3.0.0 • Published 5 months ago

@slashdb/react-slashdb v3.0.0

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5 months ago


react-slashdb is an SDK for use in React projects. It provides easy integration with SlashDB as a middleware solution for interaction with relational databases. The exposed methods allow for connecting to a database by providing minimal configuration information, and also provide built-in capability for state management of incoming data when using the React geared part of the package. It makes use of the SlashDB Javascript SDK.

Learn more about SlashDB - REST API to Databases for Reading & Writing at https://www.slashdb.com and in the user guide.

To see an actual web application making use of this SDK and SlashDB in a backend please check out the taskapp-demo project.

See also


Check out the SDK documentation to learn about all the methods and functions that are available.

Quick Start Guide

Set up and install

To start using react-slashdb you need to have Node.js set up on your system. Please get the LTS version of Node.js here Node.js.

This package has a peer dependency of react and react-dom so these packages will be installed on your system as well if required. Please see react-dom and react. The SDK also requires the SlashDB JavaScript SDK, which is also included as a dependency.

To get started, either install the package globally using the following npm command in a terminal:

npm install -g @slashdb/react-slashdb

or navigate in your file system to an existing project in which you wish to use the package and run the following command in a terminal:

npm install @slashdb/react-slashdb

Once the package is installed, you can use an import stament to tap into the functionality of react-slashdb, e.g. :

import { SlashDBProvider } from '@slashdb/react-slashdb';

SlashDBProvider is only one of the many functions, methods or components available from this SDK. More of them are described later in this document.

Use in a React project

See the Simple Demo Application in the demo_app folder.


SlashDBProvider and SlashDBContext

We can optionally provide the SlashDB configuration details to a React app using the SlashDBProvider component. Under the hood, the React custom components and hooks used in an app use functions and classes defined in the SlashDB Javascript SDK. See an example below of how to use SlashDBProvider:

import { SlashDBProvider } from '@slashdb/react-slashdb';
        host: 'https://demo.slashdb.com/',
        // apiKey: slashDBUserAPIKey
    <App />

baseUrl is the hostname or IP address of the SlashDB server to use with your app, including the protocol (http/https) and port number if necessary. If the database doesn't require any authentication, host parameter is enough setting. You can use a username/password in cases where the React app and the SlashDB server are hosted on the same domain name/IP; otherwise, you'll need an API key. You can also set the parameters for Single Sign-On based login. If you set both a username/password and an API key, the API key will take precedence. With username/password logins, you'll need to call the auth.login() method to get a valid session cookie from the SlashDB server. See auth for more details.

It is recommended to wrap the root component of your React app (in the code above, <App/>) inside the SlashDBProvider so that the connection parameters are available for use down the component tree; they can be accessed in other components using the following code:

import { useContext } from 'react';
import { SlashDBContext } from '@slashdb/react-slashdb';
const { baseUrl, setUpOptions } = useContext(SlashDBContext);

By calling the React hook useContext with the SlashDBContext object, we can copy the connection parameters to { baseUrl, setUpOptions } and use them as needed.

useSetUp(instanceName = 'default', host = undefined, username = undefined, apiKey = undefined, password = undefined)

This hook sets internal variables based on the values provided to SlashDBProvider for the connection to the SlashDB server. It is required to call it at or near the top level of a project to ensure other hooks such as useDataDiscovery, useExecuteQuery and the auth.login() method work properly. See code example below:

import { useSetUp } from '@slashdb/react-slashdb';
const sdbClient = useSetUp();

If you provide no parameters to useSetUp, it will check if it has been previously called; if not, it will create a SlashDBClient object that holds all the configuration info from the SlashDBProvider component. This object is returned by useSetUp. If it has been called, it will return the existing SlashDBClient object. If your app requires connections to multiple SlashDB instances with different configurations, configure the first instance using the SlashDBProvider component and the useSetUp hook with no parameters. For any additional instances, call useSetUp like so:

const config = {
    host: 'https://demo.slashdb.com/',
    // apiKey: slashDBUserAPIKey,
    // sso: {
    //     idpId: idProviderId,
    //     redirectUri: redirectUri,
    //     popUp: true
    // }
useSetUp(instanceName, config)

where instanceName is a unique identifier for the instance (e.g. 'client2') and the host/username/apiKey/password parameters contain the SlashDB configuration for the instance. The name given will be used when calling the useDataDiscovery or useExecuteQuery to perform transactions with the secondary SlashDB instance. As before, a SlashDBClient object will be returned that holds this configuration info. Calling useSetUp with a name that has been given previously will return the existing SlashDBClient object for that instance.


