0.0.6 • Published 3 years ago

@snigo.dev/aliasmap v0.0.6

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3 years ago


Bi-directional map with support of aliases. Might be a good solution for indexing unique data and aimed for bidirectional constant time retrieval of map entries.


In the terminal:

$ npm install @snigo.dev/aliasmap

Then in the module:

import AliasMap from '@snigo.dev/aliasmap';

const aliasMap = new AliasMap();


The idea was originated while working on Color library. I needed to map color names to their hexadecimal values and Map() sounded like a correct choice for the job. However, later I also needed to map hexadecimal values back to the names, and in addition to linear complexity of this task, colors also have aliases, for example both “grey” and “gray” result in one value which make the opposite task “stateful”, because you will have to determine which one is a primary key and which one is alias. All these resulted in AliasMap class with constant time bi-directional retrieval.

const aliasMap = new AliasMap();
aliasMap.set('gray', '#808080', 'grey');

aliasMap.get('gray'); // { key: "gray", value: "#808080" }
aliasMap.getValue('grey'); // #808080
aliasMap.getKey('#808080'); // "gray"
aliasMap.getAliases('#808080'); // ["grey"]



new AliasMap([aliasMapDescriptor])

AliasMap constructor expects optional descriptor object with following optional keys:

KeyTypeDefault value
  • strict Indicates whether AliasMap instance will throw an error in the attempt to rewrite immutable data, such as primary key, value or alias. Defaults to true. If set to false, set method will silently ignore setting existing value instead of throwing an Error and no mutation will occure unless immutable flag is set to true.
const aliasMap = new AliasMap({ strict: false });

aliasMap.set('A', 'B', 'C');
aliasMap.set('D', 'E', 'B'); // No error thrown

aliasMap.has('D'); // false
aliasMap.size; // 1
  • immutable Indicates whether data in AliasMap can be rewrited. NOTE: Due to the coupled nature of keys, values and aliases, whole entries will be destroyed on the rewrite of primary key or value. Rewriting of alias will not destroy entry and will only delete this alias from the entry. Defaults to true.
const aliasMap = new AliasMap({ immutable: false });

aliasMap.set('A', 'B', 'C');

// Will destroy current entry as "B" is used as value
aliasMap.set('D', 'E', 'B');
aliasMap.has('D'); // true
aliasMap.has('A'); // false
aliasMap.size; // 1

// Will delete alias "B" associated with "D", without destroyng "D" entry
aliasMap.set('A', 'B', 'C');

aliasMap.size; // 2
aliasMap.hasAlias('D', 'B'); // false
aliasMap.getAliases('D'); // []



Returns size of connected entries made, where one entry is a primary key and value and all the aliases associated with the entry.

const aliasMap = new AliasMap();

const user = { userData: 'Might be stored here' };
aliasMap.set('primary.email@example.com', user, 'secondary.email@example.com');

aliasMap.size; // 1



Returns descriptor object of alias map.

const aliasMap = new AliasMap({ strict: false });
aliasMap.getOwnDescriptor(); // {strict: false, immutable: true}


Returns key-value entry for given item. Item could be a key, value or alias.

ParameterTypeDefault valueNotes
itemanyCould be key, value or alias
const chemicalElements = new AliasMap();
chemicalElements.set('Potassium', 'K', 'Kalium');

// => Entry { key: "Potassium", value: "K" }


Returns key for provided item. Item could be a key, value or any of aliases.

ParameterTypeDefault valueNotes
itemanyCould be key, value or alias
// Map country aliases to ISO alpha-2 code
const countries = new AliasMap();

countries.set('United Kingdom', 'gb');
countries.setAlias('gb', 'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland', 'UK', 'U.K.', 'Great Britain', 'Britain', 'GBR', 'England', 'Northern Ireland', 'Scotland', 'Wales');

countries.getKey('gb'); // "United Kingdom"
countries.getKey('Scotland'); // "United Kingdom"
countries.getKey('United Kingdom'); // "United Kingdom"
countries.getKey('USA'); // undefined


Returns value for provided item. Item could be a key, value or any of aliases.

