@smarts/smart-styles v0.0.8
Smart Styles
The repository contains the Smartmatic Styles Library based on bootstrap providing utility and helper classes to follow the Design System.
Using the Library
Using the Entire Library
To use include the entire css library add this link to the head of your html
Using Individual CSS
The library also provides individual parts to be utilized such as the colors for example.
To use th add this link to the head of your html
Also available currently is:
Spacing: https://unpkg.com/@diondre27/smart-styles@latest/dist/css/spacing.css
Tokens: https://unpkg.com/@diondre27/smart-styles@latest/dist/css/tokens.css
Using the SASS
The library also exposes the underlying sass files that produces the css above to be included within your own for easier customization and integration with your current workflow.
The files can be found as follows:
Spacing: https://unpkg.com/@diondre27/smart-styles@latest/dist/scss/spacing.scss
Tokens: https://unpkg.com/@diondre27/smart-styles@latest/dist/scss/tokens.scss
Colors: https://unpkg.com/@diondre27/smart-styles@latest/dist/scss/colors.scss