0.0.0-alpha • Published 3 years ago

@smartweave/modules v0.0.0-alpha

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3 years ago

SmartWeave modules


The goal of the project is to provide standardized modules which can be used by anyone.


yarn add @smartweave/modules


Setting up the contract

In your project, create an index.ts. The modules allows you to write SmartWeave Contracts in Typescript. Use can use this skeleton to get started:

import {ActionInterface, StateInterface} from "@smartweave/modules/faces";

declare const SmartWeave: any;

export async function handle(state: StateInterface, action: ActionInterface) {
  switch (action.input.function) {
      throw new ContractError(`${input.function} not implemented`);

Using a module

To use a module, simply import it and register it in handle:

import {ActionInterface, StateInterface} from "@smartweave/modules/faces";
import {Transfer} from "@smartweave/modules/token/transfer";

export async function handle(state: StateInterface, action: ActionInterface) {
  switch (action.input.function) {
    case "transfer":
      return { state: Transfer(state, action) };
      throw new ContractError(`${input.function} not implemented`);

Building the contract

Building the contract requires an extra script. Create a build.js script:

const { build } = require("esbuild");
const fs = require("fs");

(async () => {
  await build({
    entryPoints: ["./src/index.ts"],
    outfile: "./dist/index.js",
    format: "esm",
    bundle: true,

  let src = fs.readFileSync("./dist/index.js").toString();
  src = src.replace("async function handle", "export async function handle");
  src = src.replace("export {\n  handle\n};\n", "");
  fs.writeFileSync("./dist/index.js", src);

To run the script execute:

node build.js

Deploying the contract

Deploying the contract requires an extra script. Copy your arweave-keyfile, create a deploy.js script and your initial state.json:

const Arweave = require("arweave");
const { createContract } = require("smartweave");
const fs = require("fs");

const client = new Arweave({
  host: "arweave.net",
  port: 443,
  protocol: "https",

const wallet = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./arweave.json"));
const src = fs.readFileSync("./dist/index.js");
const state = fs.readFileSync("./scripts/state.json");

(async () => {
  const id = await createContract(client, wallet, src, state);

To run the script execute:

node deploy.js