ParameterTypeDefault valueNotes
itemanyCould be key, value or alias
const coolDevelopers = new AliasMap();

const snigo = {
  name: 'Igor',
  job: 'Web Developer',

coolDevelopers.set('@snigo', snigo);
coolDevelopers.setAlias('@snigo', 'https://snigo.dev', 'https://github.com/snigo');

coolDevelopers.getValue('@snigo'); // { name: 'Igor', job: 'Web Developer' }
coolDevelopers.getValue('https://snigo.dev'); // { name: 'Igor', job: 'Web Developer' }
coolDevelopers.getValue(snigo); // { name: 'Igor', job: 'Web Developer' }
coolDevelopers.getValue('@bladeRunner'); // undefined


Returns all aliases for the provided item. Items could be a key, value or any of aliases. Returns empty array if no aliases are set for provided item.

ParameterTypeDefault valueNotes
itemanyCould be key, value or alias
const marvelUniverse = new AliasMap();

const wolverineUrl = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolverine_(character)';
marvelUniverse.set('Wolverine', wolverineUrl);
marvelUniverse.setAlias('Wolverine', 'James Howlett', 'Logan', 'Weapon X');

marvelUniverse.getAliases('Wolverine'); // ['James Howlett', 'Logan', 'Weapon X']
marvelUniverse.getAliases('Logan'); // ['James Howlett', 'Logan', 'Weapon X']
marvelUniverse.getAliases(wolverineUrl); // ['James Howlett', 'Logan', 'Weapon X']

const blackPantherUrl = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Panther_(Marvel_Comics)';
marvelUniverse.set('Black Panther', blackPantherUrl);

marvelUniverse.getAliases('Black Panther'); // []


Returns a boolean indicating whether the provided item is in AliasMap.

ParameterTypeDefault valueNotes
itemanyCould be key, value or alias
const aliasMap = new AliasMap();

aliasMap.set('foo', 'bar', 'baz');

aliasMap.has('foo'); // true
aliasMap.has('moo'); // false
aliasMap.has('baz'); // true
aliasMap.has('fuzz'); // false


Returns boolean indicating whether the entry of provided item has provided alias.

ParameterTypeDefault valueNotes
itemanyCould be key, value or alias
const colors = new AliasMap();

colors.set('cyan', '#ffff00', 'aqua');

colors.hasAlias('cyan', 'aqua'); // true
colors.hasAlias('#ffff00', 'aqua'); // true
colors.hasAlias('#ffff00', 'cyan'); // false


Returns boolean indicating whether item is alias.

ParameterTypeDefault valueNotes
itemanyCould be key, value or alias
const names = new AliasMap();
const robDescriptor = {
  gender: 'male',
  nameDay: 'Sep 17',

names.set('Robert', robDescriptor, 'Rob', 'Bob', 'Robbie', 'Bobbie');

names.isAlias('Robert'); // false
names.isAlias('Rob'); // true
names.isAlias('Bobbie'); // true
names.isAlias('Robb'); // false


Adds key, value and optional aliases to AlaisMap. Conforms with alias map descriptor rules. By default doesn't let any value to mutate, unless immutable flag of descriptor is set to false.

ParameterTypeDefault valueNotes
...aliases...anyOptional list of aliases
const immutable = new AliasMap();

immutable.set('A', 'B', 'C'); // AliasMap{}
immutable.set('A', 'D', 'E'); // Error: "Cannot reassign immutable entry."
immutable.set('A', 'B', 'D'); // AliasMap{}
mutable.getAliases('A'); // ['C', 'D']

const mutable = new AliasMap({ immutable: false });

mutable.set('A', 'B', 'C'); // AliasMap{}
mutable.set('A', 'D', 'E'); // AliasMap{}
mutable.has('B'); // false
mutable.getValue('E'); // 'D'
mutable.getAliases('A'); // ['C', 'E']


Adds alias to the entry of provided item. Returns boolean indicating successful setting. Conforms to the immutability rule of descriptor in the same way .set() method does.

ParameterTypeDefault valueNotes
itemanyCould be key, value or alias
...aliases...anyList of aliases.
const aliasMap = new AliasMap();

aliasMap.set('A', 'B');
aliasMap.setAlias('A', 'C', 'D'); // true
aliasMap.getAliases('B'); // ['C', 'D']


Sets new descriptor rules for the alias map.

