0.0.21 • Published 2 years ago

@snorreeb/plugin-sdk v0.0.21

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Last release
2 years ago


NOTE: This is Sanity v3 work in progress!

An opinionated, enhanced Sanity.io plugin development experience.


npm install --save-dev @snorreeb/plugin-sdk


yar add -dev @snorreeb/plugin-sdk

Basic usage

Upgrade help for v2 -> v3

Install this package as a dev dependency.


  • The project is already configured to use eslint; it has a eslint-config that works.

To check if a plugin is v3 compatible run

npx sanity-plugin upgrade-help

This will list things that will have to be fixed to port a v2 plugin to v3.

Use in Sanity studio

npx sanity-plugin upgrade-help --studio

Fail fast mode

npx sanity-plugin upgrade-help --single

This will only output the first validation that fails. Useful when working through the list of issues by fixing and rerunning the command.

Opinionated build

Add the following to your plugin package.json script section:

  "build": "sanity-plugin build",
  "watch": "sanity-plugin watch",
  "link-watch": "sanity-plugin link-watch",
  "prepublishOnly": "npm run build"


npm run build

This will build a version of the package and verify that the output complies with the module configuration in package.json.

Plugin testing

In one terminal, run:

npm run link-watch

This will publish the plugin to a local yalc registry.

In another terminal, in your test Sanity Studio run:

npx yalc add --link && yarn install

You can now change your plugin code, which will:

  1. Trigger a rebuild using your watch task, which will
  2. Update the files in the plugin output directory, which will
  3. Trigger a yalc publish --push, which will
  4. Update the files in your Sanity Studio, wich will
  5. Trigger hot reload and you should see the plugin changes in the Studio

Advanced configuration

Provide a sanityPlugin config in package.json (defaults shown):

  "sanityPlugin": {
    "buildCommand": "microbundle --format modern,esm,cjs --jsx React.createElement --jsxImportSource react --css inline",
    "watchCommand": "microbundle watch --format modern,esm,cjs --jsx React.createElement --jsxImportSource react --css inline",
    "watch": {
      "folder": "lib",
      "command": "npm run watch",
      "extensions": "js,png,svg,gif,jpeg,css"
  "upgradeHelp": {
    "module": true,
    "tsconfig": true,
    "dependencies": true,
    "rollupConfig": true,
    "babelConfig": true,
    "sanityJson": true,
    "eslintImports": true

Why use yalc

npm link & yarn link unfortunately can easily break the rules of hooks due to the way packages are resolved using symlinks.

Yalc bypass this problem as it more closely resembles installing a dependency as normal.



  • Bootstrap new plugins with (opinionated) tooling:
  • Verifies plugin conventions before publishing:
    • No unused dependencies
    • No undeclared dependencies
    • Referenced files exist, has correct casing and is publishable
    • Has an SPDX compatible license definition
    • Has a valid plugin config, if present
    • react/react-dom declared as peer dependencies, if used
    • ... and more ...
  • Compiles plugin source code using Babel

Quick start

# Initialize a new plugin (outside of your Sanity studio folder)
npx sanipack init sanity-plugin-spotify

# Make your plugin linkable, and compile an initial version
cd sanity-plugin-spotify
npm link
npm run build

# Link the plugin to your Sanity studio and start it
cd /path/to/my-studio
npm link sanity-plugin-spotify
sanity start

# In another terminal, start a watch task for your plugin
cd /path/to/sanity-plugin-spotify
npm run watch


Enhanced Sanity.io plugin development experience

  $ sanipack [--help] [--debug] <command> [<args>]

  These are common commands used in various situations:

    build    Compile a Sanity plugin (prior to publishing)
    init     Create a new Sanity plugin
    splat    Inject sanipack into an existing Sanity plugin
    verify   Verify a Sanity plugin prior to publishing
    version  Show the version of sanipack currently installed

    --silent      Do not print info and warning messages
    --verbose     Log everything. This option conflicts with --silent
    --debug       Print stack trace on errors
    --version     Output the version number
    --help        Output usage information

    # Build a Sanity plugin for publishing
    $ sanipack build

    # Verify that a Sanity plugin is ready to be published
    # (great for pre-publish step!)
    $ sanipack verify

Use the --help flag on each command for more information on their usage, eg sanipack build --help.

Publishing a plugin

Note: If you're writing a plugin that is only useful for yourself or your company, you might want to either put the plugin inside of the plugins folder of your Sanity studio (saves you from having to publish at all), or if shared across multiple "private" studios: register an organization on npm and make sure your module is prefixed with the organization scope, eg @your-company/plugin-name.

Also; you cannot easily remove modules/versions from npm once published. Take a good look at your package.json to see that the fields in there makes sense to you, and make sure there are no "secrets" (authorization tokens, API keys or similar) in the plugin directory - anything not listed in .npmignore will be part of the published module.

When you're ready to publish, run npm publish (or yarn publish if you prefer). The prepublishOnly task should kick in and compile the source files, then verify the built output to ensure it looks good.

If you have not published any modules to npm before, you will be asked to create a user first.


Q: Do I have to use this for developing Sanity plugins?

A: Absolutely not! Make sure your Sanity plugin is ES5-compatible and that your sanity.json file and any references parts refer to the right directories, and you're good to go. This package was created to make it easier to set up the build toolchain and prevent common mistakes. If you know what you're doing and don't like any magic, roll your own thing! :)


MIT © Espen Hovlandsdal