8.0.0 ā€¢ Published 1 year ago

@snelsi/react-resize-detector v8.0.0

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Last release
1 year ago

Handle element resizes like it's 2023!

Live demo

Nowadays browsers support element resize handling natively using ResizeObservers. The library uses these observers to help you handle element resizes in React.

šŸ„ Tiny ~3kb

šŸ¼ Written in TypeScript

šŸ¦ Supports Function and Class Components

šŸ  Used by 75k repositories

šŸ¦„ Generating 50M+ downloads/year

No window.resize listeners! No timeouts! No šŸ‘‘ viruses! :)

TypeScript-lovers notice: starting from v6.0.0 you may safely remove @types/react-resize-detector from you deps list.


npm i react-resize-detector
// OR
yarn add react-resize-detector


import ResizeObserver from 'react-resize-detector';


Starting from v6.0.0 there are 3 recommended ways to work with resize-detector library:

1. React hook (new in v6.0.0)

import { useResizeDetector } from 'react-resize-detector';

const CustomComponent = () => {
  const { width, height, ref } = useResizeDetector();
  return <div ref={ref}>{`${width}x${height}`}</div>;
import { useResizeDetector } from 'react-resize-detector';

const CustomComponent = () => {
  const onResize = useCallback(() => {
    // on resize logic
  }, []);

  const { width, height, ref } = useResizeDetector({
    handleHeight: false,
    refreshMode: 'debounce',
    refreshRate: 1000,

  return <div ref={ref}>{`${width}x${height}`}</div>;
import { useResizeDetector } from 'react-resize-detector';

const CustomComponent = () => {
  const targetRef = useRef();
  const { width, height } = useResizeDetector({ targetRef });
  return <div ref={targetRef}>{`${width}x${height}`}</div>;

2. HOC pattern

import { withResizeDetector } from 'react-resize-detector';

const CustomComponent = ({ width, height }) => <div>{`${width}x${height}`}</div>;

export default withResizeDetector(CustomComponent);

3. Child Function Pattern

import ReactResizeDetector from 'react-resize-detector';

// ...

<ReactResizeDetector handleWidth handleHeight>
  {({ width, height }) => <div>{`${width}x${height}`}</div>}
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { withResizeDetector } from 'react-resize-detector';

const containerStyles = {
  height: '100vh',
  display: 'flex',
  alignItems: 'center',
  justifyContent: 'center'

class AdaptiveComponent extends Component {
  state = {
    color: 'red'

  componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
    const { width } = this.props;

    if (width !== prevProps.width) {
        color: width > 500 ? 'coral' : 'aqua'

  render() {
    const { width, height } = this.props;
    const { color } = this.state;
    return <div style={{ backgroundColor: color, ...containerStyles }}>{`${width}x${height}`}</div>;

const AdaptiveWithDetector = withResizeDetector(AdaptiveComponent);

const App = () => {
  return (
      <p>The rectangle changes color based on its width</p>
      <AdaptiveWithDetector />

export default App;
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { withResizeDetector } from 'react-resize-detector';

const containerStyles = {
  height: '100vh',
  display: 'flex',
  alignItems: 'center',
  justifyContent: 'center'

const AdaptiveComponent = ({ width, height }) => {
  const [color, setColor] = useState('red');

  useEffect(() => {
    setColor(width > 500 ? 'coral' : 'aqua');
  }, [width]);

  return <div style={{ backgroundColor: color, ...containerStyles }}>{`${width}x${height}`}</div>;

const AdaptiveWithDetector = withResizeDetector(AdaptiveComponent);

const App = () => {
  return (
      <p>The rectangle changes color based on its width</p>
      <AdaptiveWithDetector />

export default App;

We still support other ways to work with this library, but in the future consider using the ones described above. Please let me know if the examples above don't fit your needs.

Performance optimization

This library uses the native ResizeObserver API.

DOM nodes get attached to ResizeObserver.observe every time the component mounts and every time any property gets changed.

It means you should try to avoid passing anonymous functions to ResizeDetector, because they will trigger the whole initialization process every time the component rerenders. Use useCallback whenever it's possible.

// WRONG - anonymous function
const { ref, width, height } = useResizeDetector({
  onResize: () => {
    // on resize logic

// CORRECT - `useCallback` approach
const onResize = useCallback(() => {
  // on resize logic
}, []);

const { ref, width, height } = useResizeDetector({ onResize });


The below explanation doesn't apply to useResizeDetector

The library is trying to be smart and does not add any extra DOM elements to not break your layouts. That's why we use findDOMNode method to find and attach listeners to the existing DOM elements. Unfortunately, this method has been deprecated and throws a warning in StrictMode.

For those who want to avoid this warning, we are introducing an additional property - targetRef. You have to set this prop as a ref of your target DOM element and the library will use this reference instead of searching the DOM element with help of findDOMNode

import { withResizeDetector } from 'react-resize-detector';

const CustomComponent = ({ width, height, targetRef }) => <div ref={targetRef}>{`${width}x${height}`}</div>;

export default withResizeDetector(CustomComponent);
import ReactResizeDetector from 'react-resize-detector';

// ...

<ReactResizeDetector handleWidth handleHeight>
  {({ width, height, targetRef }) => <div ref={targetRef}>{`${width}x${height}`}</div>}


onResizeFuncFunction that will be invoked with width and height argumentsundefined
handleWidthBoolTrigger onResize on width changetrue
handleHeightBoolTrigger onResize on height changetrue
skipOnMountBoolDo not trigger onResize when a component mountsfalse
refreshModeStringPossible values: throttle and debounce See lodash docs for more information. undefined - callback will be fired for every frameundefined
refreshRateNumberUse this in conjunction with refreshMode. Important! It's a numeric prop so set it accordingly, e.g. refreshRate={500}1000
refreshOptionsObjectUse this in conjunction with refreshMode. An object in shape of { leading: bool, trailing: bool }. Please refer to lodash's docs for more infoundefined
observerOptionsObjectThese options will be used as a second parameter of resizeObserver.observe method.undefined
targetRefRefUse this prop to pass a reference to the element you want to attach resize handlers to. It must be an instance of React.useRef or React.createRef functionsundefined

Testing with Enzyme and Jest

Thanks to @Primajin for posting this snippet

const { ResizeObserver } = window;

beforeEach(() => {
  delete window.ResizeObserver;
  window.ResizeObserver = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({
    observe: jest.fn(),
    unobserve: jest.fn(),
    disconnect: jest.fn()

  wrapper = mount(<MyComponent />);

afterEach(() => {
  window.ResizeObserver = ResizeObserver;

it('should do my test', () => {
  // [...]




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