ParameterTypeDefault valueNotes
const aliasMap = new AliasMap();

aliasMap.getOwnDescriptor(); // {strict: true, immutable: true}
aliasMap.setOwnDescriptor({ strict: false });
aliasMap.getOwnDescriptor(); // {strict: false, immutable: true}


Removes entry by provided item, where entry is a primary key, value and all the aliases associated with the key. Returns true if deletion was successful, otherwise - false.

ParameterTypeDefault valueNotes
itemanyCould be key, value or alias
const marvelUniverse = new AliasMap();

const ironManUrl = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Man';
marvelUniverse.set('Iron Man', ironManUrl);
marvelUniverse.setAlias('Iron Man', 'Anthony Edward Stark', 'Tony Stark');

marvelUniverse.size; // 1

marvelUniverse.delete('Anthony Edward Stark'); // true

marvelUniverse.size; // 0


Removes alias from provided item. Returns true if deletion was successful, otherwise - false.

ParameterTypeDefault valueNotes
itemanyEither key, value or alias
aliasanyAlias to be removed
const marvelUniverse = new AliasMap();

const ironManUrl = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Man';
marvelUniverse.set('Iron Man', ironManUrl);
marvelUniverse.setAlias('Iron Man', 'Anthony Edward Stark', 'Tony Stark');

marvelUniverse.deleteAlias('Iron Man', 'Anthony Edward Stark'); // true

marvelUniverse.getAliases(ironManUrl); // ['Tony Stark']


Clears AliasMap by removing all items. Returns undefined.

const marvelUniverse = new AliasMap();

const ironManUrl = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Man';
marvelUniverse.set('Iron Man', ironManUrl);
marvelUniverse.setAlias('Iron Man', 'Anthony Edward Stark', 'Tony Stark');


marvelUniverse.size; // 0


Returns array of alias map entry objects.

const marvelUniverse = new AliasMap();

const ironManUrl = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Man';
marvelUniverse.set('Iron Man', ironManUrl);
marvelUniverse.setAlias('Iron Man', 'Anthony Edward Stark', 'Tony Stark');

marvelUniverse.size; // 1
marvelUniverse.entries(); // [Entry{ key: "Iron Man", value: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Man" }]

*NOTE: Same could be achieved by spreading alias map instance: [...marvelUniverse]


Returns array of alias map primary keys.

const marvelUniverse = new AliasMap();

const ironManUrl = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Man';
marvelUniverse.set('Iron Man', ironManUrl);
marvelUniverse.setAlias('Iron Man', 'Anthony Edward Stark', 'Tony Stark');

const wolverineUrl = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolverine_(character)';
marvelUniverse.set('Wolverine', wolverineUrl);
marvelUniverse.setAlias('Wolverine', 'James Howlett', 'Logan', 'Weapon X');

marvelUniverse.entryCount; // 2
marvelUniverse.keys(); // ["Iron Man", "Wolverine"]


Returns array of alias map values.

const swatch = new AliasMap();

swatch.set('gray', '#808080', 'grey');
swatch.set('pink', '#FFC0CB');

swatch.entryCount; // 2
swatch.values(); // ["#808080", "#FFC0CB"]


Executes provided function on every entry of alias map. Whole entry, index of entry and array of all entries will be passed to callback function, similarly to Array.prototype.forEach.

ParameterTypeDefault valueNotes
fnFunctionFunction to be executed on every entry
thisArgObjectValue to use as this when executing fn.
const swatch = new AliasMap();

swatch.set('gray', '#808080', 'grey');
swatch.set('pink', '#FFC0CB');

swatch.forEach((entry) => {
  console.log(`Color ${entry.key}.`)
// Logs:
// "Color gray."
// "Color pink."

*NOTE: for-of loop can be aplied to alias map instance too:

const swatch = new AliasMap();

swatch.set('gray', '#808080', 'grey');
swatch.set('pink', '#FFC0CB');

for (const entry of swatch) {
  console.log(`Color ${entry.key}.`);
// Logs:
// "Color gray."
// "Color pink."

Usage with TypeScript

You can provide generic types for keys, values and optionally for aliases:

const commands = new AliasMap<string, Function, string>('install', installFn, 'i');

If no type provided for aliases, it will be defaulted to type of the keys:

const commands = new AliasMap<string, Function>('install', installFn, 'i');
commands.setAlias('i', true); // => TS Error

The entries of alias map will inherit types for keys and values.


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago