@solidlab/sdx-sdk v1.0.0-beta.5
Solid Development eXperience (SDX) SDK
This library is meant to facilitate easy development of Solid applications. The library will translate Solid data types (written in SHACL) in to a local GraphQL Schema.
This enables a couple of features:
- The generated schema can be used by any of your favorite GraphQL IDE plugins.
- You can write your own GraphQL queries with plugin support.
- A fully typed SolidClient will be generated from your queries to use in you application
npm install @solidlab/sdx-sdk @solidlab/sdx
# !! Demo only right now !!
docker run --name css -p 3000:3000 -d tdupont/css # spin up docker container with demo data
npx sdx demo install contact # installs SHACL from the pod
This triggers the following steps:
* Once the SHACL is downloaded, it is put in the `/src/.sdx-gen/shacl` folder.
* The GraphQL schema will be generated and written to `/src/.sdx-gen/graphql/schema.graphqls`.
* You can write queries and mutations in your `/src/gql` folder.
* This the queries and schema will be used to generate the `/src/sdx-gen/sdk.generated.ts` file.
* To create a SolidClient, import this file in your code.
Queries example
query listContacts {
contactCollection {
query getContact($id: String!) {
contact(id: $id) {
address {
mutation createContact($id: ID, $givenName: String!, $familyName: String!) {
createContact(input: {id: $id, givenName: $givenName, familyName: $familyName}) {
import { SolidLDPBackend, SolidLDPContext } from '@solidlab/sdx-sdk';
import { Contact, getSolidClient, Sdk } from 'src/.sdx-gen/sdk.generated';
// Create a backend that statically resolves to one (Pod) URI.
const defaultContext = new SolidLDPContext('http://localhost:3000/complex.ttl');
const backend = new SolidLDPBackend({ defaultContext });
// Create the client with fully types support
const client = getSolidClient(backend.requester);
// Use the client to read
const contacts = (await client.listContacts()).data;
contacts.forEach({givenName, familyName} => console.log(`${givenName} ${familyName}`));
const contact = (await client.getContact('http://example.org/cont/tdupont')).data;
console.log(`${contact.givenName} ${contact.familyName}`);
// Use the client to write
await client.createContact({
id: 'http://example.org/cont/jdoe',
givenName: 'John',
familyName: 'Doe'
For now results of the generated SolidClient API are wrapped in an ExecutionResult envelope containing an error
and a data
key. There is however an option to bypass the ExecutionResult envelope and either return the data
contents directly or the error
content directly (if an error occurred).
Container vs Document
There is preliminary support for two storage approaches:
- Document All data is stored in one document.
- Container A parent contains an index to the children documents, in which the child data is stored.
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