1.0.14 • Published 2 years ago

@smart-consent-access/sa-sdk-ts v1.0.14

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2 years ago

Smart Access SDK for Typescript


npm install @smart-consent-access/sa-sdk-ts


Create a .env with the following information:

SA_SERVICE_PROVIDER_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH="path_to_private_key.pem"` SA_BASE_URL_API="https://sa.sandbox.smartconsent.se/api/v1" SA_BASE_URL_WEB="https://sa.sandbox.smartconsent.se" SA_SERVICE_PROVIDER_ID="your_service_provider_id"

import SmartAccess from "@smart-consent-access/sa-sdk-ts" const SA = new SmartAccess()

Initialize instance using variables from .env

await SA.init()


SA.policyEnforcement -> functions for validation and policy enforcement SA.consentSearch -> help function for searching through consent requests that have a resource SA.consentFlows -> creates and opens consent requests and consent JWTs SA.serviceProviders -> SA endpoints for service provider SA.consentRequests -> SA endpoints for consentRequests SA.consents -> SA endpoints for consents SA.actionTemplates -> SA endpoints for action templates SA.smartAccessUtils -> Utilities for working with SA like endpoint for fetching SA public key


Creating a consent request initialization:

const requestInitialization = await SA.consentFlows.createConsentRequestInitialization({
    consentServiceProviderId: string,
    requestPrincipalId: string,
    requestPrincipalName: string,
    actions: string[],
    resources: string[],
    conditions: string[],
    serviceProviderId: string,
    termsAndConditions: string,
const result = await SA.consentRequests.flowConsentRequestInitialize({
    requestingToken: requestInitialization.token,

Open a consent request initialization ticket

const openResult = await SA.consentFlows.receiveConsentRequestInitialization(ticket);

Creating a auth ticket

await SA.consents.createAuthZTicketForConsent(consentId);

Validating a auth ticket

await SA.policyEnforcement.ticketAudit({ticket: ticket});

Single party consent

const consentPayload: SingleProviderConsentDTO = {
  reqPrincipalName: "Service name",
  reqPrincipalId: "Service ID,
  consPrincipalName: userName,
  // The consenting principal is the users id that the service can use to find consents for the user
  consPrincipalId: userId,
  actions: SA.consentFlows.getEncodedActionStrings([]),
  resources: SA.consentFlows.getEncodedResourceStrings([]),
  conditions: []

// ID of the created consent request will be returned so that the complete request and consent can be fetched
const consentRequestId = await SA.consents.singleProviderConsent(consentPayload);