Auth is a class export of the SDK which allows for authentication with a username and password, API key or Single Sign-On credentials. The class is imported like so:

import { auth } from '@slashdb/react-slashdb';

It provides six methods: login, loginSSO, updateSSO, refreshSSO, logout, clientIsAuthenticated

auth.login(username, password, sdbClient, fnc)

This method takes 4 parameters: username, password, a SlashDBClient object (such as the one returned by useSetUp, and a function fnc that runs on successful authentication. When using an API key for authentication, you can set the password to null. When using a username and password for authentication, the username and password must match a valid user entry in the SlashDB config files. The username must always match a valid user entry, regardless of whether you are using API key or not.

const sdbClient = useSetUp();
auth.login(username, password, sdbClient, () => {
    // code to run if authentication is successful
auth.loginSSO(popUp, sdbClient, fnc)

This method takes 3 parameters: popUp, a SlashDBClient object (such as the one returned by useSetUp, and a function fnc that runs on successful authentication.

const sdbClient = useSetUp();
auth.loginSSO(true, sdbClient, () => {
    // code to run if authentication is successful

One way to use any of these would be to replace // code to run if authentication is successful with something like props.history.push('/app') and also have a protected route at /app. In your ProtectedRoute.js component (for example), you can use the auth.authenticated property to check if the user account has logged in successfully. See below for an example (this code also uses react-router-dom for routing needs).


<ProtectedRoute exact path="/app" component={_YourComponent_} />


let sdbClient = useSetUp();
auth.login('_username_', '_password_', sdbClient, () => {


if (auth.clientIsAuthenticated())

Don’t forget to actually import the auth module from react-slashdb. For a full code example, please see the files App.js, Login.js and ProtectedRoute.js in the demo task list app.

auth.logout(fnc, instanceName = undefined)

This method logs the user out of active SlashDB sessions, and then executes the provided function fnc. To use:

auth.logout(() => {
    //your code here;

This will send a logout request to the SlashDB server, then the provided function will run. For a full example, look at the demo task list app. If no instanceName parameter is provided, all the existing SlashDB clients created with useSetUp will be logged out. If you wish to log out a specific instance, provide the same instance name used when creating the client with useSetUp.

auth.clientIsAuthenticated(instanceName = 'default')

This method checks if a SlashDB client created with the useSetUp hook is currently authenticated with the server. Useful when checking if a session cookie is valid. The instanceName parameter should match the one provided to the useSetUp hook (or leave empty to use 'default'). It will return a boolean value.

Hooks for Database Interaction and Data Retrieval

The SDK exposes two custom hooks which make retrieving data and interacting with a database on a SlashDB server via GET, POST, PUT and DELETE calls simple. The parameters specified for the SlashDBProvider and the parameters provided to useDataDiscovery are combined to construct the URL to which the request will be made. For a detailed example, please see the demo task list app

useDataDiscovery(database, resource, defaultFilter = '', instanceName = 'default')

useDataDiscovery provides access to the Data Discovery features of SlashDB for interaction with the database. It takes two required parameters and two optional parameters: the database name (as configured in SlashDB), and the database resource (e.g. a table name) to transact with. Optionally, you can provide a defaultFilter to use with GET/POST/PUT/DELETE calls (the filter can be overridden if desired). A filter can be a SlashDB-compatible string, or a DataDiscoveryFilter object. For more information, see the SlashDB Data Discovery documentation and the SlashDB JavaScript SDK.

The final optional parameter, instanceName, allows transactions with any additional SlashDB instances that have been registered with the app using the useSetUp hook.

