0.0.4 • Published 5 years ago
@skyblue/egg-bullmq v0.0.4
Plugin to handle jobs and messages with BullMQ in Egg.js and follow Egg's way.
BullMQ is a fast, reliable, Redis-based queue for Node.
Base on egg-bull-queue
$ npm i @skyblue/egg-bullmq --save
// {app_root}/config/plugin.js
exports.bullmq = { // plugin name is 'bull'
enable: true,
package: '@skyblue/egg-bullmq', // package name is '@skyblue/egg-bullmq'
Single queue
// {app_root}/config/config.default.js
exports.bullmq = {
client: {
name: 'queue-name',
redis: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 6379,
db: 0,
Multiple queue (recommended)
exports.bullmq = {
clients: {
q1: { name: 'q1' },
q2: { name: 'q2' },
default: {
redis: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 6379,
db: 0,
// add job to queue
const queue = app.bullmq.get('queueName')
await queue.add('namespace', { text: 'this is a job' }, { delay: 5000, lifo: true })
const count = await queue.count()
const worker = new Worker(queueName, async job => {
// do the job
console.log(process.pid, job.data)
// await ctx.service.someTask.run()
}, { connection })
// and look at ./example
For BullMQ's api read Reference for more details.