<SirenProvider config={config}>
  {/* Your app components */}

2.2 Configure notification icon

Once the provider is configured, next step is to configure the notification icon

This component consists of a notification icon along with a badge to display the number of unviewed notifications

import { SirenInboxIcon } from '@sirenapp/react-native-inbox';

 <SirenInboxIcon />

Props for notification icon

Below are optional props available for the icon component:

PropDescriptionTypeDefault value
themeObject for custom themesTheme{}
customStylesObject for custom stylingStyleProps{}
notificationIconOption to use custom notification iconJSX Elementnull
darkModeToggle to enable dark modebooleanfalse
onErrorCallback for handling errors(error: SirenErrorType)=> voidnull
onPressCustom click handler for notification icon()=> voidnull
disabledToggle to disable click on iconbooleanfalse
hideBadgeToggle to hide unviewed count badgebooleanfalse

Theme customization

Here are the available theme options:

   type Theme = {
        dark: ThemeProps;
        light: ThemeProps;

    type ThemeProps = {
        badgeStyle?: {
            color?: string;
            textColor?: string;

Style customization

Here are the custom style options for the notification icon:

    type StyleProps = {
        notificationIcon?: {
          size?: number,
        badgeStyle?: {
            size?: number;
            textSize?: number;    
            top?: number;
            right?: number;

2.3. Configure notification inbox

Inbox is a paginated list view for displaying notifications.

import { SirenInbox } from '@sirenapp/react-native-inbox';

<SirenInbox />

Props for the notification inbox

Below are optional props available for the inbox component:

PropDescriptionTypeDefault value
themeObject for custom themesTheme{}
customStylesObject for custom stylingStyleProps{}
titleTitle of the notification inboxstring"Notifications"
hideHeaderToggle to hide or show the header sectionbooleanfalse
hideClearAllToggle to hide or show the clear all buttonbooleanfalse
darkModeToggle to enable dark modebooleanfalse
itemsPerFetchNumber of notifications fetch per api request (have a max cap of 50)number20
cardPropsProps for customizing the notification cards{ hideAvatar: boolean }{ hideAvatar: false }
customNotificationCardFunction for rendering custom notification cards(notification)=> JSX Elementnull
onNotificationCardClickCustom click handler for notification cards(notification)=> void()=>null
listEmptyComponentCustom component for empty notification listJSX Elementnull
customHeaderCustom header componentJSX Elementnull
customFooterCustom footer componentJSX Elementnull
customLoaderCustom component to display the initial loading stateJSX Elementnull
customErrorWindowCustom error windowJSX Elementnull
onErrorCallback for handling errors(error: SirenErrorType)=> voidnull

Theme customization

Here are the available theme options:

    type Theme = {
        dark: ThemeProps;
        light: ThemeProps;

    type ThemeProps = {
        colors?: {
            primaryColor?: string;
            textColor?: string;
            neutralColor?: string;
            borderColor?: string;
            highlightedCardColor?: string;
            dateColor?: string;
            deleteIcon?: string;
            timerIcon?: string;
            clearAllIcon?: string;
            infiniteLoader?: string;
        windowHeader?: {
            background?: string;
            titleColor?: string;
            headerActionColor?: string;
            borderColor?: string;
            borderWidth?: string;
        windowContainer?: {
            background?: string;
        notificationCard?: {
            borderColor?: string;
            background?: string;
            titleColor?: string;
            descriptionColor?: string;
            dateColor?: string;

Style options

Here are the custom style options for the notification inbox:

    export type StyleProps = {
      notificationIcon?: {
        size?: number;
      window?: {
        width?: DimensionValue;
        height?: DimensionValue;
      windowHeader?: {
        height?: number;
        titleFontWeight?: TextStyle['fontWeight'];
        titleSize?: number;
      windowContainer?: {
        padding?: number;
      notificationCard?: {
        padding?: number;
        borderWidth?: number;
        avatarSize?: number;
        titleFontWeight?: TextStyle['fontWeight'];
        titleSize?: number;
        descriptionSize?: number;
        dateSize?: number;
      badgeStyle?: {
        size?: number;
        textSize?: number;
        top?: number;
        right?: number;
        size?: number
        size?: number
        size?: number

3. Hooks

useSiren is a hook that provides utility functions for modifying notifications.

import { useSiren } from '@sirenapp/react-native-inbox';

function MyComponent() {
  const { markAsRead, deleteNotification } = useSiren();

  function handleMarkAsRead(id) {

  function handleDeleteNotification(id) {

  return (
    {/* Your component logic */}

useSiren functions

markNotificationsAsReadByDatestartDateISO date stringSets the read status of notifications to true until the given date
markAsReadidstringSet read status of a notification to true
deleteNotificationidstringDelete a notification by id
deleteNotificationsByDatestartDateISO date stringDelete all notifications until given date
markNotificationsAsViewedstartDateISO date stringSets the viewed status of notifications to true until the given date

4. Error codes

Given below are all possible error codes thrown by sdk:

Error codeDescription
INVALID_TOKENThe token passed in the provider is invalid
INVALID_RECIPIENT_IDThe recipient id passed in the provider is invalid
TOKEN_VERIFICATION_FAILEDVerification of the given tokens has failed
GENERIC_API_ERROROccurrence of an unexpected api error
OUTSIDE_SIREN_CONTEXTAttempting to invoke the functions outside the siren inbox context
MISSING_PARAMETERThe required parameter is missing


Here's a basic example to help you get started

import React from 'react';
import {SafeAreaView} from 'react-native';
import {SirenInbox,SirenInboxIcon,SirenProvider} from '@sirenapp/react-native-inbox';

function App(): React.JSX.Element {

  const config = {
    userToken: 'your_user_token',
    recipientId: 'your_recipient_id',

  return (
    <SirenProvider config={config}>
      <MyContainer />

export default App;

function MyContainer(): React.JSX.Element {

  return (
        cardProps={{hideAvatar: false}}

export default MyContainer;