0.0.101 • Published 2 years ago

@solid-primitives/reducer v0.0.101

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Provides a createReducer primitive for updating state in a predictable way. SolidJS equivalent of React's useReducer.


npm install @solid-primitives/reducer
# or
yarn add @solid-primitives/reducer

When to use it

createReducer is useful for:

  1. DRY the code of the sets of a signal
  2. Ensure the signal is always in a valid state
  3. Make it easier to understand for what a signal is used

How to use it

const [accessor, dispatch] = createReducer<State>(
  dispatcher: (state: State, ...args) => State,
  initialState: State

dispatcher is the reducer, it's 1st parameter always is the current state of the reducer and it returns the new state of the reducer.

accessor can be used as you use a normal signal: accessor(). It contains the state of the reducer.

dispatch is the action of the reducer, it is a sort of setSignal that does NOT receive the new state, but instructions to create it from the current state.

For example:

function Counter() {
  const [count, double] = createReducer(c => c * 2, 1);

  return <button onClick={double}>{count()}</button>;

The reducer also can receive other arguments:

const dispatcher = (c: number, type: "double" | "increment") => {
  if (type == "double") {
    return c * 2;
  } else {
    return c + 1;

function Counter() {
  const [count, handleClick] = createReducer(dispatcher, 1);

  return (

      <button onClick={() => handleClick("double")}>Double</button>
      <button onClick={() => handleClick("increment")}>Increment</button>

React allows a 3rd argument:

const fib = (n: number) => (n < 2 ? n : fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2));
const nextFib = (n: number) => Math.round((n * (1 + sqrt(5))) / 2);

const [fibonacci, nextFibonacci] = useReducer(nextFib, 1, fib);

You need to convert that to the following format:

const [fibonacci, nextFibonacci] = createReducer(nextFib, fib(1));


