1.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

@smarterservices/ss-node-force v1.0.0

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2 years ago

Node Force Module

A node module to generate source code for hapi.js endpoints to run CRUD operation on dynamic PostgreSQL database that is synced with salesforce.

Instruction to run 1st time:

  • run npm install
  • run generator.generate() as detailed below
  • run npm install (again as generate has modified the package.json file)
  • Run the main service in the port as hapi server

Run unit test

To run the unit tests from your project directory open up a terminal and run the command gulp tests.



Usage: Generates everything needed to create a working hapi.js server based on provided configuration or credentials to do crud operation on the database.


Declaration: Generator(path, credentials, endpointConfig, version)


  • path {String} Path to the root project directory
  • credentials {Object|string} Path or value of the credential for heroku connect, salesForce and postgresDB
  • endpointConfig {Array|string|null} Configuration for endpoints. The configuration can be a list of configuration object or a path to configuration file. If none of them are provided endpoints will be created for all the mapped objects from herouke connect.
  • version {String|null} Version of API default is v1.
var config = {
  "database": {
    "schema": "salesforcedev",
    "sortKey": "Id"
  "salesforce": {
    "userName": "example@domain.com",
    "password": "abcdefghijk123456789"
  "herokuConnect": {
    "host": "connect-us.heroku.com",
    "connectionId": "29f989df-124a-1244-ab24-40acb97782ed",
    "authorization": "Bearer 29f989df-124a-1244-ab24-40acb97782ed",
    "port": 443

var generator = new NodeForceModule.Generator(__dirname, config, null, 'v1');


  • Generate static files to get the server working.
  • Create files to generate sync and syncAll endpoints.
  • Update the package.json file to include the necessary packages.
    .then(function () {
      console.log('Generation completed');
    .catch(function (ex) {

Workflow of the generate method is a follows:


Running the generate method will create/modify the following files( Bold files will be overridden if already exists others will be preserved if exists else they will be created) letting that then endpoints.json is configured to generate endpoints for the account model only.


Create all the static files to run the server along with the sync and syncAll endpoints.

    .then(function () {
      console.log('Static file generation completed');
    .catch(function (ex) {

The files that will be created for this method is as follows (bold files will be overridden):


Create all the endpoints from the provided configuration.

    .then(function () {
      console.log('Endpoints generated');
    .catch(function (ex) {

This method will create the following files while generating endpoints for account model only (bold files will be overridden):


Generate endpoints for the provided salesforce object and configuration.


Declaration: Generator(path, credentials, endpointConfig, version)


  • opts {Object}
  • opts.basePath {String} Path to the root project directory
  • opts.endpointConfig {Object} Configuration for endpoints
  • opts.endpointConfig.modelName {String} Name of the salesforce model
  • opts.endpointConfig.path {String} Path for endpoints
  • opts.endpointConfig.endPointTypes {Array} Type of endpoints to be generated. Allowed values are: add, list, get, update, * delete

  • opts.credentials {Object|string} Path or value of the credential for heroku connect, salesForce and postgresDB

  • opts.version {String} Version of API default is v1
  var generatorOptions = {
    credentials: './../config/default.json',
    basePath: __dirname,
    version: "v2",
    endpointConfig: {
      "modelName": "account",
      "path": "/applications/{applicationId}/accounts",
      "endPointTypes": [

  var endpointGenerator = new NodeForceModule.EndpointGenerator(generatorOptions);


Generate all the endpoints base on the provided configuration and writes them to the file.


This method will create the following files while generating endpoints with the above configuration (bold files will be overridden):


Generates joi schema, sequelize schema, sequelize model, sequlize validation and property name mapping for provided salesforce object.


Declaration: SchemaGenerator(modelName, displayName, config)


  • modelName {String} Name of the model
  • displayName {String} Name to be displayed
  • config {Object}
  • config.herokuMapping {Object} Heroku mapping for object
  • config.forceObject {Object} Salesforce object for model
  • config.salesforceValidation {Object} Validations for salesForce
  • config.basePath {String} Path to the root project directory
    var promises = [
      HerokuConnect.getMappings(this.modelName, this.credentials.herokuConnect),
      SalesforceData.describeForceObject(this.modelName, this.credentials.salesforce),
      SalesforceData.getValidationRule(this.modelName, this.credentials.salesforce)

    return Promise
      .then(function onResolve(data) {
		var herokuMapping = data[0],
			forceObject = data[1],
			validationRule = data[2];

        var schemaGeneratorOptions = {
          herokuMapping: herokuMapping ,
          forceObject: forceObject,
          salesforceValidation: validationRule ,
          basePath: _this.libPath.base

        var schemaGenerator = new SchemaGenerator(_this.modelName,


Generates all the necessary schema file and writes them to the disk.

    .then(function () {
      console.log('Schema generation completed');
    .catch(function (ex) {

This method will create the following files while generating schema for the account model (bold files will be overridden):

Custom Configuration

The following files can be created/modified before running the code generation to control the input/output of the generated endpoints.

  • The config/endpoints.json contains an array of object that defines for which models the endpoints should be generated. It also contains the path and types of endpoints to be generated. If this file doesn't exist endpoints will be generated for all the mapped object models from heroku connect.

    	Example configuration:
    	    "modelName": "account",
    	    "path": "/applications/{applicationId}/accounts",
    	    "endPointTypes": [
  • The config/model-mapping.json contains the mapping of actual name - display name of the salesforce objects.

    	If this file does not exist a prettified name of the model name will be used as the display name and will be written to the file once the generation is completed. If the file exists but configuration doesn't exist for any specific model then the actual name of the model will used as the display name. In the example bellow `test__c` is the actual model name and the display name in the endpoint will be `test`. 
    	"test__c": "test"
  • The config/routes/schema/<model_name>.json file contains the key mapping for the properties of the synced object.

    	If this file does not exist a prettified version of the property name will be used as the display name and will be written to the file once the generation is completed. If the file exists but configuration doesn't exist for any specific then the property will be skipped from the endpoints related to that specific model.
    	This values will be used to generate the `config/routes/schema/<model_name>.js`(joi schema for the input) and `templates/partials/<model_name>.js`(endpoint output template). In the example bellow the `Id` and `Location__Longitude__s` are salesforce object property name but in the endpoints the exposed names will be `id` and `locationLongitude` respectively.
    	  "Id": "id",
    	  "Location__Longitude__s": "locationLongitude"