1.2.0 • Published 2 years ago

@sissel/rollup-config v1.2.0

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Last release
2 years ago


Shareable rollup configuration. The module acts as an interface, it exports an instance of Rollup and several plugins that are frequently used by me. Plugins are exposed using getters to better help negate the referencing factor involved in cases where certain projects only require certain plugins.


Rollup and ESBuild exist as a peer dependency. PostCSS, AutoPrefixer and TypeScript exist as optional dependencies. Install them when you require the plugins related.

pnpm add @sissel/rollup-config -D


This is an ESM module, so rollup config files must use a .mjs extension (eg: rollup.config.mjs) or else Node will complain. The rollup() export is totally optional, its a re-export of defineConfig and used to provide type completions.

import { rollup, env, plugin } from "@sissel/rollup-config";

export default rollup(
    input: "src/file.ts",
    output:   {
      format: 'cjs',
      dir: 'package',
      sourcemap: env.is('dev', 'inline'), // Inline sourcemap in development else false
      interop: 'default'
    plugins: env.if('div')(
        plugin.commonjs(options: {}),
        plugin.esbuild(options: {}),
        // etc etc

Rollup + ESBuild

This package is using ESBuild together will Rollup. TypeScript and JavaScript modules are processed with esbuild using rollup-plugin-esbuild.

Note Rollup will inevitably die out as ESBuild starts to become the standard.

Utilities Helper

The configuration is using @brixtol/rollup-utils as a helper module. I maintain this in my work organization.