The hook returns back data from the requested resource when called, and four functions to perform GET/PUT/POST/DELETE requests. Here's an example of usage:

import { useDataDiscovery } from '@slashdb/react-slashdb';
const [data, getData, postData, putData, deleteData] = useDataDiscovery(

Note - the four functions - getData, postData, putData, deleteData - all take an optional filter parameter that allows you to override the defaultFilter, in the form of a SlashDB-compatible filter or a DataDiscoveryFilter object. They also accept passing HTTP request headers by providing a header object of key/value pairs as a parameter. For getData and deleteData, the header object is provided as a second optional parameter; postData and putData take it as a third optional parameter. If you need to set some, but not all, of the optional parameters (e.g. want to pass headers but don't want a filter), just set the unneeded parameter to undefined or null.

Return value data – an array containing the data retrieved from the requested resource. The data can be used like any JS array, e.g. to map over and construct a group of components:

{lists.map((list) => (

Return value getData - getData(filter, headers) - a function reference to fetch data from the database. Calls to this function will refresh the current value of data with new values retrieved from the database from the resource passed to useDataDiscovery. If a default filter was passed to useDataDiscovery, the data will be filtered. Keep in mind that the contents of data will be overwritten any time this function is called. If you need to drill down into the database, you can use the useDataDiscovery hook again with a new set of parameters, or drill down manually into the record set contained in data.

getList('_columnName_/_value_', { _headerKey_ : _headerValue_} );



Return value postData - postData(body, filter, headers) - a function reference to add new data to the database. The function accepts a parameter containing the body of the POST request, an optional filter (note that cases where this filter would be set for a POST call would be rare) and optional HTTP request headers. The data provided in the body should conform to your database schema. Body data is expected to be a Javascript object or a JSON string by default. You can provide CSV or XML data in the body, but must provide a request header that sets the Content-Type to the appropriate MIME type for the data.

    column1Name: value,
    column2Name: value

Return value putData - putData(filter, body, headers) - a function reference to update records in the database. The function takes an optional filter parameter, and a Javascript object or JSON string containing containing the body of the PUT request. The data provided in the body should conform to your database schema. As with postData, you can send data in CSV/XML format by setting the Content-Type header.

putData('_columnName_/_value_', { column1Name: value });

Return value deleteData - deleteData(filter, headers) - a function reference to remove data from the database. It takes an optional filter parameter, and accepts an optional header object.


The functions postData, putData and deleteData also refresh the value of data to reflect the current database state after their operations complete. This allows state management of the database to be abstracted, removing the need to track the state of data using React hooks like useEffects.

useExecuteQuery(queryName, defaultParams, defHttpMethod = 'get', instanceName = 'default')

useExecuteQuery enables the use of the SQL Pass-Thru features of SlashDB. Queries are created ahead of time in the SlashDB administrative control panel (Configure->Queries); this hook gives the developer the ability to execute those queries. See the SlashDB documentation for more information about SQL Pass-Thru.

This hook takes two required parameters: the queryName as defined in the SlashDB instance configuration, and a defaultParams object containing key/value pairs of parameters to pass to the query. It also has two optional parameters. defHttpMethod sets the HTTP method to use when executing the query (can be overriden, default is GET). The instanceName parameter works exactly the same as described for useDataDiscovery. It executes the query once and returns the record set as an array of objects, along with a function reference that allows you to execute the query as desired, with the same or different parameters.

const [queryData, execQuery] = useExecuteQuery(
    { TaskListId: `${TaskListId}` }

Return value queryData – an array containing the data retrieved from the query. The data can be used like any JS array.

Return value execQuery - execQuery(params, body, httpMethod = undefined, headers = undefined) - a function to execute the query passed to useExecuteQuery. Takes a params object containing key/value pairs of parameters. Also accepts a body parameter, for queries that are configured to use POST/PUT methods. Note that when executing a query with the POST method, the params object will be ignored. Setting httpMethod will override the defHttpMethod given to useExecuteQuery when calling this function - this value should be one of GET/POST/PUT/DELETE. Finally, a headers object of key/value pairs representing HTTP request headers can be passed along with the request.